RogerG sent me his thoughts on the Boulder shooting:

Colorado has Red Flag laws.
Colorado has universal BG checks. Colorado has a “passing” gun control grade from gun control groups.
Colorado bans “high cap” magazines. Kroger chains are “gun free zones.” Boulder has carry bans.

And don’t you dare spew your hate by pointing out the asshole shooter Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa was a Trump & Republican Hating, ISIS loving bastard. Hell, he is more acceptable to the Left than your White-(Insert denomination) self!

He killed 10 people, you have killed none, but you are the one deserving to go to “re-education” camps or simply be executed for political heresy.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Obvious points are obvious but all but the fanatical and uninformed”
  1. As I have said before: anyone who is not willing to pass laws targeting lawbreakers, rather than law-abiding citizens, is fundamentally unserious about the problem and is most likely up to shenanigans of the cruel and tragic variety.

  2. Gun control laws are simple.

    You, a law abiding and responsible person,
    who owns and uses a legally obtained item in a law abiding and responsible manner,
    shall be disbarred use of that item because someone you have never met,
    and who likely lives several time zones away,
    might use a similar item in an illegal manner.

    See, the logic is solid, and without any possible arguments against.

    1. That’s the optimistic view, which depicts the politicians in question as merely severely misguided.
      The pessimistic view is that their aim is to disarm honest citizens so (a) they will be unable to defend themselves from their allies the criminals, and (b) so they will be able to do things to us that they can’t do so long as we remain armed.

      Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (C-RI) illustrates this point. He bludgeoned the Supreme Court into dropping the gun rights case against NYC, threatening them with consequences for voting the wrong way. More recently, he’s been demanding public disclosure of the backers of court petitions (“amicus briefs”) so they can be doxxed and attacked by his Antifa friends. Given his goals, wanting honest people disarmed makes perfect sense.

  3. It isn’t so much that I expect criminals to break the rules; it’s the idea that they think they can outlaw guns incrementally. They labeled the AR-15 an “assault weapon” and took it from there. Magazine Size does not matter as magazines are designed to be swapped in a hurry. How are you going to get the Crips and the Bloods to go along with this nifty idea?
    It’s a “feel good” on paper idea, but we all know it’s impractical. These are the same idiots who want to force people to put their guns in a locked safe, or take your shotgun and shoot it into the air to scare off the intruder. Yeah, sure.

    1. It’s not so much a “feel good on paper” idea, it’s a “we can BS the ignorant masses with this scam” idea. I’m at this point convinced the politicians pushing these ideas know full well what they are doing — the forcible disarmament of honest citizens to leave them defenseless against criminals and politicians. But they carefully wrap these criminal ideas into slick wrappers and slick PR campaigns designed to mislead ordinary people who don’t yet know better.

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