Saying the whole point of the 2A then going against it

Judge Rudolph Contreras decided the DC high-capacity magazine ban was Constitutional.

The interesting thing was what he wrote in his opinion.


See, you the citizen don’t need more than 10 rounds for self defense because sometimes in a defensive shoot, the defending citizens used fewer than 10 rounds.  It’s not us to you to decide how many rounds you may need, the judge decided 10 is all you get.

By the logic of this judge, you should only be able to have a 2 to 3 round magazine because that’s the average needed for a defensive shoot.

Since you only really need 2 or 3 rounds, having 15, 17, or 21 rounds is “poorly adapted” from military use.

I don’t even understand what that means.  How are civilian high capacity magazines “poorly adapted” from military mags?

These firearm were designed to hold 15 or 17 rounds and the 10 round mags were poorly adapted from the original magazine.

This is nonsensical and backwards.

I’ll that the comment about the plaintiff’s expert opinion backfiring suggest prejudice against the plaintiff.

But of all the statement in the opinion, this next one is the kicker.


You need to be limited to 10 rounds so that you will be outgunned by the military and police.

You’re just a citizen, so the government should be able to possess better small arms than you.

The idea that this allows the police to outgun criminals is stupid considering that the criminals who illegally obtain their guns generally also obtain illegal high capacity magazines.

It’s only the law abiding citizens who are fucked.

The most clear thing about this decision is that the judge hates guns and engaged in the mental gymnastics needed to justify his opinion regardless of the Constitution.


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Sorry, it has been a busy day or two.

It is amazing how much stuff to do piles up because it has been too cold to get it done.  Went day before yesterday to the Gun and Run Match at the Outpost Armory and performed a bit better than the last time. It is now my official “monthly therapy” and Dear God, I needed it. Half of yesterday was spent doing yard work and then I forced myself to vegetate with the missus in front of the TV binging a SciFi series. And today, after gym time, I did some research work and went back to the range to check the 10/22s that I will be taking to Appleseed next weekend. I checked scops, function, which ammo they like better (one of the rifles plain hates Norma) and made sure all 10-round mags worked flawlessly. One hiccupped some, so I figure needs to be checked, probably cleaned, but I ended up with 6 trusted mags.

After lunch and a movie with the missus, it was back a bit with the research while I smoked two pans of meatloaf.

And I had to let them rest some, so I decided to update the blog.

Now, if you excuse me, I am going to get me some BBQed love.

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“Just leave it outside!” (Don’t break the perimeter)

Fake delivery guy tries Home Invasion.

Any other week I would have warned about not opening the door for anybody (even in uniform) unless they have a properly official vehicle, but the case of somebody using a fake Amazon truck to deliver pot around town has made me cancel that tune. It won’t be long before somebody figures out that is a nice way to go in neighborhoods and do mischief, armed or otherwise.

My new strategy is to yell:



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Hanson v. District of Columbia, magazine ban is consitutional

The Judge Said What?

B.L.U.F. — Judge Rudolph Contreras believes that banning magazines with more than some magic number is constitutional. This leads to another WTF post analysis of a Judge’s opinion.

The Question

Is D.C.’s LCM ban Constitutional?

The ban basically says that it is illegal to possess, sell, or transferD.C. Code § 7-2506.01(b) a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds. The exception is for tube feed .22 caliber magazines.


Some context is in order to understand the gun law at issue. An ammunition feeding device, more commonly known as a magazine, “is a vehicle for carrying ammunition. It can be either integral to the gun or detachable.” Ocean State Tactical, LLC v. Rhode Island, No. 22-cv-246, 2022 WL 17721175, at *4 (D.R.I. Dec. 14, 2022). “Most modern semi-automatic firearms, whether handguns or semi-automatic rifles like AR-15s, use detachable box magazines.” Id. The magazine is simply “inserted into and removed from the frame of the firearm, much as an extra battery-pack gets swapped in and out of a battery-operated tool, like a leaf blower, for example.” Id. Magazines come in different sizes and have different capacities. Under D.C. law, a large-capacity magazine, or LCM, is simply a magazine that can hold more than ten bullets. “When a multiple-round device like an LCM is attached, a handgun becomes a ‘semiautomatic’ weapon, meaning that it is capable of rapidly firing several bullets, one right after another. However, the gun still requires a trigger-pull for each round fired.” Id.
HANSON v. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, 1:22-cv-02256, D.D.C. (2023) ECF No. 28

This duffus had to go out and find another judge who is just as ignorant as he is in order to make a statement as stupid as saying that attaching a “large capacity magazine” to a handgun makes it into a semiautomatic.

He is quoting the memorandum and opinion out of the District Court of Rhode Island. He had this to say about an “LCM” challenge.

