And the reasons to avoid Nashville keep piling up.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — Authorities are searching for a man accused of multiple attacks across Nashville in the past week.
Metro police say the man is suspected in four unprovoked, random beatings, the latest of which occurred Wednesday night at a laundromat in the 1500 block of Dickerson Pike.

The man is also believed to be the suspect in the March 16 attack on a 27-year-old man who was having car trouble on East Due West Avenue, the March 18 attack on a 32-year-old man outside Citgo in the 2700 block of Dickerson Pike and the March 19 attack on a 31-year-old man who was jogging on Lischey Avenue.

Metro police searching for suspect in random attacks across Nashville (

We had a Serial Attacker seemingly gong after random people (Or not randomly). By luck, I googled his name and found interesting records of him.


He committed the aggravated assault (anybody see a pattern?) in July, did not get arrested till November 1st and was back on the streets without even a wrist slap within the week. Agg Assault is a Class C felony with a mandator minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 6 in the best of cases or all the way to 15 years for nasty ones. Add to that fines up to $15,000 K and court costs.

This guy? Taxpayers paid for it all and he went free for whatever reason.

Four more people got bashed.

Always Carry. Keep your head in a swivel. Avoid stupid places as much as you can.



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Friday Feedback

It was great to see so many of you have been advocates for the Second Amendment. More of you have testified than I expected to see.

Thanks to all of you that fight the good fight.

We had a couple of articles this week that were not authored by your normal hosts. Thank you to SkinnedKnuckles for his article about working to get an actual firearm safety program started in the local school system.

The other outside article was the blurb from Michel Associates, PC. That was more interesting to me. I had reached out to the helpdesk at the firm and expected to end up communicating with some public relations person. To have the first response come from the senior partner was shocking to me.

Is it of interest to you to get short articles about groups and firms that are fighting for the Second?

The Second Circuit court hard oral arguments on 5 Second Amendment cases on Monday. We are now in a wait and see holding pattern. We can make a couple of different assumptions about the judges, they could all be anti-gun, they could all be pro-gun, they could just be ignorant, or they could just be following the law.

If they are anti-gun they are going to ask if it is in the best interest of the infringers to find for the state or the plaintiffs. If they find for the state the plaintiffs will appeal to the Supreme Court and that would be bad for gun rights infringers. If they find for the plaintiffs the state might not appeal but might instead change the law to require a relitigation.

If they are anti-gun rights I can almost bet that it will take a long time for them to reach an opinion.

If they are pro-gun or just following the law they will find for the plaintiffs and the state will have to decide if they want to play in the Supreme Court, again, after just being slapped down in Bruen.

If they are ignorant, we are going to end up with case law that is going to be hard to deal with. This might be the worse case.

Thank you once again to all of our readers and thank you to all the people that found the article like button.

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Enforce Bruen

Because all of California’s gun laws didn’t stop this.

Because the presence of security cameras didn’t stop this.

Because the broken, politicized enforcement of the law (or lack there of) didn’t stop this.

Two people at the utter mercy of a robber, hoping and praying he wouldn’t pull the trigger.

Bruen reinforced the idea that people should br able to defend themselves.

Bruen must be enforced so that the people can effectively exercise that right.


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I’m buying a flame thrower


Who would ever believe that a Rabbi with a blowtorch making a home kosher would go viral. Do not worry he is a trained professional, and just like you would not think twice about the guy who eats fire, juggles fire, jumps through fire, or is a stuntman in cars that blow up with fire , know that he trained with years of experience in Kosherizing kitchens and utensils. 28 years worth of experience in Koshering Kitchens including commercial kitchens, hotels, vacation homes and newly purchased homes. The only home that does not need ro be made kosher is one with a brand new kitchen that has not yet been touched by other food. This is obviously a several hour process and this reel was after everything was complete. It just touches upon the absolute “coolness” in going Kosher. #rabbis #rabbisoftiktok #rabbisofinstagram #kosher #kosherfood #viral #myhusband

♬ original sound – Tzippy


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I had to meme him

The Tweet:

My meme:

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