I finally got to shoot the Henry .357 Magnum Revolver.

Big Boy Revolver .357 Mag/.38 Spl Gunfighter Grip.

Borrowing design cues from its long gun brethren, the Big Boy Revolver touts highly polished blued steel throughout the medium-sized frame, quick-release cylinder, and 4” barrel. In addition, genuine American walnut grip panels are affixed to both sides of a mirror-like brass trigger guard that’s visible around the grip to the top of the backstrap.

Big Boy Revolver | Henry Repeating Arms (henryusa.com)

Running an M.S.R. price of $928.00, makes it for a very expensive sidearm. It is accurate as hell, the perceived recoil with defensive loads was meek and joyful, but the disgusting 16 lbs. or even 18 lbs. (We did not have a trigger pull scale that went above 10 lbs. I felt I needed a propane tank scale) double action trigger pull was just atrocious. Single action pull is about 6 lbs. and it is smooth and breaks clean.

I love the look of the revolver and if it was not for the bad double action trigger, I would have said this is a Church Gun out of the box.

I do hope Henry gets that fixed. It is not like Chicago PD or NYPD will issue revolvers with crappy trigger pulls.

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Friday Feedback

It has been a good week overall. We got some great news out of a local court in Massachusetts regarding honoring out of state permits to carry.

It is really great news. About a half dozen of the people I watch have talked about it as well as J.Kb.

One point, it is an “as applied” ruling. In any court opinion, the court can rule on how something applies to the plaintiff/defendant OR they can rule on the law. In this case, the court ruled that their finding only applied to the defendant.

This means that if J.Kb were to travel to Mordor and was investigated by the authorities and found to be carrying under his New Hampshire license, he would have to go through the same type of trial. Until the Massachusetts courts knock down the law, this will be the case.

It is still wonderful news.

The Rahimi case is getting attention in all the usual places. You’ll be hearing more about it as it will be the next big Second Amendment case heard by the Supreme Court.

Sometime in the next month or so, the good guys will have to have all of their briefs in. That will be easier reading. In looking at all of this, I might actually attempt to write a brief for the case… I am not sure how that will go.

The comments are open, feel free to be commenters.

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San Francisco PD: From Dirty Harry to Scaredy Harriets

I believe that we are witnessing the ending of Law Enforcement was we know it. We have to have laws that allow us to use deadly force to defend property or the powers that be will have to deals with people doing it anyway.

If you count on any police department to come rescue you, you are in for big (and sometimes final) disappointment.

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“We are imaginative! We are trendy!”

Or mostly ignorant. OK, a lot ignorant.

J. Kb sent me this as payback for all the crap I send to him.

Most Latinos and those who lived under that sphere of food influence immediately recognized this “new” hot trend as the centuries-old custom of “Tapas.” Italians call it Antipasto and probably every culture surrounding the Mediterranean has a version and a name that goes with it.

In Spain is not only a way you sit to eat a meal but a firmly established culinary and profitable culture known as Tapas Bars.

Visiting Tapas bars are actually one of the best things you can do if you travel to Spain. The last time I was there eons ago, I took a whole afternoon and night bouncing from one bar to another tasting the incredible food they offered. The only smart thing I did was to stay away from booze, but I reckon I could not eat for three days after that celebration of gluttony. And whenever you have a pocket of Spaniards anywhere, you can probably find a Tapas bar nearby.

Gen Z is composed by a bunch of idiots.

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You need a gun and a 4X4

From The Hill:

Maui residents who disobeyed barricade survived fires: AP

Those who disobeyed the barricaded road closures during the Maui fires survived the disaster, while many of those who heeded orders to turn around perished in their cars and homes with no way out, The Associated Press reported.

At least 114 people were killed in the fires earlier this month, and the FBI is estimating that up to 1,100 more are unaccounted for. Officials are facing increased scrutiny for the emergency response, including why the emergency sirens were not set off and whether closing the roads prevented people from getting to safety.

In the early hours of the Maui fires, there were more than 30 power poles downed alongside the Honoapiilani Highway at the south end of Lahaina — a historic town that was decimated in the fires earlier this month. Officials closed Lahaina Bypass Road due to the fires, blocking the only way out of Lahaina to the southern part of the island.  

Maui Police Chief John Pelletier said during a news conference that officers never stopped people from leaving the area, but the AP report suggests that residents were discouraged from disobeying the barricade. 

One family swerved around the barricade set up to escape the flames, while another resident took a dirt road uphill to climb above the fire, according to the AP. However, many others who stayed in the cars on that road were stuck in a gridlock, with fires surrounding them on most sides with the ocean on the remaining side.

Kim Cuevas-Reyes said that she survived with her two sons by ignoring orders to turn right onto Front Street, which has now been devastated by the fires. Instead, she turned left and drove in the wrong lane to escape the town.

This is evil.

The government murdered people.  There is no other way to describe this.

The government put up barricades which trapped people in harm’s way of a raging fire.

The people who survived disobeyed the barricades, going around them and off-road or in the opposite lane.

We at GFZ have always been advocates of owning firearms as a bulwark against tyranny.

It seems that having a 4X4 is another weapon in your arsenal against government oppression.

When the government barricades your escape from certain death, you kick it into 4WD and blaze a new path to safety.

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Tennessee Extraordinary Session: Where are we?

Good news: all of the bad bills are dead and with little chance of resuscitation.

Bad news: Good gun bills are also dead or appear so. The Senate has been tabling bills left and right and only a handful without true danger to gun rights are still alive.

As I told you before, I am still a babe in the wood when it comes about the TN legislature, and I cannot say with absolute certainty if all is good till the final gavel kills the session. I hate to see that the School Carry for enhance permits died, but I figure eventually that will come down too or will go out via Bruen.

Senators are taking the day Friday off and I guess so will I.


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