Why BBQ/Smoking makes sense?

I opened the freezer earlier and found out I am down to my last container of pulled pork. That means this weekend will be one of smoking a couple of pork butts to restock the reserves. And I have to do another trip to the local Wally World and see if they still have the cheap spareribs for a ridiculous low price.

I can almost hear a couple of you grumbling about “another foodie post” but hear me out. I pack lunch to work and I eat a lot of that delicious BBQ for an insanely low price. My local true BBQ joint prices its pulled pork and $11+ a pound while mine comes about just under $4 and I get three work lunches out of it. Where I work offers a lunch cooked in the facility’s kitchen for $2.50 and it tastes as industrial bland as you can imagine and far from healthy. Other coworkers choose to buy from the nearby fast-food joints and I believe the cheapest meal you can grab is about $5 and again, not all that healthy.

I am eating good and cheap, and I secretly enjoy the looks of envy of my fellow co-workers when they come into the break room and smell honest-to-God BBQ.

I am an a-hole, I know.

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Stop the bleed correctly

Miguel posted this video earlier.


The cop takes a bullet to the finger and then tourniquets his hand halfway up his forearm.

Yes, absolutely tourniquets are life saving tools, and it’s good that some of the medical equipment and knowledge used to save lives on the battlefield in the GWOT has become adopted by the police and civilians alike.

But when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Tourniquets are used to occlude blood flow by squeezing arteries shut.

Under the wrong conditions, they can cause more harm than good.  Tourniquets can cause nerve damage by comprising nerves.  Not something you want in your hand.

Lots of arterial bleeding?  Absolutely apply a tourniquet.  The premium is on saving a life.

A healthy person is not going to bleed to death from splitting a finger wide open, or even taking a finger off.

A pressure bandage is much more applicable here.

On my person, I generally carry an Israeli bandage instead of a tourniquet, because it’s more versatile.  It can be used with a tourniquet like function.


Don’t think I’m sitting on tourniquets, they are a vital tool for saving lives. But they have a time and a place when they are appropriate.

Being prepared is absolutely critical.

So is using your brain in an emergency situation.

You don’t want to stop the bleeding of a bad finger boo-boo in such as way as to cause nerve damage to the hand.



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Stupid Arguments before the Supreme Court

The Rahimi case has brought out all the normal infringers, along with a number of lesser known groups and people. They filed numerous amicus curiae briefs. I had intended to do a brief look through them all. Nope, no, forget it. Too much pain. What follows is a sampling of the first few, along with a couple of others I found interesting. Most of the text came from the table of contents. Take it for what you will.

(2300 words, mostly theirs)

If you want to go read these yourself, they are all on the Supreme Court’s webpage under the Rahimi case.

American’s Against Gun Violence

  1. Bruen’s “text and history” test, applied in Rahimi, relied on two deeply flawed assumptions
    1. Both Bruen and Heller are based on the false premise that the text and history of the Second Amendment established an individual right to own a gun
      1. The “well regulated militia” clause refers to the right to possess and use firearms in connection with militia service
      2. The “keep and bear arms” clause refers to a right to possess firearms if needed for and in relation to military activities
      3. The Second Amendment did not codify any right inherited by English ancestors because no such individual right to own firearms ever existed
      4. The drafters of the Second Amendment knowingly did not include language to provide for an individual right to possess firearms for self-defense
      5. Heller and Bruen improperly departed from this Court’s interpretation of the Second Amendment
    2. Bruen’s framework is also improper because it compels a foregone conclusion and perpetuates the myth that gun ownership is important for individuals’ safety and self-defense
  2. Heller and its progeny “threaten the breakdown of law and order” as Justice Breyer warned in the Heller dissent
    1. Gun related deaths have been significantly increasing since Heller
    2. Gun ownership conveys a greater risk than benefit
    3. Gun related deaths in the United States far exceed those of any other high-income country
These infringers admit that under Heller and Bruen there is no gun control law that survives. … because it compels a foregone conclusion

American Medical Association

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I keep telling you, it is money they are after.

Bills from Gun Control groups so far has been decimated in the Tennessee legislature and they are just down to scream, interrupt the proceeding for a brief while and get TV time while they are escorted out of chambers.

But give it to the Gun Control Clique to ask monies when the product and delivery fails, why? Because they know their followers will blindly donate.

So, at least they will net $50K on this fundraiser alone. And that won’t stop, I can guarantee it.

And we are the ones accused to take blood money.

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Pride and Prejudice

Bringing you news from the Left today.

Who Shot Laura Carleton?

Carleton was a shop owner in California, who hung a rainbow flag out front of her store. Up until a couple of days ago, no one knew who she was. She was just a little shop owner. She liked rainbows, was LGBT positive, and had nine kids of her own. No one seemed to dislike her. Until a few days prior to her shooting, when a douche-canoe named Travis ripped down her flag and said some rather hateful things. When she put up a new one, he came back and shot her.

At this point, there isn’t anymore to the narrative. The official reason for the shooting was “anti-LGBT hate crime.” Near as I can tell from the reading I’ve done, there was no specific beef between Travis and Carleton, beyond her love of everyone. He posted a lot of off-color stuff, rather hateful, on his social media. Beyond the usual Right commentary on abortion being bad, he also talked a lot about how sinful and war-mongering someone was if they were pro-abortion or pro-LGBT.

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