I have heard about these toys before, but I had to find a video of them in action.
Jesus Wept! I would be ashamed of being paraded in social media as the cop who stole this toy from a kid or teen or even an adult. The comments are rightfully indignant.
Town I used to live in had an issue w/ a couple kids going around and shooting windows w/ bb guns. So they wrote an ordinance banning ‘discharge of projectile devices’ that was so badly written it included nerf guns and bow and arrow suction darts.
And teenage boys.
I wonder what hardened criminals they took that from…. I can see it now- they bust in the office…”You mnfers get out the money!!.. & everyone in the office starts laughin….”hey Tony, was you scared??”
OK, I want a Orbeez gatling gun…
Seriously, if there is a reason to confiscate it, great, confiscate.
But, posting on social media? The person responsible for doing that should be put on unpaid leave for a decade.
Added bonus.
Poor trigger discipline. Finger inside trigger guard while gun is not pointed in safe direction.