By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Oh I wish they do this… The Legal Aid Society demand NYPD to cease arrests because of Wuhan virus Pandemic”
  1. No concern at all for the victims or society at large. No wonder they want all of their serfs disarmed.

  2. I could see a case for releasing people currently being held in pretrial detention for minor non-violent offenses. New York’s jails are notoriously overcrowded and that’s a recipe for trouble during a pandemic… So, yeah, let the drunk-in-public and busking-without-a-license guys go home and reschedule their arraignments for August.

    That seems prudent. It ain’t ideal, but it’s the kind of compromise a society makes to get through a crisis.

    But a full-blown moratorium on arrests!?

    That’s just insane.

    1. Insane was bail reform and decriminalizing quality of life crimes. They did was your suggested already. This is complete and utter bat shit.

      1. I’m not saying it should be done permanently… But, of course, there is nothing in this universe quite as permanent as a “temporary” or “emergency” act of government.

        I wash my hands of New York City and it’s crazy political nonsense… and I say this as someone who lives in Portland!

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