I am going to steal from J. Kb’s post
Biden’s defense secretary pick pledges to ‘rid our ranks of racists and extremists’
Retired Army General Lloyd Austin said on Tuesday that he would work to rid “racists and extremists” from the ranks of the U.S. military, mend alliances and focus strategically on China if confirmed as President-elect Joe Biden’s defense secretary.
Austin would become America’s first Black defense secretary and has declared his intention to improve diversity within the U.S. military, which is diverse in the lower ranks but largely white and male at the top.
“If confirmed, I will fight hard to stamp out sexual assault, to rid our ranks of racists and extremists, and to create a climate where everyone fit and willing has the opportunity to serve this country with dignity,” Austin, 67, said at his confirmation hearing.
And now we go back in time to June 1941 and a little thing called Operation Barbarrosa, Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union. Now, Hitler and Stalin had signed an non-aggression pact not too long before, and history guesses Stalin thought along the lines of former (by then) British Prime Minister Chamberlain and thought himself covered with promises of peace.
Hitler being the cunning animal he was, figured out the Red Army was weakened enough to have Russia be an easy target and launched the attack. Why did Hitler think so? Because for 1937 to 1939 Stalin engaged in a great military purge which eliminated most of the best and brightest the Soviet Army had including Mikhail Tukhachevsky who had fought to bring the Soviet Armed forces to the behemoth they eventually became in WWII and beyond.
As a kid, I remember looking in a book a photo of a destroyed panzer just barely 20 miles outside Moscow. It was left there as a reminder how close the Nazis were of conquering the capital of the country, something that should never had happened, but did because the Red Army was by then purified from the alleged “enemies” of the Soviet Union. According to the Smithsonian “More than 800,000 Soviets (soldiers) had been killed, and an additional 6 million Soviet soldiers had been wounded or captured.” And that does not include the civilian population killed and the massive destruction of property and crops as the Soviets burned everything during their retreat as to deny the Germans anything they could use for supplies.
And all of that came about because the need to have a pure-thinking Red Army that conformed to the political needs of the Party. We still face enemies in the form of Terrorism and Countries but the incoming Administration already announces we are about to purge our like of Defense to make it look pretty and welcoming to all nice peoples.
Feeling better now?

NARA/U.S. Department of Defense
They’re getting a little bit ahead of themselves: You’re supposed to do the civilian gun confiscation before the military purge so you have enough manpower to actually do the necessary confiscation work.
In any event, the Chicoms and the Russians are laughing their asses off and ‘biden’ their time now.
We’re going to have foreign troops on our soil within 24 months. The only question now is will it be by invitation or invasion?
They have to purge first, PFC Tex isn’t going to gun down his uncle and neighbors for owning guns. They have to have troops that are more loyal to Biden than to their fellow Red Americans.
Either way, there’s always this: http://olegvolk.net/gallery/technology/arms/blade_of_grass_2298.jpg.html
Getting rid of racists and extremists? So they’re finally going to get rid of all the Democrat generals that Obama installed, right?
What convinced Hitler that the Red Army would collapse when he “kicked the door in” was that the Russians got their asses handed to them by the Finns in the winter war.
Now we know how they will get the military to kill its own citizens.