Ironic dangerous anti-gun dumbassery

This story is something else…

Maine ‘Gun Safety’ Coalition Oversees Negligent Firearm Discharge at Gun-Giveback

One of Maine’s primary gun control advocate groups, the Maine Gun Safety Coalition, oversaw a gun-giveback program on Saturday at local police departments throughout southern Maine.

Despite the focus on gun safety, contractors working with MGSC and the Old Orchard Beach Police Department failed to practice basic gun safety when they attempted to saw a loaded blackpowder rifle, which led to the negligent discharge of the firearm.

Luckily, instead of injuring any bystanders, the musket round instead damaged two vehicles.

“As one of the firearms was being cut the weapon discharged expelling a round
through the barrel. The round was found to have struck two unoccupied vehicles
within the parking lot,” the Old Orchard Beach Police Department told the Maine Wire.

The destruction of the forfeited guns was carried out by Humanium Metal technicians, who allegedly specialize in the safe disposal of firearms.

Police said that the firearm in question was a muzzle-loader, which was loaded with gunpowder and a bullet at the time of destruction.

The heat or sparks caused by the sawing ignited the gunpowder and caused the gun to fire.

Absolutely fucking brilliant.

They are gun experts that don’t follow the rules of gun safety and caused a negligent discharge.


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Why are normal people starting to hate cops?


Because some fat stupid cowardly fuck of a cop goes onto the wrong piece pf property and kills a family pet.

Then the other cowardly fucks investigate and decide the fat stupid fuck didn’t do anything wrong.

Ive come to believe that if a cop goes to the wrong address and pulls a gun, he should be treated by both the homeowner and the law as just another armed trespasser.

If someone shot a cop who went onto their property and killed their dog, I’d nullify that jury in a heartbeat.

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This is why I’m applying for my MA LTC

Unarmed social workers preparing to respond to 911 calls in Cambridge

A team of unarmed social workers could soon start responding to some 911 calls in Cambridge instead of the police.

The director of the city’s new Community Assistance Response and Engagement told Boston 25 News that the team is preparing for a rollout as soon as July.

They’re now anticipating the tentative plan that will involve dispatchers sending them to non-violent incidents and mental health crises.

That sounds nice. Will they ride unicorns to the scene?

I guarantee one of the fastest ways to turn a non-violent crime into a violent crime is to have an unarmed social worker show up and not be a deterrent.

It’s going to get out of control in the North Boston area.

This is why I’m applying for my MA LTC.

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Speeds and feeds, oh my

This is a weak post because my father is in the hospital with health issues after having a minor car accident. That, and I spent most of the day working on getting clients back up and running.

So what are “speeds and feeds”? These are the magic numbers to run your machines at to get the “best” results.

Let’s assume you want to make a 3″ diameter hub on a 4″ diameter rod of aluminum.

The starting diameter for your rod is 4.12″.

We look up in a table, the “speed” of Aluminum. We are using 6061 which has a surface speed of 500-800 feet per minute if using high-speed steel (HSS, old school) or 2800 if using carbide.

This means that we want the single point of a lathe cutting tool should be traveling at 500-800 feet per minute over the surface of the aluminum.

With a diameter of 4.12″, the surface speed is:

4.12π 12 RPM = 500

4.12π 12x500 = 1RPM

6000 4.12π = RPM

RPM = 463.6

As we remove material, the diameter gets smaller, so our RPM has to increase to maintain the same surface speed. At 4″ the speed should be 477 RPM. At 3″ it is 637 RPM. At 1″ we need a whopping 1900 RPM.

The speeds required are higher if we use 800 instead of 500 SFM and scary fast if we are looking at 2800 SFM.

My lathe doesn’t spin that fast.

But this is only part of the equation, the next part is “Depth of Cut”. This is how deep you are cutting.

I could zip along at 418 RPM at 4″ taking a 0.010 depth of cut. This means it will take 56 passes before I am at a 3″ diameter.

If I take a 0.050 depth of cut, it is only 12 passes.

Besides the depth of cut, there is also the feed rate. This is the distance the tool advances per revolution.

I have a single tumbler Quick Change gearbox. This means that I have three controls to set the speed of rotation of the lead shaft.

The lead screw is threaded 8 TPI, for every eight revolutions, the carriage will advance 1 inch. By setting the gears correctly, I can choose how much the lead screw rotates per rotation of the spindle.

I normally use a feed rate of 0.007.

So, my depth of cut is picked to be either 0.050 or 0.025, taking 0.100 or 0.050 off the diameter per pass. This means that to make a 3 inch boss from a 4.12 inch rod that is 1 inch long, I have to make 11 0.050 passes, taking off 1.100 from the diameter, then I make two finishing passes of around 0.006.

I normally run at the depth of cut I want, merely listening to the lathe to see if it is straining. If it is not straining, the DoC is good.

