This is a subject I have talked about before, but this time is struck very close to home.

O’Sullivan’s law is a political aphorism that states: “All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing.”

I have said that this is really starting to affect the administrative and officer class of the United States Military.  The evidence is mounting.  West Point graduates who are avowed communists and hardcore Leftist activists.  Commissioned officers turned radical Leftist politicians who use their military experience doing anything but carrying a weapon and pulling triggers to tell you why you as a civilian shouldn’t own an AR-15.

Tammy Duckworth, the Senator from Illinois, is a combat-wounded veteran.  You would think that she would support the military.  You are wrong.  Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman broke the chain of command to be part of the entirely political impeachment hearing against Trump.  For which, he will probably be rewarded with a high six-figure job as an analyst with a Leftist cable news network.  Vindman was close to being promoted from Lt. Col. to full Colonel, but retired instead, citing bullying from the Trump administration. Tammy Duckworth decided to hold other innocent men and women in uniform hostage to protect Vindman by holding up more than 1,100 commissioned officer promotions until Vindman gets his promotion – most likely just to protect his pension.  This is a grotesque partisan attack by a former commissioned officer on the military.

If you have been following the news, you might have heard that Seattle held “Interrupting Internalized Racial Superiority and Whiteness” training for white employees of the city.  It was essentially a racist screed mandatory for white employees only that subjected them to a lot of emotional browbeating.  It was also anti-Semitic as well because that goes hand-in-hand with Leftism too.

Among the things that it pushed on white people was:

In order to be considered “accomplices,” White employees must give up “comfort,” “guaranteed physical safety,” “expectations or presumptions of emotional safety,” “control over other people and over the land,” and “relationships with some other white people.”

White employees were also urged to give up “niceties from neighbors and colleagues,” “the certainty of your job,” and “accepting jobs and promotions when we are not qualified, including racial equity jobs.”

Seattle explained to its white employees that they should expect to live in a constant state of isolation, fear, and danger because they are white.

I’m not sure how this is legal or Constitutional, but Seattle is a very Leftist city and when has the Constitution ever meant anything to the Left?

Well, if you following the train of thought of this post, you can predict the next stop we’re headed to.

This same sort of training was just dumped on the military, in my back yard, at Redstone Arsenal.

It was called “Operation Inclusion,” and given the Orwellian nature of Social Justice, you can imagine just how inclusive it was.

The seminars at Redstone Arsenal were billed as a response to the “global civil unrest surrounding incidents of racism, discrimination and loss of life.” It was intended to continue discussions about diversity, equity and inclusion that may have been started by Army leadership and co-workers. Participation was voluntary.

“Things to Think About,” the title of one of the five pages included in the invitation, featured a yellow pyramid that was broken into “overt white supremacy” and “covert white supremacy.” Lynching, hate crimes, blackface, the n-word, swastikas, neo-Nazis, burning crosses, racist jokes, racial slurs and the Ku Klux Klan were listed as “socially unacceptable” white supremacy.

Below a black line was a much more extensive list of “covert white supremacy,” or actions that are deemed socially acceptable. Aside from Trump’s campaign slogan, that list included calling the police on black people, mass incarceration, “All Lives Matter” and the celebration of Columbus Day.

This is the handout in question:

Among some of the other things described as Covert White Supremacism are:

    • Eduction funding from property taxes
    • “Don’t blame me, I never owned slaves.”
    • Calling the police on black people
    • Weaponized whiteness
    • White silence
    • Colorblindness
    • Denial of Racism
    • Expecting BIPOC to teach white people
    • Exceptionalism
    • Meritocracy

This is extreme and beyond unreasonable.

I never owned slaves.  That is a fact.  Yet saying that is racist.

Should we never be able to call the police on a black person under any circumstances?  Must I always check the skin color of the person assaulting me or breaking into my house to make sure I’m not calling the police for racist reasons?

I have no idea what weaponized whiteness is, but I’m pretty sure I’m guilty of it just because.

Not being a full-throated advocate for BLM is racist.  You will be made to care.

I guess MLK’s dream “that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character” is racist too.

In debate or dialectic, it is incumbent on the person making an argument to provide the supporting data to their point.  In Social Justice, it is acceptable for a person to throw out some cliche or jargon without supporting evidence or explanation and then say “educate yourself” when they are challenged on their assertion.  “Educate yourself” is a lazy and entitled SJW attitude.

This is terrible.  Absolutely and unequivocally terrible.

Fortunately, Congressman Mo Brooks is opening a Hatch Act investigation on this because of the inclusion of “MAGA” in the list of Covert White Supremacist phrases.  But that doesn’t go fr enough.

Who in the civilian and military command at Redstone though that any of this radical Leftist brainwashing nonsense was something to spread?  What was the point of spreading it?  How much of this is enforceable.  Would soldiers who believe in colorblind meritocracy be subject to punishment?

This is nothing short of an attack on esprit de corps of the US military and an attempt at turning Redstone Arsenal into Evergreen State or Oberlin.

I think it is fair to say that the evidence is clear that the Left has realized that calling soldiers “baby killers” was a bad idea and that their goal is to turn the US military into an armed wing of their radical ideology.

Welcome to the future where cancel culture isn’t just getting you fired from your job.

It’s where the Twitter mob can get a fellow traveler to drone strike your house because you’re a racist.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “O’Sullivan’s law comes to Redstone”
  1. Sorry, J. Kb, but your argument here is invalid. You see, you’ve used your white privilege to suppress what the author of that pyramid thingy is saying. You claimed these things are “covert white supremacy,” but if you look closely, it’s really “coNvert white supremacy.” It has to do with converting. Or something. Whatever, you’re just racist.

    These assholes can’t even proof read. Maybe they meant to say “convert.” They are so stupid, it’s hard to know.

  2. I note that blackface is right there at the top of the list, as is KKK. So remind me again, why aren’t these people camping out in front of Northam’s office demanding he resign?

  3. Never owned slaves, nor anybody in my genealogical tree. I don’t owe you progtard commies a freaking dime.
    However… if I were to do the same mental logic gymnastics you progtards favor so much, then YOU OWE ME.
    Many of your progtard’s ancestors from european, african, asian & middle-eastern ancestry made slaves of the natives in Central & South America. So, where is my reparations check?

    Hurry it up! There’s a new rifle & scope I’ve been eyeing @ BassPro. I also need a new celphone and car. 😀

  4. “Racism” in 2020 is one big Kafka trap. I can remember my old roommate opining when we were driving through the hood that “someone needs to invest in this community” We talked and he admitted me meant rich white people. Gentrification. And yet, gentrification is also “racist” So the rich whites are supposed to “invest” in a shithole neighborhood, but not make it nicer or drive the people currently there out. And white people living in a shithole neighborhood can’t leave without being racist, because of course, “white flight” is also proof of racism.

    Doesn’t matter that I have family in South America that is decidedly not “white” I’m sufficiently white enough to be labeled an oppressor.

    It’s the Salem Witch Trials. The crazies have abandoned all reason and are running around screaming “Witch! Witch, Burn The Witch!” at all the white people.

    If you deny that you’re a witch, the proves you’re a witch. If you try to prove you’re not a witch, that proves your a witch. It’s up to the Witch to prove innocence, a task made impossible by the accusors.

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