By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “Oh look, a Leftist trying to dunk on Trump by saying nice things about Hitler”
    1. Remember that he’s using the word “racism” as a synonym for “refusal to piss all over the Constitution in standard left-wing fashion”.

  1. To be fair, there is very little difference between Hitler’s beliefs and actions and that of the modern Woke Left.
    If Hitler hadn’t of invaded the Soviet Union, he’s still be more than OK with American Leftist, as he was during the Molotov-Ribbentrop days.

    1. It’s worth remembering that both Stalin and Hitler presided over Socialist parties. Which explains why they basically advocated the same things, with some trifling differences. Where things really went wrong is that among these things is world conquest, and you can’t both do that and remain at peace. For some reason, Hitler didn’t bother to study Napoleon’s failure and ended up repeating it.

  2. And don’t forget that Hitler’s idol, Mussolini, got the trains to run on time. A feat Amtrak can’t seem to manage, yet. Maybe AOC can solve that problem at least for the trains to the re-education camps.

    1. Heh. Or just have dynamically adaptive train tables so the schedule matches the situation at-hand. Kind of like an automated version of “we were always at war with Eastasia.”

      1. One very interesting thing about tyrannical governments is they play at being Oh So Efficient, when in fact they are hotbeds of corruption, inefficiency, waste, more corruption, and so on. The shortcomings of the Soviet Union in this regard are well known, but sadly, the Fascist states don’t have the same reputation despite being just as bad.

        I think part of the problem is all the cool military vaporware the Nazis never really got around to producing in quality.

    1. Yep. Because, as everyone knows, all Republicans are Chickenhawks who want to send our troops off to fight in unwinnable wars- even the ones like Trump who avoided wars.
      Whereas, all Democrats are lovers of Peace, even when they send our troops off to fight in unwinnable wars.
      And if the Left didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all.

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