On my earlier post about the stabbing video, J Kb. made the comment about how much blood was lost. There is a good reason: Our shoulders are actually pretty full of major blood vessels among other things.

All that movie and TV crap of “It is just a shoulder wound, not a big deal” is dangerous crap. Even a shot at mid arm can be deadly if the Axillary artery gets nicked by a stab, a bullet or a bone fragment.

So, the “In and Out” in wound in that area does exist, but what destroys in the middle is not a joke to be dismissed with macho ego.

It will effing kill you.

This is why we carry our trauma packs and “Oh Sh**” kits.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Once again why Hollywood is full of crap: Shoulder wounds.”
  1. I always like to say in response to stupid shit like that:

    “There is no safe place in the body to poke additional holes.”

  2. The stab in the shoulder from above was a preferred killing blow for centuries.
    There were swords in the pre-classical age that were designed to deliver this blow around the towering shields than in use by the fighting men of the “old world”.

  3. Neither are the “ Die Hard” movies. But still, it isn’t Christmas until Han Gruber falls from the Nakitomi Plaza tower. Just don’t take fantasy seriously.

  4. Next you’re gonna tell me you can’t blow a car up by shooting it with a pistol, you can’t outrun an explosion (even if you’re the good guy), and guns and knives don’t make spontaneous clicking and swishing noises when you wave them around. Have you no humanity? You’ve left me with a choice of covering my ears and saying, “La-la-la” until you go away, or giving up and realizing that life has no meaning. And four days before Christmas, too!

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