I hope these chicken-shits have nightmares about this forever


They had armor plates and ARs but couldn’t go into the classroom to stop the shooter.

Afterwards they cried and vomited.

This is supposed to make me feel sorry for them?

I hope each and every one of these officers has nightmares about what they saw every night for the rest of their miserable lives until they suck-start their service weapon.

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Gotta love Tennessee: Hippy Bull Attacks Man, gets shot.

One man suffered injuries after being attacked by a Scottish Highland bull Wednesday near Eagleville.

Rutherford County Emergency Medical Services paramedics treated the 55-year-old Chapel Hill man until LifeFlight’s helicopter pilot flew him to the hospital.

Sheriff’s Cpl. Jamie Bailey said witnesses heard the man yelling, “Get back, get back” while he was inside a barn on Allisona Road.

Deputy Jared Keith and EMS Supervisor Mike Johnson yelled at the aggressive bull to draw attention away from the man.

“The bull then charged Deputy Keith and Supervisor Johnson,” Bailey said. “That’s when Deputy Keith discharged his Sheriff’s Office rifle and put the cow down.”

Johnson and Bailey carried the man to the ambulance for treatment.

Man Injured in Bull Attack near Eagleville – Rutherford Source

Not the animal in question, but similar beast.



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They All Run Together

In Oregon Firearms Federation, Inc. v. Brown I wrote:

The gist is that Measure 114 creates a permitting scheme that doesn’t work. It bans magazines and semi-automatic weapons and is another Bruen response spam bill.

As CS pointed out to me, I got it wrong.

Categorizing it as a Bruen response is incorrect. It was a ballot initiative, the language for which was filed in April 2021 (14 months before Bruen) and approved for signature gathering in November 2021 (eight months before Bruen).
Private e-mail with CS (May 24, 2023)

They are correct. I did get it wrong. I’m sorry, all of these bills and cases are starting to run together in my head. Furthermore, I don’t have my tags set correctly on the different cases yet, either.

Measure 114 was a ballot initiative. The anti-gun people in Oregon had been working on multiple infringements within the legislative body. They did not get the votes. Most politicians realize that gun control is often times the third rail of politics.

The anti-gunners don’t like loosing. They went and started the Ballot Initiative. This is the method that the people of Oregon use to get laws passed via direct democracy. Mob rule.

I remember reading that there were a number of things wrong with the process that was used, and there were a number of questions about the legitimacy of the initiative.

According to Ballotpedia, they needed 112,020 valid signatures to get the measure on the ballot. Bay June 23, 2022, they only had around 90,000. This was not enough. By July 9, 2022, they had 159,000. This was barely in time to get the measure on the ballot.

Please note, I’m working from a very fuzzy memory, Oregon wasn’t my state, and it wasn’t of major interest to me, at the time.

All the Country is grist for the mill now. I thank all the readers that have sent us links and announcements about the interesting 2A things happening in their parts of the country.

The measure was written before Bruen being decided. The state should have looked at the Measure and declared it unconstitutional and made them go back and re-write it, and get another set of signatures. That didn’t happen.

Here are the links to prior articles I’ve written regarding Measure 114. I think my writing has gotten better, but not so much that I should go rewrite these articles.

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Reminder: The Rule of Law is gone.

Shellyne (AKA Machete Professor) Rodriguez has not been arrested after assaulting with a deadly weapon two NY Post journos.

It has been what? 2 days since the attack and not a peep from Law Enforcement other than a second-hand report that they are investigating?
My guess is that since Machete Professor is a bonafide member of the BLM/Defund The Popos movement, the Powers that Were do not want to have a rebellion from the minions as NYC cannot afford a “Mostly Peaceful Protest.”

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Another lesson in not breaking your own perimeter

This is absolutely tragic.

PICTURED: Maryland doorstep where dad was beaten to death protecting son, 14, after high school bullies – and two ADULTS – showed up and repeatedly slammed his head into concrete in front of 12-year-old son

A father was killed on his doorstep, trying to defend his 14-year-old son after a fight broke out at a local school and a group swarmed on his Maryland home.

Christopher Wright, 43, was dragged into a fight that started at Brooklyn Park Middle School and moved to his house in Anne Arundel County, his fiancée Tracy Karopchinsky claims.

She says her 14-year-old son Trenton got into conflict with another teen at the school on Friday, before three adolescents and two adults showed up at her home.

Her husband told the group their son would not be fighting, to which they are said to have replied: ‘If he’s not going to fight, then you’re going to fight us.’

Wright was horrifically beaten by the group and had his head repeatedly slammed against the concrete outside his home as his 12-year-old son watched.

Wright was taken to a trauma center. He was pronounced dead on Saturday after sustaining a traumatic brain injury.

Here is a video from the local news:


If I’m understanding this correctly, the family was inside the house.

The teens who started the fight with the Wright’s son, and two other adults, came to the house to demand the son step outside and fight.

Wright refused to let his son fight, then went outside to fight himself.

At that point he was ganged up on and killed.

The situation here was quite similar, they are safe inside, the aggressors are outside, keep it that way and call the police.

Even if the aggressors threatened to come in, so what?  Now Castle Doctrine applies. People breaking into your house to beat up your child are fair game for yeeting.

This man did, what I can only assume he believed was noble, a very stupid thing, and stepped outside and was beat to death in front of his children.

Don’t break your own perimeter.

Stay inside where it’s safe and prepare to defend your home.



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Reminder: once you go into the water in Florida, you’re not the top of the food chain


Florida man, 72, has his right leg ripped off below the knee in horrific alligator attack: Two reptiles are shot dead in the water including one with a foot protruding from its mouth

A Florida man had his right leg ripped off below the knee in horrific alligator attack before wildlife officials shot dead two huge predators.

The man, 72, whose identity was not disclosed, was working outside his Titusville home on Friday afternoon with his wife and dog when the huge gator emerged from the canal.

When deputies from the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office arrived at his home located at the Great Outdoors Nature, RV and Golf Resort, they found the gator in the water with the man’s foot protruding from its mouth.


‘I lost an arm, it’s not the end of the world’: Man, 23, maimed by 10ft alligator after falling into a pond behind a Florida bar when he went to relieve himself outside because restroom line was too long

A 23-year-old man lost his arm when he was attacked by a 10ft alligator after tripping into a pond outside a Florida bar.

Jordan Rivera barely remembers the attack when he ‘ended up in the water’ behind Banditos bar in Port Charlotte in the early hours of Sunday after going outside to relieve himself because the restroom line was too long.

Patrons ran to his rescue after hearing him screaming for help during the attack. They pulled him out of the water and put a makeshift tourniquet on his severed right arm.

From his ICU bed in Fort Myers, Rivera took a remarkably sanguine attitude to the unfortunate incident when he said: ‘I didn’t lose my life, I lost an arm, it’s not the end of the world.’

He said: ‘As I was going over there something happened where I either tripped or the ground below me just went down. I ended up in the water. And that’s literally the last thing I remember.’

The next time he opened his eyes, he was in the hospital with an amputated arm.

83 million years of highly evolved ambush predation vs a human is no match.

When you go into, or even too near, the water I’m Florida, you stop being at the top of the food chain.

It’s spring, heading into summer.  The water looks cool and inviting.  But be careful you don’t end up a gator snack.

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