Here is the news item on TV:
Here is how the Chicago Sun Times reports it.
And now the Chicago Tribune:
“at some point involved a citizen with a concealed carry license,”
Basically according to the Tribune, the civilian was an unwelcome interloper. So much hate for a Good Guy with a Gun.
I’m actually surprised the headline wasn’t “Concealed carry permit holder gets involved in shootout with police.”
We were warned that if Illinois got CCW that people with permits would get into running gun battles on the highway. This is the first time one of their predictions came out correct.
Wasn’t it the Chicago Chief of Police that said that if a CPD cop saw a legal CCW carrier in public, he’d just shoot him?
The biggest fight gun owners have is convincing a lot of cops that WE are not a threat to COPS. This is one example of proving that we are not. MOST ccw gun owners are trained.some better than cops as far as gun handling. Up here we have constitutioal carry which caused many to stick a gun in their pants and think they are prepared while having zero clue about laws and safe carry. We are slowly working on it.
My impression is that most real cops are very supportive of gun owners — it’s only their politician bosses who are not because they have to answer to their politician owners.
A text book learning point of press bias and why the modern media cannot be trusted.