TALLAHASSEE — Florida lawmakers late Thursday voted down a bill to repeal the “stand your ground” law linked to the shooting death of teenager Trayvon Martin.

The 11-2 vote in the House Criminal Justice Subcommittee likely kills any repeal effort in the Legislature this year. But a separate Senate measure still pending could revise the self-defense law first passed in 2005.

via Lawmakers vote down repeal of ‘stand your ground’ – Orlando Sentinel.

HB 4003 has been killed in Subcommittee. We still have Senate Bill SB116 to deal with and we can’t lower our guard and let them get stupid with it.

In great news, HB 89 – Defense of Life, Home, and Property was given a Favorable by the Criminal Justice Subcommittee with  a 12 to 1 vote. Among other things, this bill eliminates the Display of a Firearm for self-defense as assault with a deadly weapon. It also allows for a warning shot not to be considered a felony.

You noticed, I hope the bold on the last paragraph. In my lay opinion, this bill has so many yummy things for our cause, it will surely give mass heart attacks to the Opposition and send Moms Demand crying into a vat of Ben & Jerry’s Hysterical Hazelnut & Chocolate Chips. Expect HEAVY negative advertising on this one by the Media and the Cultists which mean it will need our even heavier support.

Dear Florida Gun Owners: Once again I must be annoying and remind you to join/renew both Florida Carry and the NRA. It used to be that wherever California went, so did the rest of the country, we have proven otherwise gun-wise. If after the avalanche of negative stories against Stand Your ground that we had the last couple of years, we manage to get HB 89 into law, the rest of the states that do not have something similar (I think only one state has the defensive display but I can’t remember which) will follow. And even those states that had their SYG bill frozen because of the Zimmerman case will be able to bring them back and hopefully approved them into law.

We carry a heavy responsibility on our shoulders. Holy crap! 😀

PS: If you are not from Florida it does not mean that you cannot be a part of Florida Carry. Every little bit helps and as I said, it will benefit your state eventually.

UPDATE: The Miami Herald bemoans.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “One Down: The repeal of ‘stand your ground’. One Up: Defense of Life, Home, and Property.”
    1. Stay. It’s four years that we’ll need every common-sense citizen we have. McAwful will have a hard time getting his gun-grabbing laws through the legislature.

  1. […] with a deadly weapon. It also allows for a warning shot not to be considered a felony. Read more: One Down: The repeal of ?stand your ground?. One Up: Defense of Life, Home, and Property. | Gun Free… 70-71 RVN U.S. Army Combat Engineer 75 taken alive, 76 technical glitch, 77 going to […]

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