As a result, at least one Federal Firearms Licensee has refused to allow police officers who have purchased guns to have the magazines that come with them, because those factory standard magazines hold more than seven rounds. The FFL fears selling the guns he has with the magazines they came with would be breaking the law, even when the purchasers are cops, because there are no clear provisions in the bill allowing a police exception to the ban.
via Oops. Were there not LEO magazine exemptions in the rushed NY SAFE Act? « Bob Owens.
I really see no problem there. It is not like Bad Guys seek Cops anyway.
There should be NO EXCEPTIONS for LEO. If “assault weapons” are so deadly, what are cops doing with them? They can use 7 shot 30/30’s if they want a SWAT team.
I agree on principal: no citizens of a political entity which a law applies to should be exempt from that law.
“NO-ONE is above the code. ESPECIALLY the king.”
The law that they are talking about isn’t banning “assault weapons.” it bans all hand guns and ANYTHING with a clip over 7 bullets.
I see this as an excuse to call/write/fax the mis-representatives and tell them, in no uncertain terms, “NO LEO EXCEPTION!”
I don’t believe it would actually happen, but it’d be interesting to see just how quickly LEO support for the bans would dry up.
Truthfully I want gun companies to use Bloombergs idea of changing laws through selective selling. Except Bloomberg wanted to cut off purchases of guns to make companies stop selling to civilians, I think civilians should cut off purchases of guns until companies stop selling to New York police departments until this law changes. Let’s see how long New York politicians keep this law when their families are no longer protected by “Hi-Cap” guns.