First a warning: This blog is Alternative Media and thus considered by the Department of Homeland Security as part of Domestic Terrorism. If you value your life and do not want to be harassed by the Feds, please leave immediately.
The latest idiocy/insanity/prejudice coming out of DHS is the Domestic Extremism Lexicon. I read through it and according to Ms. Napolitano’s Boys and Girls if you happen to have a blog, are into guns and “oppose most federal and state laws, regulations, and authority (particularly firearms laws and regulations)“, are opposed to illegal immigration, your “beliefs to those commonly associated with the American Revolution” and God Forbid you happen to believe in “the original 10 amendments (Bill of Rights) to the U.S. Constitution” you are a 100% unrepentant Domestic Terrorist. And if you believe that Taxes are too high and contrary to what Our Country stands for, you will probably will be shot on sight.
I hate dwelling on politics. The original intention of this blog was on the right of self defense and the elimination of Gun Free Zones where criminals and lunatics are given government-sponsored killing spreads to do their malevolent chores. But what’s coming out of Washington is downright scary and even more malevolent plus I seen it before and we are in for and it will not be pretty.
Demonizing of your enemies is and old trick. Make them look less than human, threatening to your peace and well being, associate them with known bad guys and soon enough you will have the popular support to restrict them. Bunching up Tea Party protesters with the Suicide Bombers, Sleeper Cells and Eco Terrorists is a stroke of genius if the message is taken without proper perspective or counterpoint. Mainstream Media, legs still tingling will eat and regurgitate such idiotic report without even considering its veracity or even if it has an inkling of common sense. You as a law abiding gun owner who has never committed a crime, never plotted against the government, never bombed a federal building or sent money to overseas to Hamas will suddenly be thrown in with the likes of Abu Nidal, Timothy McVeigh, Mohammed Atta and Jeff Luers. However if you are lucky, you might be associated with William Ayres and be not only spared of further inquiry but probably get a high level job in this administration.
It seems to me that Ms. Napolitano et all are not quite aware of the hornet’s nest they stirred with their stupid memos. The Internet (A.K.A. Alternative Media) has thrown off the delicate balance of a controlled Media and it is more difficult nowadays to sell bullshit unadulterated and unchallenged. Add to that that if weapons and ammunitions sales to people on all sides of the political spectrum are any indication, the level of trust that the average citizen has about this administration’s respect for the Constitution, they have (or eventually will) to realize that they are up to an enormous task tgrying to sell the idea that we are a threat to National Security. But you must see thier point of view to understand ther pitiful thought process. It is quite simple yet scary, herte it goes.
They are the Government and thus they are the Nation.
That’s it, simple & succinct. In the best tradition of the Banana Republics, the People of the United States did not elect a representative government but an all powerful, shut-the-hell-up, do-what-I-tell-you democratic dictatorship. The individual is expendable against the great scheme of the The Nation/Government. The individual is expendable, bendable and to be shaped into whatever is needed to create the Walden Two of their dreams. Opposing views will not be tolerated no matter how peaceful and respectful they are or how law abiding the counterparts can be because with a scribble of the pen they can become malum prohibitum and their rights as Citizens terminated.
The problem for this Administration resides that we are not a Banana Republic and we are Citizens aware of our rights and willing to vote them out of office. The question for them is to figure out what kind of ballot will be used and I think they may not like any of the answers.