You bet your butt (OK, it is a lousy title, but I only had one cup of coffee)

Making pulled pork today. I made the mistake of buying boneless pork butt from Costco and I swear a drunk Mongol in a murderous frenzy couldn’t have done a crappiest job. I had to tie the butts like it was some Yankee roast beef before being able to seasoning it.

Salt, black pepper, garlic and my go-to for anything pork: McCormick Grill Mates Brown Sugar Bourbon Seasoning. Mustard is being used to give it a slight extra flavor, but mostly so the rub ingredients stay in place. Basically adhesive.

Going to let it rest for a bit before getting it in the smoker for 9 to 10 hours. Hickory once again the choice of wood because I get it for free from my BiL.

OK, it has been 10 hours later and one of the butts is done.

And properly shredded:

Now, if you all excuse me, I must get myself some dinner with this delicious swine.


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Lance Boland v. Rob Bonta, CA UHA (9th Cir.)

B.L.U.F. The 9th Circuit court is about to hear oral arguments on the California Unsafe Hand Gun act. Everybody wants to get their oar in the water, here is one such oar.


Peace Officers Research Association of California, The California State Sheriffs’ Association, The California Police Chiefs Association, The California Association of Highway Patrolmen, the California Reserve Peace Officers Association, that is who is filling this Amicus Curiae brief.

More formally:

Pursuant to Rule 29(c)(2) of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, Amici Curiae the Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC), the California State Sheriffs’ Association (CSSA), the California Police Chiefs Association (CPCA), the California Association of Highway Patrolmen (CAHP), and the California Reserve Peace Officers Association (CRPOA) respectfully submit this Amici Curiae brief, with the consent of all parties, in support of Plaintiffs/Appellees Lance Boland, Mario Santellan, Reno May, Jerome Schammel, and California Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. No counsel for a party authored this brief in whole or in part, and no party or party’s counsel contributed money to fund this brief. No person other than Amici Curiae made any monetary contribution to fund the preparation or submission of this brief.
Lance Boland v. Rob Bonta, No. 23-55276, slip op. at 1 (9th Cir.)

The first three pages are introductions of the different organizations.

The Argument

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The hashtag is an old Mom’s Demand/Brady/Giffords/etc thing where you are supposed to wear orange to show your support for “Gun Safety” and “Common Sense Gun Laws” AKA Gun Control.  We have made plenty fun through the years.

So, I wore orange today and added my ornery ways.

And according to a couple Facebook friends, I am Rabbi Miggy.

J Kb would probably die laughing at the thought.

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Brady must lie and peddle systemic racism to sell gun control.

I just caught this one in Twitter:

The poor child was surely shot by an evil White Supremacists, right?

The two young men are accused of killing 15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton on January 29.
Police said Ward and Williams were gang members seeking revenge against the people who had shot Williams in July, men against whom Williams had refused to press charges when police arrested them.

He and Ward thought they had spotted members of a rival gang at the park when police said Ward sneaked up on Hadiya and her friends and began shooting. Williams was the getaway driver, Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy has said.

Ward later confessed to shooting Hadiya and two others in a case of mistaken identity, according to McCarthy.

2 charged in Chicago teenage girl’s killing plead not guilty | CNN

The biggest murdered of blacks are, unfortunately, other blacks by a staggering 88%.

If your cause is righteous, why lie? 

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Gen Z woman are broken


This is the product of being saturated online and having no perspective of the real world.

I’m a materials engineer. Materials engineering is consistently in the top 5 salaries for batchelor degrees.

It took me having a PhD, PE with eight years experience to break $100,000 in salary.

Mid career salaries for engineering (20 years experience) is about $150,000.

A $650,000 salary is a senior partner in a law firm or medical clinic with 30 years experience experience.

These women have no idea what men of their contemporary age make, except for the tiniest fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percentage of terminally online influencer bros.

Social media was a mistake and a generation is broken.

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Friday Feedback

Last night, I pushed out my first article using the new citation engine. Please let me know if you have any feedback on it, thank you.

Hagar has a couple of articles out this week. Great engagement, as always. She has at least one more article ready to go and more in the queue.

I also want to apologize, the meme I posted that I got from e-mail was modified from the original, cutting off the original creator’s marks.

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