There are nine people in this picture.

Seven of them are athletes* in peak physical condition and under the age of 25.

One is a 62 year old, overweight, retired athlete who has had HIV for 31 years.

Who is the one not wearing a mask?



*I’ve known two pro team cheerleaders.  Their training and physical fitness standards are intense.  If gymnasts are athletes so are professional cheerleaders.

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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “One picture that captures the utter insanity of COVID compliance”
  1. Its really. Really getting F’in OLD. Around here the larger towns are full of good little commies with scared eyes and the commie shuffle in thier steps..

  2. *I’ve known two pro team cheerleaders. Their training and physical fitness standards are intense. If gymnasts are athletes so are professional cheerleaders.
    If the NCAA classified Chereleaders as Athletes, then 90% of the Title IX Athlete issues would never have occurred. Old, bitter, ugly, cat-lady Feminists in the 1970’s made sure that never happened. Cannot have pretty, healthy, sexy females classified as Athletes. True Feminists think Pretty, Healthy, and Sexy are bad things.
    Imagine how many prospective college atheletes had their athletic opportunities aborted? Male Wrestlers, Male Gymnasts, Male Hockey Players, etc. How many Female Athletic opportunities were also aborted because the sports eliminated were not played by Females in the 1970’s, 80’s, 90’s, or 2000’s? Female Sports like Hockey and Wrestling?

  3. Magic does not have to wear a mask because he is a member in good standing of the annointed class, Just like the elites in government , media and sportsball, Magic is better than all those lowly peasants. They don’t need to follow the rules like us peasants.
    Just Like the Big Honccho Jeff Zucker did not have to follow the rules about who he slept with, and he knew he cpould lie about it too. Want to bet everyone knew, but no one dared tell the truth? Except Zucker lost the protection of the annointed class when his stupidity tanked the CNN ratings, and his stubbornness stopped anyone from fixing the problems. You can be kicked out if a majority of the Self- Annointed Class decide you are a liability. Jeff Zucker and the Cuomo Brothers became liabilities. When will F. Joe Biden?

    1. He’s also a member of the sainted race that can do no wrong. This will be a great campaign ad for Democrats to keep their largest voting blocks loyal. Look at all the conformist submissive women.

    2. Magic doesn’t wear a mask because he is informed and doesn’t live in fear like most of the uninformed who would wear them the rest of their lives if told to.Believe the science but not the scientists as they have a dog in the fight.It’s always about the dollar bill.

  4. So, wait: are we classifying the Rams’ mascot head as a “mask”, or not…?

    Just asking because I’ve got an airplane ticket pending.

  5. Are the Ram’s Cheerleaders still called “The Embraceable Ewes”?

    But, yeah, the COVID stuff is getting old. The only advantage to it now is that the Forces of Stupidity are doing tremendous damage to themselves by holding on too long.

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