By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “Our military bases are being culturally enriched”
  1. That enrichment will continue into our communities once they are “settled”. And of course they will be given free passes and kid glove treatment because they are “poor refugees fleeing Taliban oppression”. Murder, rape, etc. is imminent, just a matter of time. Mixing cultures this different rarely works, and it will be us that has to deal with it.

  2. For a clue as to how this plays out, look at the history of the Birmingham(?) UK pedo ring.

    A bunch of “Asians” were raping young girls. The girls would report it but because either the girl wasn’t “trustworthy” or the parents weren’t or the parent didn’t report it, it wasn’t getting into the police records.

    The “Asians” were often taxi drivers. They would pick up the girls and take them to be gang raped. Tell them that nobody would believe them (true) and would then tell the girls that they belonged to the gang. They would call up the girls and tell them to be ready to be picked up or else.

    This went on for years before something was done about it.

    Oh, in the British press, “Asian” is code word for Muslim. These gang rapists were all from Muslim countries and were practicing Muslims that believed that those girls were trash and could be raped because they were not “modest”

  3. Afghans live in a feudal culture, with the emphasis on FEUD and Vendetta.

    Great for maintaining an insurgency. Family, clan and tribe uber alles. The regime kills one of theirs, and the extended familyand clan will target the regime, even if it takes years and years. Anyone from the Family joins the Regime? They better run far and run fast.

    Not so great for integrating into an actual diverse, multiracial and multicultural civilized modern society. Even if 99% of the Afghans peacefully and successfully integrate, the 1% that do not will make many hundreds of lives sheer hell.

    1. Incidentally, that points out one of the major State Dept. blunders in its dealing with Afghanistan. The US helped set up a unitary government there, like France where the national government holds all the power and smaller pieces are just administrative entities. For a loose collection of tribes, which is what Afghanistan has, such a setup is nonsensical and it would be obvious to anyone other than a State Dept. drone that this can never work. What was needed, but not tried, is a federal structure like the US has, or even a confederacy like we had for 13 years, and I think the Swiss still do even though they need it far less.

      1. ^^^^^

        they should have brought back the King as a Unifying Figurehead, and set up multiple provinces under tribal lines, with a Federal Constittion that guarantees minority rights, including Freedom of Religion.

        I heard the US State Dept vetoed the King. And I think they also recognized the Supremacy of Islam in the Afghan Constitution, just like the Constitution the US State Dept approved for Iraq.

        In five years, Afghan factions will be begging us for guns to fight the Chinese and Pashtun Genocide of the other Afghan tribes.

        1. You can rely on the State Department doing the wrong thing for humanity. They demonstrated that in 1948 when they were wrong on recognizing Israel, and far too many times since then.

  4. An observation on military bases:

    My daughter graduated AF basic training at Lackland AFB in 2011. The wife and I (and close friends) attended the graduation ceremonies. We had to provide our names and ID’s weeks in advance and each got papers for entry onto base for days VERY specific to the ceremonies. Each time we entered the base, every person produced their ID and their papers.
    Yet, any time we parked our vehicle we were told to lock all doors, cargo hatches and not leave anything in pail view inside the vehicle.

    It just struck me as very odd that absolute maximum efforts to control access to a military base didn’t allow for personnel safety or security.

    1. “Both the oligarch and Tyrant mistrust the people, and therefore deprive them of arms.” — Aristotle
      Clinton’s decision to turn military bases into disarmed victim zones is one example. Another is Obama, or his defense secretary (I forgot which) requiring all soldiers attending the event to be disarmed when he dropped in on a military base in Afghanistan for a speech.

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