A man who kidnapped, murdered, and dismembered a woman named Ingrid Lyne in Renton, Washington, a suburb near Seattle, has been identified as John Robert Charlton.  Parts of Lyne’s body was found in recycling bins in Seattle.

In 2006, Carlton had a restraining order placed against him by his parents due to a history of drug use, threats, and violence.  He also served 21 months for robbery and carjacking.  As such, he was prohibited from owning a gun.  The cause of death has not been released, but none of the news sources I’ve read said that she was shot.  So I believe that it is safe to assume she did not die from gun violence.  So I doubt that you will hear a peep out of Everytown or MDA, despite the horrific nature of this crime.  You don’t have to pass a background check to buy a pruning saw.

Charlton has a reputation of being “a mean drunk” and “not a normal person.”  I believe that last sentiment is obvious.  Anybody from the Pacific Northwest knows that human remains are not recyclable.  Dismembered bodies are compostable.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Odd Duck”
  1. She should have been carrying the restraining order on her. A restraining order left in the safe does you no good. /sarc off

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