Next thing they are going to tell us is that he is actually doing great with the country’s economy and the price of gas.
And Kamala is a virgin.
Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
Next thing they are going to tell us is that he is actually doing great with the country’s economy and the price of gas.
And Kamala is a virgin.
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
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What a crock of shit
“Lies and the lying liars that tell them.”
Outright bullshit.
There is no way that the authors of this piece believe a word of it.
….unless, they are hopelessly deluded, insane, and certifiably crazy.
Had to read that about 48 times, but I think I see the logic.
pResident Burden is too strict on immigrants trying to enter the country legally, therefore, the southern border is overwhelmed by people entering illegally. If the pResident would just start letting more people in via legal means, this border crisis would disappear.
And, if bread was just cheaper, all this looting in the name of racial justice would just go away.
If you erased all the laws against murder, the number of murders committed would be zero. The logic is flawless!
Or decriminalized most theft- look how great that’s working out for San Fran.
CATO, National Review, Bulwark and every other “Conservative” Think Tank and magazine are nothing but whores with pretty mouths and elegant prose grifting for corporate dollars. Their “Principles” are for sale to the highest bidder and if you pay enough, likely their wives too.
So Gropey Joe is enforcing immigration law by limiting who can enter on high-skilled visas more stringently than the law requires? Hmmm….
So what high-level skills are those 15,000 camped out under the highway in Texas offering?
What about the 100k or so — many “unaccompanied children” — being bused or flown all over the country on a near-daily basis? What are their fields of expertise and where did they graduate school?
Here’s what I suspect is the truth between the lines:
Biden is enforcing immigration visas more stringently than the law requires and keeping out potential future citizens with valuable skills.
He is not, however, enforcing immigration law (other than skilled-worker visas) anywhere near as strictly as the law requires — or at all — and is allowing tens of thousands of unskilled, un-sponsored, and unemployed foreigners to stay in the country, and is even relocating them and offering them public benefits, all on the taxpayers’ dime.
And crap like this Cato Institute screed is why I claim to be a (small-l) libertarian but not a (Big-L) Libertarian. I support small, very-limited government and great, near-unlimited personal freedom, but the Libertarian Party is a joke; always has been, and unless it can pull its collective head out of its @$$, always will be.
Think of Compton (Calif).
The mass of “Illegals” is there to colonize the doomed American cities and to then drive the “useless” ghetto population into the surround (that is your neighborhood), thus bringing profit and grift to the “worthies”. Enjoy your patio while you still can……
Time to put Cato on the list of “occasionally or randomly reliable sources.”
Same level as the New York Times.
Remember that scene in Tin Cup where the main guy blows his lead in a major golf tournament by hitting multiple golf balls into the water to prove that he can actually make the shot?
That’s basically the Libertarian party.
Except the LP won’t find the hole with the last ball in the bag, thus posting a score and avoiding disqualification.
I think part of the LP’s problem is they seem to seek out drama where it’s unnecessary and unhelpful. Maybe to keep it exciting, or to make the rare win more satisfying, I don’t know. But as long as the drama and excitement are more important than the actual task at hand, they’ll never get anywhere.