New York City is a God damned shit-hole run by the most evil and incompetent human beings to ever have American citizenship.

From ABC7 New York:

Coronavirus News: 26-year-old woman dies giving birth during peak of COVID-19 pandemic

A family is heartbroken after a 26-year-old woman died during childbirth at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City.

Bruce McIntyre is a new father who should be celebrating the birth of his son.

Instead, McIntyre is drowning in sorrow after the mother of his son, 26-year-old Amber Isaac, died during childbirth.

That I’d heartbreaking.  Especially because maternal mortality in the US is so low.

The reason she dies is even more heartbreaking.

Her family says Isaac’s platelet levels had been falling since February, but she couldn’t see a doctor in person even though she was seven-months-pregnant because of the pandemic.

Isaac’s family says by mid-April, her condition worsened and she was finally admitted at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx.

Three days later, her family says doctors induced labor after learning that day she had developed HELLP syndrome.

She died during the procedure.

A woman suffering from pre-eclampsia is very high risk and should be under the watchful eye of a qualified obstetrician.

She wasn’t.

She sent her final tweet that day saying that she couldn’t wait to tell everyone about her experience dealing with incompetent doctors at Montefiore.

This woman was given no early treatment and poor care in the hospital because NYC prioritized COVID patients so much that a young woman with a life threatening pregnancy related condition was treated like garbage.

This death was most likely avoidable, had NYC cared about saving the lives of people not affected with COVID who were at risk of dying of something else.

So far, what we know is that NYC murdered the elderly with COVID and young people without COVID.

I have a feeling we’re going to find out that the situation there was even worse than this because of Cuomo and de Blasio.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “NYC murders new mother because of COVID”
  1. The leadership in NYC has been horrendous and quite likely criminal. The fact that the entire state of Florida has had only a fraction of the fatalities that NYC has experienced is seriously damning. They’ve been so worried about trying to make Trump look bad and cover their own mistakes they’re literally sacrificing their own citizens for the cause.
    They didn’t even start sanitizing the subway until weeks into the crisis for crying out load.

  2. If a vengeful family member of those who died due to neglect and incompetence of the Mayer or Governor Went on a rampage do you think the deaths would be counted amongst the COVID talley? Some how i think so.

  3. That is perhaps the most tragic thing I have heard in days.

    Seriously, the Mayor should personally be sued into bankruptcy over his orders throughout the crisis. Toss in the Governor as well. Their edicts are not about saving lives, they are about measuring a particular body part. And, their laser like focus on the virus is likely causing more deaths than the virus itself would have.

    I have a bad feeling that we are going to hear more and more about these deaths as we move out of this panicdemic. I am terrified to see what the cost in lives is in order to stop the spread of a virus.

  4. Gawd, it’s SO friggin’ embarrassing to be from Brooklyn these days.
    OK. This is just another “late term abortion” to those scumbags in NYC. They don’t care.

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