By the time this gets published, I’d probably be by the smoker subjecting the pork loin to some hickory before finalizing it in the oven. There will be black beans to be made and cornbread to be baked.

I am taking today and tomorrow off to be with the family and enjoy the gifts, the food and to be overwatch at Sunday’s Christmas service. You never know with some people who just want to screw with your Holiday even if it represents the birthday a Holy Man mentioned 25 times in their own religious book (and Mary is mentioned 34 times and is the only woman).

I do hope you have a great Christmas. See you back in here Monday.

PS: here is some reading material while you wait for the turkey/ham/lasagna/other to be done.

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “On this Christmas Eve.”
  1. Merry Christmas, Miguel!

    My smoker has been busy the last two days. Just appetizers for a party we’re going to. Chicken cubes wrapped in bacon and dredged in rub, and a batch of Atomic Buffalo Turds. Once the big day is past, maybe we’ll do a brisket or a butt.

  2. “I am taking today and tomorrow off to be with the family and enjoy the gifts, the food and to be overwatch at Sunday’s Christmas service.”

    “Federal authorities warned law enforcement authorities across the nation Friday that Islamic State sympathizers are continuing to call for attacks on churches and other holiday gathering sites.”

    I’ll be doing the same thing. Though in truth I’m doing that every time I attend. Merry Christmas Miguel.

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