I lifted this from Facebook. I believe it should be a nice eye-opener for some.

A couple years ago I was working security at a bar in northern Virginia. I overheard a table of college kids arguing about gun rights and gun control and it was getting far too emotional so I did what any sane combat veteran would do and attempted to exfiltrate. I must not have withdrawn as surreptitiously as I intended, because I was stopped in my tracks when a 5-foot-nothing brunette seemingly leapt in front of me and blurted out “excuse me, can you help us?”
I’m sure I must have looked irritated as I cycled through the possible quips and excuses I considered available to me but being uncertain that she wasn’t some Senator’s daughter, I caved: “What’s up?”
She basically leads me to this table of 2 other females (probably both named Karen) and a very soft looking male.
Becky: “So, we were just talking about current events and, you know. So, you look like you’re probably in the military, right? Like the Army?”
(When you accuse someone of being in the military you probably don’t need to give an example)
Me: “Similar.. yea”
Becky: “Right. Okay. So, do you think civilians should be allowed to own guns?”
Me: “Most of us. Yes.”
Becky: (clearly not happy with my answer) “Okay, so, why do you think you need a gun?”
(At this point it’s almost 2am and I’ve just given up on patience. Hold my beer)
(With intentionally overt condescension): “Oh, honey, I don’t. I don’t need a gun.”
Becky stares at me blankly, so I continue, but with a more serious tone:
“I could follow you home, walk up your driveway, and beat you to death with the daily newspaper.
I could choke you to death with that purse.
I could take a credit card, break it in half, and cut your throat open with it.
With enough time and effort I could beat your boyfriend here with a rolled up pair of socks.
I could probably dream up six dozen other ways I could easily end your life if you gave me an hour or so.
If I wanted to, I could wrap my hand around that beer mug and kill all four of you before you could make it to the exit. The worst part is, in your utopian little fantasyland, there ain’t a thing any of you could do about it.
I don’t need a gun.
You need a gun.
You need a gun because of men like me.”
Call me a jerk, but if you want to keep your guns, these are the conversations we all need to start having.

Maybe one in one hundred will understand and act accordingly after a conversation like that. I still submit that till people really live and understand what true violence is, they will believe that kind words and the singing chorus of “Let it Be.” will be enough to cure Humanity from being human.

Hat Tip Greg T

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on ““Okay. So, do you think civilians should be allowed to own guns?””
  1. This has been floating around for years. It does illustrate the way liberal morons think. They cant see that some “humans” are wired differently and will take your kindness as weakness. I have told women a version of this in the past. Out in public I dont engage liberals unless there is no choice(work in retail) and most when they see my rolling tool box with the “dysfunctional veteran, leave me alone” sticker they take heed. You cant fix stupid so why even try.

    1. I was voted “the most likely to go postal” at two different dealerships. Still don’t understand it, I’m the calmest, most likable guy I know. ???

  2. I call shenanigans on the story.

    Oh, I get the theme and I basically agree. But the tone is a bit too masturbatory.

    (It also might be construed as an assault (legally-speaking).)

    1. I was gonna say I’ll take things that never happened for $500.00 Alex.

      Yes, agree with it. But this happened in someone’s head during a shower.

      1. @RWC: That’s not to say that conversations covering similar themes haven’t happened. Just not like that.

  3. The fun thing to do if you get sucked into a conversation like this is politely mention there are a million plus legal MACHINE GUNS in the US… never mind those poodle poppin semi autos…

  4. I always default to the truism:
    “A new conservative is simply a Liberal who has been mugged”.
    Some people refuse to teach their kids and those ignorant sheep must go through life finding out the truth the Hard and Painful (and sometimes lethal) ways…
    I have always Loved my children and even extended family and friends far to much to see them educated the Hard way.
    My education may not always be nice, but so far everyone has lived and None have invited Darwin to be their Professor.
    So yes that little speech was Grandstanding and probably not completely accurate.
    BUT, when young skulls full of mush either ask or demonstrate that they are in desperate need of education, then those blessed with knowledge must do what we can for the Human Race.

  5. I have a feeling this is one of those apocryphal stories that only really happened in someone’s imagination.

    If it were to occur IRL in a DC suburb any time in the past couple of decades, the the Karens and Ken with whom the vet was speaking would have immediately called 911 and reported that he was threatening them, the police would arrive and would arrest said vet with extreme prejudice.

    And even if he’d recorded the conversation and had iron-clad proof that he never directly threatened anyone, in any court of law within a 40 mile radius of DC, he’d have at best a 50/50 shot at acquittal.

    Still it’s a cool story and is exactly the kind of answer that might actually make an impression on the Karens in question.

  6. Some people seem to be mustrebating to the notion that “it didn’t happen”

    I wonder why? Why wouldn’t it happen?

    It probably did happen . . . and many times . . . and worse than that . . . like looking at the “very soft looking male” real close and going “and I’ll make you watch and you’ll like it”

    The world is a funny place.

    And sh!t appens (a beer (on you) to those that get the movie quote)

    Those that can’t take answers shouldn’t ask questions.

  7. The conversation that happened to me involved ex-Main Lady and her middle daughter (the sanest one of the entire family), who was working for a labor union in Vermont. During a discussion about the 2-A and carrying a pistol with you, I pointed out that being armed leveled the playing field. Whoever attacked you would be larger and stronger than you were, or at least think he was, and would have experience on his side. Case in point, how many bar fights have you been in since last month? The other thing to consider is that once the bad guy knows you’re armed, they lose interest in attacking you. No one wants to get shot, not even stupid bad guys. Finally, should the attacker be mentally ill or on drugs or both, you’ll save yourself and your friends permanent injuries by shooting him.

    So, a few weeks later, middle daughter comes home and asks her mother’s permission to start packing heat. Not a big gun, just a little one. I think it’s a good idea.

    I think, although I have no pictures or anything, she got a .38 lemon squeezer and someone gave her lessons. Like a say, the sanest one of the family.

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