Removing metal on a milling machine isn’t as easy. First, the tools are more likely to break, which is expensive.

We start with the same calculations for SFM. Instead of using the size of the workpiece, we use the diameter of the cutter.

With an 1/8″ cutter, we should be spinning that thing at 15,000 RPM in aluminum, and 2500 for a 3/4″ cutter.

I’m cutting soft steel, 1018. The SFM for milling is 100 SFM. Using a 3/4 end mill, I should be running at 500RPM. Since I am using a solid carbide end mill, I push this to 660 RPM.

But what about Depth of Cut and Feed Rate?

Well, that is where it gets interesting. According to my tool dealer, the depth of cut should be Diameter * 0.05 to Diameter * 1.5, or 0.38 to 1.125. I picked 0.200.

The same tables show that my tooth load should be 0.005. This means each tooth should be removing 0.005″ of material.

Running at 400RPM with a four flute end mill, this means that the tool should advance 0.005*4 = 0.020 per rev. of the cutter.

That means we should be advancing 400 * 0.020 = 8 inches per minute.

My old Bridgeport isn’t that stout anymore. I’m running at 5 IPM with a 0.200 DoC @ 400ish RPM.

That is smooth and boy does it hog out the metal. I stopped shop time because it was time to do computer work. Not because I was tired or frustrated.

I should have the next toolholders ready for bluing before the weekend.

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Rumors and Lies

I make no bones about not liking Trump. I have many reasons for disliking him, and while many are “feeling based,” they’re concrete enough to be discussed. I can tell you WHY I don’t like him, and why I don’t think he’s the right President for this country, at least right now. My dislike doesn’t descend into hatred or vitriol, though.

I don’t like Biden, either. I have many diverse and concrete reasons for not liking him. I believe that another four years of Biden would cause irreparable harm to America, both as a country and as a people. My dislike, as with Trump, doesn’t mean that I hate him or that I spew nonsense about him.

The problem I have with the current political climate is that there doesn’t seem to be any middle ground. On one side, we have Trump, defender of the American Way, making America Great Again, looking to please the Republican voter base. Along the way, Trump is alienating undecided voters, pissing off a lot of Democrats, and pissing off a number of Republican ones, too. On the other, we have Biden, who is just plain incompetent. He’s not capable of deciding what to eat, never mind the direction a failing country should be going in. He’s just signing whatever people put in front of him, and that’s leading to a ridiculous level of decay. IMO, of course.

When I talk to people who support Trump, I often hear about how awesome he is, how great he is with money, and how he understands the downtrodden. I also hear about how Biden is a pervert, a traitor to the country, and that he’s invested in seeing that abortion is available up to and after birth. When I talk to Biden supporters, I hear about how “at least he’s better than Trump,” and that things haven’t been “too bad” with him. And then I hear about how Trump is a horrible person, how he’s a rapist, how he wants women to be caged like animals in the home, and that he wants to get rid of all the gay and trans people and put them in concentration camps.

What I hear, in the random flow of words that surround me on social media, is untruth. It’s rumors and lies. I hear as many about Biden as I do about Trump. If we could prove Biden was a pervert, he’d have been impeached by now and we’d be rid of  him. If he was a traitor and it could be proven, same. I haven’t seen any proof that Trump wants to push women back into the stone age, or that he wants to ban gay people, or round them up. This hysterical anger, these flashy words, aren’t truth. They’re nothing but rumors and lies.

I still don’t like Trump. I still don’t like Biden. I don’t think either of them are going to take my country in the right direction right now. They and their voter bases are too polarized, too opposite. Anything that includes the two of them is going to be another toss of the coin. I don’t think America should have to deal with yet another toss of the coin. That’s not how our government is meant to be chosen.

I am terrified that Biden’s people are going to successfully get rid of the Electoral College. I’m afraid that Trump’s people will be able to get abortion banned in all states, for all reasons, with no exceptions. I’m worried that Biden’s Democrats are going to allow innocent children to do surgical and hormonal changes to their bodies before they are old enough to make decisions about themselves. I’m concerned that Trumps Republicans are going to make birth control (and other women’s medical concerns) harder to get, or impossible to get. I’m scared that both sides are more interested in lashing out at one another, that they aren’t going to actually work on making things better for the country, as a whole.

There is no one else who’s even remotely likely to get onto the ballot at this late date. We’re looking at another toss of the coin. And it’s wrong. This is not freedom to choose, nor is it freedom to live. This is a sham that offers no real choice. I wish it were different. I want it to be different. I don’t know how to help make it different. And frankly, I’m aware that attempting to make it different means that pretty much everyone will hate me.

This is very truly a “behind enemy lines” post, though not from the Democrat side. Not from the Republican one, either. I’m in No Man’s Land, watching the war go on, knowing that the people fueling it aren’t the ones who’ll TRULY pay for the outcome of this next battle. The People, WE the People, will pay… and the price is too steep.

Hagar the depressed

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