The Seattle Autonomous Utopia

More goings on from inside the CHAZ:

Rapes, robberies, and violence, but at least people aren’t being shot by police.

We all remember that black lives matter and that all lives matter is bad, correct?

Well here is why:

All lives matter is bad because then the Left gets to also identify whose lives to not matter.  When your life doesn’t matter you can be done away with.

Nothing gets us closer to Leftist utopia than getting rid of undesirables.

I have no desire to live in a Leftist utopia.

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I want to make some of these

From the Annals of Editorial Oversight:

I thought that  Mazel Tov cocktail was an incendiary device that burned for eight days.

Miguel informed me that it is an adult beverage:

    • ounces Manischewitz
    • 1 1/2 ounces Gin
    • twist of lime

I know I’ll hate that because I hate gin.  It all tastes to me like it was distilled from pine tree air fresheners.

Besides, gin doesn’t say “Jewish” to me.

I think something more along the lines of a Rye Manhattan or New York Sour.

Rye whiskey is from New York, Manischewitz is from New York, and New York is still (despite the best efforts of Mayor de Blasio) a Jewish state.

Using Manischewitz as a replacement for Sweet Vermouth in a Rye Whiskey drink feels more “Mazel Tov” to me.

I feel the need to try and make one and then maybe I’ll try to come up with an incendiary device that burns for eight days.

Maybe I’ll post that recipe when I come up with it too.

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Dear Miami Herald: That was not it.

A small piece from a local TV station about the accelerating fading of our local news rag.

PEMBROKE PARK, Fla. – The old Miami Herald was a powerhouse. Widely read, widely respected and making big money.

But along came the Internet, stealing eyeballs and advertising.

“We need to know what’s going on in the community. What’s going on that’s good. What’s going on that’s not good. But people are now relying frankly on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram…” says David Lawrence, former Miami Herald publisher.

What’s next for Miami Herald as it leaves Doral and hedge fund looks to buy the company?

Why was printed media so reluctant to change? If there is anything I learned from blogging is that it does not matter how “sexy an splashy” a website is, if there is not a constant and good content, it is all for naught.  The newspapers have one advantage that other social media products do not have: The capacity of going in deep into a story.  Why isn’t this exploited? Because the Newspapers have tried to duplicate speed of publishing rather than good content. They need to break the news rather than get to the truth, but as I never get tired of repeating, they are in the News Business and not in the Truth Business.

Take the other regional rag, the Suns Sentinel. Just as crappy as the Herald, but the work they did uncovering the screw ups that led to the Parkland High School massacre were the stuff of journalistic legend. I have no idea how many quotes they may have gotten from social media, but that work put everybody in the business to shame proving that good content is viable in their new ear of information.

Lawrence was the Herald’s publisher in its salad days. He had 420 newsroom employees and 100 more at El Nuevo Herald.

The 80 or so news people still at the Herald are doing some excellent work.

If my math is not wrong, personnel-wise the Miami Herald  lost/let go 85% of its people from the numbers of their best days.  You can try and excuse all you want about times changing, but this kind of reduction of personnel screams something else: Not enough sales. The why? That is not unclear, they simply forgot to cater to their readers.

Let me give you an example of adaptation. Old farts (and not so old) will remember this little free cheap magazine you could find in the entrances of supermarkets: Auto Trader. Hell How many of us, broke as hell ended up looking and buying a car from that magazine printed in really crappy paper?
You know where Auto Trader is now? Online, right you are. And with a net income of  £197.7 million  (I just found out that they are Brits ) By all the excuses we have been given and the competition from other sites and established companies, they should not be in business. But they are and with a 9 figure profit. You want to laugh? The American side of the business employs 859 people.

The Miami  Herald made the mistake of being not so obvious about what kind of politics they side with.   It has been my opinion that the crash dive began during the 2000 elections when they abandoned their long tradition of not backing a Presidential candidate and went full bore with Gore, even during the infamous recounts. I remember laughing the early morning day I read over coffee how grudgingly the Herald finally admitted that Bush had won the state after Democrat-induced recounts and lawyering.

