Statement by AOC is more dangerous than people think

This from Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:

Most people are focusing on the part about rioting.

I’m focusing on the part comparing Americans to Palestinians.

The Woke, antisemitic Left has justified Palestinian terrorism, the murder of Jews, bombings, and shootings in the name of Palestinian oppression.

There is no attack on Israel, no number of Jewish children murdered, that the Left can’t somehow rationalize and justify in the name of Palestinian rights.

If that is the standard by which American minorities will be judged, God help us.

They could bomb a school bus full of white kids and the Left will say something about “power plus prejudice” and how not expecting your kids to ne murdered on their way to school in the morning is privilege that you just have to check.

I’m not guaranteeing that she meant that, but I not going to give her the benefit of the doubt.



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Merriam-Webster to take a knee to the grievance mob

According to Merriam-Webster, racism is defined as:

A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

That definition is racist and offensive.

From Fox News:

Kennedy Mitchum, 22, of Florissant, told KMOV-TV that she was inspired to email the dictionary publisher after getting into arguments with others about the definition.

Mitchum, a recent graduate of Drake University, felt the definition was too simple and too surface-level, according to the news station.

“So, a couple [sic] weeks ago, I said this is the last argument I’m going to have about this,” she said. “I know what racism is, I’ve experienced it time and time and time again in a lot of different ways, so enough is enough. So, I emailed them about how I felt about it. Saying this needs to change.”

“I basically told them they need to include that there is systematic oppression on people. It’s not just ‘I don’t like someone,’ it’s a system of oppression for a certain group of people,” she added.

Whereas the original definition of racism is a person’s individual belief in the superiority of one race over another, the second definition will be expanded to include the types of bias that have contributed to racial discrimination, said Peter Sokolowski, the editor-at-large at Merriam-Webster, in a statement to Fox News.

“Our second definition is divided to express, first, explicit institutional bias against people because of their race, and, second, a broader implicit bias that can also result in an asymmetrical power structure,” he said.


The social justice definition of racism as “power plus prejudice” is an Orwellian act designed to make overt racism against certain groups like whites, Jews, and successful Asians not “racism” because while it is prejudice, those groups have power.  The powerless cannot be racist against the powerful.

This is bullshit.

Merriam-Webster is incorporating that into its definition now.  It will become an official part of the English language that racism depends on group power dynamics.

This isn’t  a clarification.  This is Newspeak.

1984 is not a fucking how-to manual.  We need to make Orwell fiction again.


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Antifa Seattle releases it list of demands.

You have to give them credit: It is a beautiful piece of fiction politics. The introduction alone is worth the best creative work award of the old Soviet Duma:


In credit to the people who freed Capitol Hill, this list of demands is neither brief nor simplistic. This is no simple request to end police brutality. We demand that the City Council and the Mayor, whoever that may be, implement these policy changes for the cultural and historic advancement of the City of Seattle, and to ease the struggles of its people. This document is to represent the black voices who spoke in victory at the top of 12th & Pine after 9 days of peaceful protest while under constant nightly attack from the Seattle Police Department. These are words from that night, June 8th, 2020.

I swear I could hear the collective gasp of emotion sweeping every l;ittle communist across the land and even all the way to Cuba and Venezuela. Such moving words!

So what they do want? Here are some examples:

1-The Seattle Police Department and attached court system are beyond reform. We do not request reform, we demand abolition.

Nothing new here, right? But see what they are demanding further down the list.

15-We demand autonomy be given to the people to create localized anti-crime systems.

They want to create their own little justice brigades which I assume will be assuming all the functions of Police and the Courts. I think this already existed in the 19th Century under the name ‘Vigilantes,’ ‘Regulators’ and even the good old ‘Night Riders.’  Oh yes, it never ended well for individual rights.

Several other demands are basically payback against the Seattle Police including releasing info on officer accused of police brutality and I am guessing that would be for  doxxing and eventual Night Rider visit.

We continue:

7-We demand a retrial of all People in Color currently serving a prison sentence for violent crime, by a jury of their peers in their community.

Because nothing says “Racial Equality” than have justice proceeding based in the color of the skin.

13-We demand the abolition of imprisonment, generally speaking, but especially the abolition of both youth prisons and privately-owned, for-profit prisons.

I am sure the Antifa Vigilantes will keep the peace and make criminal predators behave with chants and essential oils.

The it gets real stupid: Rent Control, Free College, Free Healthcare and a whole bunch of other stuff. I am amazed they did not demand free booze and cable.

Right about now a City Council is praying the governor has had enough of their shit and decided to take over the city and impose a bit of common sense. By the same toke, the governor must be trying to figure out how to avoid this shitstorm.

And all of us are just ruining the diet chomping down on pop corn.

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‘Gone With The Wind’ temporarily Memory Holed for political reasons.

On Tuesday, HBO Max temporarily removed the 1939 film “Gone With the Wind” from its library in the wake of protests over the death of George Floyd.
“’Gone With The Wind’ is a product of its time and depicts some of the ethnic and racial prejudices that have, unfortunately, been commonplace in American society. These racist depictions were wrong then and are wrong today, and we felt that to keep this title up without an explanation and a denouncement of those depictions would be irresponsible,” an HBO Max spokesperson told Variety.

