From The Hill:

Ocasio-Cortez defends medic in New York Post story who joined OnlyFans to ‘make ends meet’

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) slammed the New York Post for a controversial article it published about a paramedic in New York City that said she had joined the OnlyFans website to “make ends meet.”

In a tweet responding to the publication’s post about the article, titled “NYC medic helped ‘make ends meet’ with racy OnlyFans side gig,” over the weekend, Ocasio-Cortez pushed back, defending the woman over some of the criticism she received over the side job.

“Leave her alone. The actual scandalous headline here is ‘Medics in the United States need two jobs to survive,'” Ocasio-Cortez said in the tweet defending the woman.

The Post also reported that Kwei, who told the paper she earns $25 per hour as a paramedic, also worked as a restaurant hostess to help bring in more money.

A wage of $25/hour is a $52,000 salary at full time.

The first question a rational human being should ask is “why can’t someone making $52,000 not make ends meet in NYC?”

$25/hr makes you a homeowner in Alabama.

The problem isn’t the wage, it’s the taxes and cost if living in NYC.

Then there is the issue of a Canon of ethics.  Much like dancing nurses on TikTok, it subverts the respectability of the profession.

Lastly, and this is the part I keep hammering home:

This is a very short sighted and self-destructive way to make ends meet.

Say this girl decides she wants to marry and have kids.  How much more difficult will it be when she has to confess “I have a few thousand guys that pay to watch me perform sex acts online.”

What are the long term ramifications?

What about future career plans?

This communicates that sex is transactional for her.  This sucks all the emotional intimacy out of it.

I can’t think of anything more corrosive to the relationship between the genders than make all sex a meaningless digital exchange.  That is like something put of Brave New World.

Not to mention the hypocrisy of feminists.

“Don’t objectif women, they are not sex objects to be bought and paid for.”


“It’s empowering for women to make money selling their bodies online as sex objects to men.”

Of all the things that happened during the pandemic, normalizing a digital peep show as an acceptable side gig may be the worst.

And one more thing.  If the algorithm is  going to drop a headline on me that contains the words “AOC” and “OnlyFans” don’t disappoint me like that.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

13 thoughts on “Of course she missed the important point”
  1. “And one more thing. If the algorithm is going to drop a headline on me that contains the words “AOC” and “OnlyFans” don’t disappoint me like that.”

    I’m sending you the bill for the brain bleach and the Pepto….

  2. AholeC is just another one in a long line of idiots that think someone else is responsible for ensuring you get a living wage.

    And, of course, the solution when someone cannot live on $$$$ a year is to force employers to pay more. It is never to reduce taxes or encourage upward mobility through experience. It is always government intervention that ends up… wait for it…. increasing the cost of living, making even more people take on second/third jobs.

    As to the personal choice of how to make ends meet, the only real complaint I have is don’t complain about being on OnlyFans because you CHOSE to be on OnlyFans. There are other ways to make money, chose something different. No one is forcing you to get naked on line for strangers. You chose to do that. If you do not like it, don’t do it.

  3. “52k makes you a homeowner in Alabama.” I read maybe 15 years ago that the average income in Manhattan was 199 Gs. I don’t necessarily believe it, but the cost of living is ungodly. My wife is a fan of HGTV, and I’ve seen condos the size of a four-car garage in Brooklyn (but with a view of Manhattan, which apparently is important) go for over a million bucks. In contrast, I’ve seen small, 2-bedroom homes inside the city of Atlanta go for 70 Gs.Some Manhattanites pay more than that for a private parking space. Location, etc.

    1. Yes, at one point the average Manhattan income was in the $200K a year range.

      Remember, your average Wall Street broker makes a TON of money and that skews the overall “average”. The median income is and always has been a lot lower.

      The cost of living though, is astronomical. I know folks that have paid an laughable amount of money for a 700sf co-op with a view of a brick wall across the alley. Hundreds of cities across the nation where you can get a four bedroom on a half acre for less. But, hey! NYC! The restaurants (you cannot afford to go to), Broadway shows (you cannot get tickets for), and nightlife.

      1. I guess that I’m just not a city person. That crowded hubbub has almost zero appeal to me.

        At my age, I _never_ wake up at 2:30 AM and _need_ to get Chinese food or pizza! 8>)

    2. Old 1811, don’t get me started on HGTV. That shit is just socially acceptable PornHub for suburbanites.

      I lost my shit one time when I saw an episode with two “newlywed”/“recently graduated engineers” looking for their first house together. Their budget for that “starter house”, 11-12 years ago, was over double that for that I bought with my wife around 2015 after being an engineer for almost a damn decade!

      The only reason I see that crap now is because my wife insists on watching it. If I was a cable executive, I’d offer a “secret menu” cable package that offers all the normal mental chewing gun channels but conveniently excludes HGTV and Hallmark channel. [/rant]

      Carry on with y’all’s rants about AOC.

      1. There have been several “exposes” that it’s fake. A guy who was doing work on our house had some interaction with them in a neighboring town, and let’s just say what they showed on TV isn’t exactly what happened. But the prices of the properties shown are in line with reality, which was my point.
        My wife just watches it for decorating ideas (in other words, reasons to drag me to the store and up on ladders), so there’s not a lot of harm done, except to my beer budget.

  4. “And one more thing. If the algorithm is going to drop a headline on me that contains the words “AOC” and “OnlyFans” don’t disappoint me like that.”

    J, you’re a p. i. g. pig. 8>) (Hee, hee, hee.)

  5. The line that comes to me is “Her father must be so proud”.

    I told my two that this stuff is forever, and bet that if they have kids, the kids friends will find it. Hell, it used to happen back in the day with playboy. A neighborhood kid’s mom was in it.

    If she has kids at all. This sort of stuff slides them down the SSH until they smash into the wall.

    If a girlfriend showed me that, I’d be titillated. But at that point, anything more serious than casual sex would be off the table.

    1. Thats my point exactly. Casual (non-emotionally intimate) sex us the only option. Not just do I not see a normal relationship possible for most of these girls later on because of this baggage, but it will affect them emotionally where they are desensitized to intimacy in sex because they are used to it being transactional.

      They will end up alone or with cats and with no income once they are no longer the prime age for being porn stars.

      Who wants to hire the girl in her mid 30s with a 10 year work history of OnlyFans to be a receptionist. Let alone whatever professional education they might have.

      1. Philosophizing about intimacy and suchlike aside, she’d probably be a lot of fun.
        You should always see the glass as half full.

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