In summary, the Court finds that the plaintiffs lack a likelihood of success on the merits, that they will not suffer irreparable harm if the law is allowed to take effect, and that the public interest is served by denying injunctive relief. Specifically, regarding the merits, the plaintiffs have failed in their burden to demonstrate that LCMs are “Arms” within the meaning of the Second Amendment’s text. Moreover, even were they “arms,” the plaintiffs have failed to prove that LCMs are weapons relating to self-defense. There is no Second Amendment violation from the LCM Ban because of these two shortfalls of persuasion. The Court must therefore consider the LCM Ban outside the core of Second Amendment protection. The Court further finds that the statue is not vague. Because the LCM Ban is a valid exercise of police power, there is no “taking” requiring just compensation and, consequently, no violation of the Fifth Amendment. The Rhode Island General Assembly passed, and the Governor signed, legislation to lower the risk of harm that results from the availability of devices that assist someone intent on murdering large numbers of people. This common-sense public safety legislation does not implicate the Second Amendment and violates no one’s constitutional rights.
Ocean State Tactical, LLC v. State of Rhode Island, 1:22-cv-00246 (2022) ECF No. 37

Judge John J. McConnell, Jr, chief judge of the District Court of Rhode Island

The Supreme Court has not said anything about magazines being arms, which is what allows this level of disingenuous reasoning. Regardless, reading the Ocean State Tactical opinion was an exercise in self-control. Breaking monitors does not do any good. As Mark Smith said in a video the other day, when the Judge is a Firearms person, it shows. In the same way, when a Judge is ignorant of even the most basic aspects of a firearm, we get hurt.

It is easy to tell when the state is lying when you have personal knowledge of the subject, it is harder when you are trying to figure out whose experts to trust.


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Overreacting a bit, Ain’t you Dear Dot Gov?

(Gray News) – The Consumer Product Safety Commission has announced the recall of millions of sledgehammers that have been sold nationwide.

According to the CPSC, the recall includes about 2.2 million DeWalt, Stanley and Craftsman Fiberglass Sledgehammers due to the head possibly loosening prematurely and detaching unexpectedly while being used.

The safety commission reports that the sledgehammers are made by Stanley Black and Decker and sold under the DeWalt, Stanley and Craftsman brand names.

Officials said the company has received 192 reports of the sledgehammer heads detaching, including a couple of instances where people suffered injuries to their head and face.

The recalled sledgehammers weigh between 2 and 12 pounds and range between 14 to 36 inches in length.

Sledgehammers recalled due to people suffering head and face injuries while using (


Wait a damned minute. Out of a spectrum of 2,200,000 sledgehammers, you get 192 separations (0.0087%), two injuries (0.00009%) and say “Hey! Let’s recall all of the darned things because we have to justify budget by looking as we are saving lives”?

The brands belong to one company: Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. I wonder who they pissed off.


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Shocking Things

BLUF: There are a lot of things that I agree with the Liberals on, but their path to get there seems wrong.

Starting at the top left corner, and working my way clockwise…

Should people working 40 hours a week be living in poverty? The simple answer (and the leftist answer) is no. If you’re working full time, you should be able to afford to live. That seems like a no-brainer, right? The problem is that there are different levels of “working 40 hours a week.” We currently have a huge number of decent paying jobs available in this country, which do offer a “living wage”, but people simply don’t want to do them. At this point and time, the vast majority of jobs out there do pay enough for people to support themselves and their family. Leftists prefer to bring up the “extreme poor” end of the deal (and to be honest, the Right sometimes seems to only see the “extreme wealth” side of things), and ignore the vast majority of people in the middle. I would love to see the country in a position to pay everyone a “living wage”, but the bottom line is, not every job can afford to do that. If you want to earn more money, don’t work at a job that can’t pay you what you need. Of course, the Left wants to point out huge numbers of inner city people who are living in filthy, tiny apartments. Do they exist? Yes, they do. But frankly, a lot of the people who are living that way do have the ability to improve themselves. They simply choose not to.

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The Unintended (and hilarious) consequences of being a political dummy.

Washington is about to become the 10th state to ban assault weapons.

Under the new law, expected to be signed by Governor Jay Inslee shortly as the bill was passed by the legislature Wednesday, it will be illegal to buy, transfer or export any firearm that falls under Washington’s definition of an assault weapon.

But some Washington residents told VICE News that they’re worried the ban creates a situation where “traditional” gun owners—white, male conservatives—are sitting on an arsenal of high-powered weapons, which emerging demographics of gun owners, like LGBTQ people, leftists and minorities, no longer have access to.

Washington Is Banning Assault Rifles and Left-Wing Gun Owners Are Scared (


Wait, you actually thought they were going to allow you to have them? Are you guys that stupid? You are NOT part of the elite, but just tools, useful idiots required to make noise and vote them into power. Just because you chanted the appropriate slogans does not mean you get a seat at the feast table. However, rest assured you have your place in the train car going east with the rest of the populus; color, creed and sexual preference notwithstanding.


John Rewolinski, 39, a political moderate from Bellevue, Washington, says that he’s noticed the shifting demographics at his local gun range—and thinks it’s unfair that new types of gun owners will never have a chance to catch up.

“Minorities and LGBTQ have been starting to participate in gun culture but now they won’t be able to,” said Rewolinski. “They’re severely outgunned compared to their right-wing counterparts, they won’t see themselves on equal footing.

You were warned by us in the Gun Culture. You chose to ignore us and call us White Supremacists, Racists, misogynists, transphobes, etc. and ignore our advice.

You are on your own and nobody is coming to rescue you.


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