‘Gone With the Wind’ temporarily removed from HBO Max library

And so it begins.  Under the demands of a Approved Race Guidelines, companies shall be forced to withdraw anything deemed racially offensive from its rotation and  show only products that are deemed appropriate by the Reich… I mean, the Leftist Political Puritans.

Now, this is not new. For all its historical “wokeness” Hollywood has bent to external forces to use a racial and/or religious filters if they feel their income would be compromised.

Beginning with wholesale changes made to Universal’s 1930 release All Quiet on the Western Front, Hollywood regularly ran scripts and finished movies by German officials for approval. When they objected to scenes or dialogue they thought made Germany look bad, criticized the Nazis or dwelled on the mistreatment of Jews, the studios would accommodate them — and make cuts in the American versions as well as those shown elsewhere in the world.

The Chilling History of How Hollywood Helped Hitler

We are headed down a very dangerous path, or should I say a very dangerous set of railroad tracks?

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The politicians are deliberately lying to you about the protests, we have the audio

As Fox News reported, on May 31, Chicago had 18 murders, making that the 60 year high for homicides in the Windy City.  That was also the peak day of the Geroge Floyd protests and riots.  That is not a coincidence.

Bloody Chicago recorded 18 murders on May 31, making it the city’s deadliest day in 60 years.

The dubious milestone was reached on a day Chicago was roiled by another round of protests and looting following the Memorial Day death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis.

The 18 deaths tallied by the University of Chicago Crime Lab made May 31, 2020 the single-most violent day in six decades, the Chicago Sun-Times reported Monday. The Crime Lab numbers go back only to 1961.

On May 29 and May 30, there were seven murders. In a city with an international reputation for crime, the 25 murders on those three days made for the most violent weekend in Chicago’s modern history, according to the paper.

The City of Chicago was on fire, both figuratively and literally.

The politicians and media kept telling us to ignore your lying eyes and that the protests were mostly peaceful.

Behind closed doors, they knew that was bullshit.

From WTTW:

‘What Are We Going To Have Left In Our Community?’ Aldermen React with Panic, Sorrow to Unrest

As unrest swept the city Sunday, aldermen pleaded with Mayor Lori Lightfoot to help them protect their communities from roving bands of criminals clashing with police and looting businesses.

WTTW News obtained a recording of an online conference call held by the mayor’s office to brief all 50 aldermen on the city’s response to the unrest touched off by the death of George Floyd in the custody of Minneapolis police.

The recording begins with Ald. Michelle Harris (8th Ward) wondering how she could convince businesses like Walmart and CVS to rebuild on the South Side after the destruction.

“It’s like, what are we going to have left in our community?” Harris asks her colleagues before answering herself. “Nothing.”

Ald. Pat Dowell (3rd Ward) said she felt helpless to protect older residents, who she said were struggling to buy food and get prescription medicine.

“I’ve worked really hard over the last seven years and now I feel like I am five feet back,” Dowell said.

“I feel like I am at ground zero,” Harris responded. “My major business district is shattered. Why would Walmart or CVS come back to our communities?”

Lightfoot said a crowd of 30-40 people gathered outside a clothing store near 111th Street and Michigan Avenue as a “dude with a sledgehammer” broke into the store to allow it to be looted.

“I don’t know about you, but I haven’t seen s–t like this before, not in Chicago,” Lightfoot said.

Ald. Derrick Curtis (18th) said he had called 911 to report looting, and got no answer. Rich Guidice, the director of the Office of Emergency Management and Communications, acknowledged that the system was overwhelmed.

Ald. Susan Sadlowski-Garza (10th Ward) broke down while pleading with Lightfoot for help.

“My ward is a s–t show,” Sadlowski-Garza said, adding that cop cars and banks were burned. “They are shooting at the police.”

Sadlowski-Garza wept as she told Lightfoot new businesses had been destroyed, while other shops were being protected by owners with shotguns.

“This is a massive, massive problem,” Lightfoot said. “People are just f—–g lawless right now.”

Ald. Raymond Lopez (15th Ward) demanded that Lightfoot develop a plan to stabilize Chicago’s neighborhoods for five days, calling his Southwest Side ward “a virtual war zone” where gang members armed with AK-47’s were threatening to shoot black people.

This is the entire phone call, all one hour and eighteen minutes of it:

I encourage you to listen to the whole thing.

They knew shit was going down and it scared the piss out of them but they told us everything was fine.

They knew that the police outmanned, outgunned, and the only thing that kept the city from descending entirely into early October 1993 in Mogadishu, but they tell you now that they need to defund and disband the police to fight racism.

They can tell you how defunding the police won’t cause problems but they know what happens when the police that they did have lost control of the city.  They know what will happen when they defund the police, they spent eighty minutes on the phone hysterical because of it.

They are lying to your face and we can prove it, we have the audio.

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