It will be chaos.

My well of empathy for the residents of that city is dry.

Whatever happens next, fuck ’em.

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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “NYC made their bed, I hope they get a good night’s rest in it.”
  1. Now they have the opportunity to spend millions of dollars in ‘research’ grants to discover why crime and fires increased. Because obviously it can’t be the fault of mandates. Will probably get blamed on Trump and white supremacists.

  2. Fuck them. They made there choice.

    Lets the Cartels, Gangs and Bikers have there way with them.

    3 parties that havent been addressed as per the coming party.

  3. The only sympathy I have is for the people who live there and steadfastly voted against those in power now. They’re not getting what they voted for.

    For those who voted for the Dems, however…

    1. I don’t. Their very presence contributes to the dems power by feeding the tax base and increasing the population to swing more congressional representatives that are dems. I feel bad for Chinese peasants who don’t have a choice. Anyone in NY has a choice to stay or get out.

  4. Would be a bit of shame if Gracie Mansion caught fire and there were not enough resources to put it out.

  5. I keep seeing that 26 fire stations are shut down. Does anyone know how many there are?

    If it’s 26 out of 260, they can work around that. If it’s 26 out of 52, not so much.

    1. There are currently six different types of fire companies in the New York Fire Department, which all operate distinct types of apparatus: 197 engine companies, 143 ladder (or truck) companies, 5 rescue companies, 8 squad companies, 3 marine (or fireboat) companies, and the hazardous materials (hazmat) company

  6. Sooner or later, NYC PTB will (sort of) come to their senses.

    And desire to (re) hire docs, nurses, cops, firefighters, medics, garbagemen, etcetera.

    All of whom,. I pray, will have relocated to BFE, Florida, or Mooserump, Idaho.

    And, play the Calliope of The Finger when asked to return.

    (you know: Upraised fist, fingers curled toward the performer. Mime a rotary motion adjacent to the little finger, humming the “Pop Goes The Weasel” song, and then, “POP!” up comes the Brandon Finger!)

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