Friday Feedback

The weekend is nearly here! I’m actually looking forward to it.

We’ve had a win out in the Ninth Circuit. Stand-bye to have the merits panel’s opinion stayed and the en banc panel decided for the state.

We are expecting to hear from the Supreme Court on Rahimi in June.

The Supreme Court had conference yesterday, the 16th. In that conference, they discussed a number of 2A cases. I’m keeping an eye on that. What we want to see is cases bound over for another conference.

If they are going to deny the case, they will just do it. If they are not going to hear the case but will hold it pending some other case, it will not be scheduled for another conference.

On the other hand, if they schedule for another conference, that means that multiple law clerks and justices will be taking a hard look at the case to see if there is a good reason to NOT hear it.

We should know that later today or Monday.

I’m pretty sure you are all tired of hearing me talk about shop work. Shop work is part of my health plan. I spend about 12 hours per day sitting. Either in front of my computer or with family or driving. This is not good. I’m currently spending 3 to 6 hours per day in the shop.

This time in the shop is time on my feet. I’m starting the process of recovering the shop from my leftover mess. It is getting better.

Those hours on my feet moving is causing pain in the evenings, but it is the pain I’ve earned.

I’ve noticed several new people commenting. WECLOME! Please tell us a little bit about what you are looking for with GFZ.

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Justice finally achieved: Daniel Perry pardoned by Governor Abbot.

Gov. Greg Abbott has pardoned U.S. Army Sergeant Daniel Perry following a recommendation of pardon and restoration of his firearm rights by the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles.

The board voted unanimously on the recommendation.

Daniel Perry Pardoned by Gov. Abbott Following Parole Board Recommendation | Criminal Justice | The Texan


Sergeant Daniel Perry Pardon Inves?ga?on (

If your memory is iffy, you may want to go back and read J.Kb’s post

The slow grind of politicized justice – Gun Free Zone

Hat Tip Not-Gary Marshall

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It’s going to be another summer of love

From the University of Washington:


We all know that they lean Jews. They call Israelis and Zionists colonizers, and the red triangle is a symbol used by Hamas propagandists to mark IDF targets in their videos.

Right now, these Hamasnicks are on campus because they live there. Once the school year ends and they leave for the summer, it will get worse.

Deat threats against Jews will metastasize into violence.

It will get bad.

Prepare for the worst.

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They don’t care about gun crime, they don’t want you owning guns

From The Daily Mail:

Teen gunman who ‘sprayed DC neighborhood with 26 rounds from an AR-15’ is released on bail by self-confessed ‘woke’ judge

Judge Lloyd U. Nolan Jr., a self-described ‘woke’ magistrate judge on the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, ruled that Amonte Moody, 18, be released on bail ahead of his trial.

The 18-year-old allegedly peppered a street with 26 rounds while targeting a car of four people at 2:30am on April 22, with Ring doorbell footage capturing a suspect shooting wildly from the hip with the assault rifle.

Nobody was injured or killed in the shooting spree, which unfolded just over a mile from the US Capitol. Despite the chaos he allegedly caused, Nolan granted Moody pre-trial release and home arrest.

Prosecutors argued that house arrest and GPS monitoring are insufficient for keeping the community safe.

The reason for this, the USAO filing noted, is that the Pretrial Services Agency (PSA) ‘only works during normal business hours.’

Shockingly, this would mean that if a suspect violates their terms at certain times, ‘PSA only finds out about violations that occur at night or on weekends after the fact, once normal business hours resume.’

Here are some relevant photos:


That looks like a 30 round magazine, whixh are banned in DC, and short barrel abs rifle buffer tube, which makes that an SBR.

A poor, misguided youth takes an illegal SBR with an illegal high capacity magazine (in DC), attempts to murder four people, and could have killed a whole lot more through negligence, and he’s giving an ankle monitor.

You and I, on the other hand, know we’d be nailed to the fucking wall for accidentally crossing into DC from Virginia with a CCW pistol or a AR-15.

It’s absolutely crystal clear that they do not give a shit about fighting gun crime.

They don’t want people like you and I to own guns.

The two tier justice system reveals itself more and more everyday.

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Shop Progress

The rotary table arrived the other day. Monday the dividing plates arrived.

The plates look great. The package was not so great. Amazon slapped a mailing label on the box and dropped it in the mail. It arrived with pieces missing.

There are supposed to be three screws and a handle/indexing plunger. These were missing.

But, that is ok, there is lots to do before the replacement parts arrive.

The rotary table needs one modification and one change. The worm shaft is keyed for the dial handle. Which is wonderful.

You can’t use a keyed shaft in the adjustment arm. The adjustment arm is a slot and a hole. The hole has a set screw to hold the handle at the right distance from the dividing plate. The slot fits over the worm shaft over two flats. It is held in place by a center screw. The same screw that holds the handle on.

The worm shaft is missing those flats. I will need to mill the flats in place to make it all work correctly.

The dividing plate mounts to a collar with three screws. The collar exists and is held to the elliptic housing with two set screws. The collar has the 0 index as well as a 10-second vernier scale. The collar does not have the three drilled and tapped holes to mount the dividing plates.

I’ve manufactured a replacement collar. I still need to drill and tap the holes for the set screws. Then I’ll drill and tape for the screws that are on the way to hold the dividing plate to the collar.

All good!

Making that collar was interesting. It is the first time I’ve used a sacrificial mandrel, and the first time I’ve used the superglue trick. That’s where you superglue the part to something you can hold on the lathe. When you are done, you heat the part and the superglue will release.

This worked much better than I expected.

I faced off both sides of an 8.0 by 1.25 disk of aluminum for the backing plate. I then made the registration boss. That boss is oversized. Once the backplate is mounted to the rotary table, which is centered, I can mill the registration boss to final dimension on the rotary table, this will maintain concentricity. I.e. the center of the rotary table will be the center of the chuck.

The plate needs to be drilled and counter sinks done to mount to the rotary table.

The rotary table does NOT have drilled and tapped holes. Instead, it has T-Slots. I am making the T-Nut blanks. They need to be cut apart, squared up, and then drilled and tapped 3/8 16. The T-Nut blanks have been tested, and they are a snug sliding fit into the T-Slots of the rotary table.

If I get lucky, I will finish making the backplate today. The only question I still have is the mounting holes for the chuck. I will hit up my local hardware store to buy the 3 screws I need to make it all work.

Hopefully, I will be cutting gears next week.

With the rotary table, some Casinator operations become easier. I’m excited about a productive week, working on the Casinator.

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Machetes are like pitbulls

This happened in the Dominican Republic.

But, I will tell you as a Florida boy, this could have happened in South Florida.

Warning, very graphic.

Yes, that is his left hand that goes flying off in the first few seconds of the fight, that he goes and retrieves when it’s over.

Machetes scare the fuck out of me.

They are a useful survival tool, but that are also an extremely devastating close proximity weapon.

As a personal policy, a machete is treated like a pitbull, if it comes out and twitches near me or my family, I’m going mag dump into whoever is holding it.


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Those internet gun experts are amazing!

A 5 meter (a squish over 5 tards for those Metric impaired) from a rifle shooting a 5.56 round flying a 3K fps will be devastating and truly incapacitating one inch up or down. The bigger the rifle caliber, the bigger the skull canoe will be achieved.

I believe the poster simply ignored the transference of energy from the round into the body and the hydrodynamics that come with it and probably believes that bullet wounds are perfect cylindrical little holes like cut with a laser with no effect on the surrounding tissue and organs.

Top of my head (pun intended) we have the killing of Bugsy Siegel where the head shot taken with an M1 carbine made his eyeballs pop out of his skull.


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