Tuesday Tunes

The 19th Amendment

I know that AWA was looking for a patriotic song. But the way that he explained it was that he wanted a song, a tune, that spoke of my pride for my country.

I have always been a Dolly fan, and this song is a wonderful explanation as to why. Here she is, singing about the women that stood up and fought back, that refused to back down, the blocked the streets and were loud and had signs and got in people’s faces and wouldn’t take no for an answer, and secured the right to vote for women in America. I think it’s hard for the young women of today to understand that only a hundred years ago, we didn’t have the right to vote. We didn’t have a lot of rights. We couldn’t have credit cards, and I’m pretty sure that some of us still couldn’t on land at the time. And that lack of recognition of our sovereign rights as human beings was held back by people who were afraid of what women might do with their vote.

They should have been afraid. Women have been strong voters. That’s changed in the last few years however, and that’s a problem. It’s time for our young women to stand up, and our young men too, and make sure that the right to vote doesn’t cease to be recognized. People might say it’s never going to go away, but how many rights have trickled away because someone didn’t stand up for them? How many rights of disappeared because someone didn’t use them or educate themselves about them? Too many.

Welcome to America. In America, rights simply are. Some are recognized, because they are so important that it’s necessary for us as a country, as a free Nation, to outline them and clearly State them. They are protected rights, which is not to say that a piece of paper or an amendment created them. The right existed long before any piece of paper was written on. Rights are simply there, they are inherent to The human condition. I am extremely proud to live in a country where people can fight passionately to express their rights and their opinions, and where our rights that are protected are updated as we update our society.


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Old News: The Hypocrisy of Gun Control and its partners.

The modern push for Gun Control can be traced to January 17, 1989 with the Stockton Schoolyard shooting where 5 children died. This is the even that coined the much maligned and now ridiculed “Do it for the children!” waved every time there is somebody under 19 as a victim of a crime involving a firearm.

Just 3 months later, another massacre occurred with a higher children body count, but it was barely mentioned by the Media or brought out at all by the “Do it for the Children!” pundits and politicians.

The instrument of death was not that evil AK 47 the media have been drumming about, but something as simple as a match or a lighter and possibly some accelerant, all easily obtainable and non-regulated to this day.

And if I am not mistaken, still the higher number of casualties per incident (setting aside 9/11 and the OKC bombing) were caused by arson.

But arson is not politically sexy, and it does not offer much to write about or to wax philosophically in front of a camera.


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Time to yeet the neighbor’s dog

Hero gran, 50, is horrifically mauled as she wrestled neighbor’s pitbull with her bare hands to protect grandkids aged two and four after it lunged at her, dragged her from her doorway and tore chunks out of her leg, arm and face

A heroic grandmother was violently mauled as she wrestled her neighbor’s violent pitbull with her bare hands to protect her two young grandchildren, leaving her dripping with blood after the dog tore chunks out of her face, legs and arms.

Rhonda Stickney, from Motley, Minnesota, said the dangerous animal lunged at her daughter Tiffani, 27, grandson Jaxsyen, four, and Keyahra, two, as they stood in her doorway.

The giant dog went on to tear chunks out of her arm and face. Stickney claims she then grabbed hold of the dog’s jaw to stop it from biting her further until the owner came over to wrestle it off and drag it inside.

The mother-of-five believes she will have scars for life on her chin, eye, arm and leg as a result of the incident.

She added: ‘My grandchildren saw the whole thing. My daughter was screaming. It tore at my face and latched onto my arm.

‘My arm was punctured so when they went to rinse it to clean it out, it ran straight out the other side.

She remains on medication months later and has to go to hospital twice a week to get her leg repacked.

Following the horrific ordeal, Stickney contacted the police. The dog was not destroyed but the neighbor was forced to put a microchip in the animal and make it wear a muzzle whenever it goes outside.

She added: ‘The police came over and they were going to deem it as “possible dangerous” but I pushed it and showed them the photos of my injuries and they deemed it as a dangerous dog.

‘They made her microchip it and wear a muzzle when it goes outside. That’s not ok when there are kids around.’

Explain to me how a dog that jumps a fence, attacks children, and rips holes in a woman’s face, leg, and arm isn’t pit down?

I’ve had to have wounds packed before. It hurts like a bastard.

I try to be neighborly, but I’d shoot the fucking dog.

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Why you need high capacity mags

Sometimes bad guys come more than one at a time:

Screams heard as 6 suspects force their way into Tacoma home

In Pierce County, police are searching for six people who forced their way into a home in Tacoma.

Video from a Ring camera captured the terrified screams from inside the home.

Tacoma police told KIRO 7 the suspects kicked in the door at a home on South Trafton Street before 2:30 a.m. Sunday.

Officials say the group held the occupants at gunpoint, stole items, then left.

Six people.


This is the type of situation where a high capacity magazine, perhaps in an AR-15, is necessary.

The bureaucrats who tell you that you only need 10 rounds to hunt deer don’t consider half a dozen people with the intention of doing you harm kicking in your door at dark o’clock in the morning.

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Time to check zero again

These two inbred fuck-nut shit-weasels.




Tweedle Dipshit and Tweedle Dumbass can burn whatever they want on their property.

Come near my home or Synagogue and they will spend their entire time demonstrating in literal crosshairs with me praying for a legal excuse to send it.

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The Soviet impulse of the American Left

This old Leftist fuck is very proud of his shirt.

May I remind you that deportation was what the Soviets called stripping a citizen of their rights and sending them to the Gulag.

In the Soviet system, citizenship is irrelevant, only ideology matters.

If you did not agree with the ideology, you could be unpersoned.

The American Leftist is no different.

Your rights as a citizen depend on your ideology.

Agree with them and you can have all the rights of citizenship even if you’re not one.

Disagree with them and you rights as a citizen are revoked.

We just want to be left alone. They want to drag us from our homes and deport us.

And you wonder why I support the Second Amendment.

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