But rather than take that loss as a lesson, they went even more dumb in their coverage and gave more relevance to their opinion writers than actually covering news that people wanted to know. I particularly got tired of opening the darn thing and have Leonard Pitts accusing anybody non-black of every malady happening in Black neighborhoods. And the constant portray of the NRA and its members as a White Only Racist organization  by cartoonist Morin was just too over the top of political parody and was akin to 1930s cartoons blaming the Jews for all the shit happening in the world.  I read the paper and I found out that besides bad stuff was my fault, I did not learn anything news about the happenings in my county unless they could be painted in racist of Liberal hues to attack my beliefs.

I dropped my subscription and apparently so many other South Floridians.

But it was Twitter that killed them….right.

UPDATE: I was reminded by scrappycrow that Auto Trader was not free and that is true. I think it was the real state rentals that was free and I got confused due to lack of caffeine.  The error is corrected the error and I shall now retire to the corner with my dunce cap and a cup of java.



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Band Aid introduces Racially Diverse bandages (Not a joke)

At first passing glance, I thought it was either a post from The Onion or BabylonBee. It too k my brain three tries to process that was actually from a non-parody source like The Herald.

This is going past Virtual Signaling and straight into pandering.  The Herald article takes you to the Band Aid’s Instagram account.

We stand in solidarity with our Black colleagues, collaborators and community in the fight against racism, violence and injustice. We are committed to taking actions to create tangible change for the Black community.⁣

We are committed to launching a range of bandages in light, medium and deep shades of Brown and Black skin tones that embrace the beauty of diverse skin. We are dedicated to inclusivity and providing the best healing solutions, better representing you.⁣

In addition, we will be making a donation to @blklivesmatter.⁣ We promise that this is just the first among many steps together in the fight against systemic racism.⁣

We can, we must and we will do better.

The boldened part brought back memories of Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition “Extortion” schemes back in the 90s. The good reverend would accuse a co0mpany of being racist, the Media would echo and the company would have to kneel for forgiveness, promise to change whatever racist ways (real or imaginary) and obviously a fully “voluntary” monetary contribution to  the Reverends organizations.  After the steps were completed, suddenly the company was painted by the Reverend as a good racial one and blessed upon it whereas the bad publicity would cease.  This lasted till somebody got tired of Jesse Jackson’s BS and revealed that the Holy Man had a daughter off wedlock who was already an adult and never fessed up to admitting his mistake. After that, you could say the con lacked power.

Band Aid and many other companies are doing prior extortion payments to avoid being tagged as racist. Sincerely, if you are an adult who has suffered a cut to a finger, the last thing you want is to have to go through a color palette to figure out which band aid matches your racial profile. You want the bleeding to stop, specially if you are dropping red fluid over the house carpeting.


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The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone is here to stay

The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone isn’t going anywhere anytime soon unless Trump sends in US troops to repatriate the secessionists.

Despite the fact that the community has been taken over by a warlord and they can’t grow their own food, the Left will support the CHAZ with donations indefinitely.

Understand this, while the Leftist elite do not want to live there, they will support it out of Radical Chic.

In Copenhagen, Denmark, there is a similar zone known as Freetown Christiania.  It’s been a bohemian zone since 1971, and for every reason, it should have collapsed, except that the Leftist European elite subsidizes it because they like to occasionally go there for a day to be seen with the free-spirited artists and to claim to support whatever sort of Leftist Eutopia that the enclave claims to be.

I suspect that the CHAZ will be something similar, maybe not as enduring, but the Leftist elite will subsidize it to “prove” that their Leftist Utopian vision “functions.”

Here is my evidence:

The official word from the Associated Press is:

Trump Fumes as Protesters Stake Out Festive Zone in Seattle

That’s right, warlords and extortion are a “Festive Zone.”

The Mayor of Seattle supports it.

The Summer of Love was a shithole but it has been elevated in the Leftist canon into some sort of Camalot.

Just ask Geroge Harrison of the Beatles how he felt about it:

Governor of Washington Jay Inslee first said that he was unaware of the existence of the CHAZ, then defended it from Trump when the President criticized it.

At the state and local level, politicians are supporting the CHAZ.

It makes no sense for them to support what amounts to a secessionist group, except that the CHAZ represents everything they want.  A police free, anti-racist, totally equitable, anti-capitalist state.  They are going to prove that it works, even if it means funneling other people’s money into it.

This is a little patch of utopia in the middle of Seattle and they are going to make it work, no matter what, because the rest of America, like Orange Man, is bad and has to be shown how perfect life can be if only all conservatives were driven out.

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