NEW YORK, May 15, 2021 – NYC Pride announces new policies to address the presence of law enforcement and NYPD at Pride events in New York. NYC Pride seeks to create safer spaces for the LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC communities at a time when violence against marginalized groups, specifically BIPOC and trans communities, has continued to escalate.
The sense of safety that law enforcement is meant to provide can instead be threatening, and at times dangerous, to those in our community who are most often targeted with excessive force and/or without reason. NYC Pride is unwilling to contribute in any way to creating an atmosphere of fear or harm for members of the community. The steps being taken by the organization challenge law enforcement to acknowledge their harm and to correct course moving forward, in hopes of making an impactful change.
Effective immediately, NYC Pride will ban corrections and law enforcement exhibitors at NYC Pride events until 2025. At that time their participation will be reviewed by the Community Relations and Diversity, Accessibility, and Inclusion.

NYC Pride announces new policies to address police presence

And what are they going to do for security?

NYPD is not required to lead first response and security at NYC Pride events. All aspects of first response and security that can be reallocated to trained private security, community leaders, and volunteers will be reviewed.

So they will probably be using former cops and military unless they actually go out of their way and specify people with zero background in law enforcement.  But there is more:

An increased budget for security and first response will allow NYC Pride to independently build a first response emergency plan using private security and provide safety volunteers with de-escalation training for first response when necessary.

They do not have anything established other than a thought, a wish and the need to virtue signaling BLM wokeness. So what is the answer?

NYPD will provide first response and security only when absolutely necessary as mandated by city officials. In these instances, NYC Pride will review foreseeable NYPD involvement and, in partnership with surrounding venue precincts, take steps to keep police officers at least one city block away from event perimeter areas where possible.

So they understand that shit may happen that average Rent-A-Cop cannot deal with and neither will the volunteers or community leaders so they need cops after all. But they don’t want to ruin the good “looks” of the parade, so they want them hidden away like the ugly lover that nobody wants to be seen with, but it is the one with the car and the cash to go party.

The sad part? This will be done because it is the Liberal thing to do by DeBlasio and he will order it so. .




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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “NYC Pride bans police from participating in parade… but not quite”
  1. Wait til they get an ass whippin and start cryin for the cops…. same-same- f@&$ the police!! Hey, stop hitting me! Call the cops! Be nice if ALL NYPD had something else to do when the call comes in.

  2. They will not hire former cops and military. Antifa is already providing “security” for Leftist events. What will happen is Antifa will start to get licenses from like minded politicians and become actual “security guards” giving them legal protection and authority (as much as private security has it). Then venues will be strong armed into hiring Antifa security as a revenue generation tool. The Hill Angels used to do this. Just look up Altamont Free Concert. The Black Panthers did it as well.

  3. Not a moment’s thought before acting. No analysis, just police are scary, so ban them.

    Yet, how many attacks on the LGBTQWERTY+ community are police versus others? I am going to assume the number of police that harm the PRIDE crowd are an infinitesimal percentage of the actual attacks.

    The logic of banning the police, and doing so publicly is asinine. It telegraphs their lack of security to anyone interested in harming participants in the parade. Because their members read some scary headlines, and cannot be bothered to ask questions, this PRIDE event has officially opened themselves up to attack.

    And, as noted above. If someone is attacked during this event, the police will be at fault.

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