Hiding behind their skirts

GArbage human Congresswoman Rashid Tlaib (D-Hezbolla) put forth a resolution about political violence against women in politics.

This is the text of her support from her website.

Tlaib Leads Re-introduction of Resolution Calling for Government Action to Mitigate Violence Against Women in Politics During Women’s History Month

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (MI-12), along with Congresswomen Cori Bush (MO-01), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14), Ilhan Omar (MN-05), Ayanna Pressley (MA-07), and Lois Frankel (FL-22), Chair of the Democratic Women’s Caucus, introduced a House resolution recognizing that violence against women in politics is a global phenomenon and that more research should be conducted to examine its extent and effects in the United States. As we celebrate Women’s History Month, many of the women we are uplifting and honoring have been subjected to threats of violence and intimidation. The resolution calls on the U.S. government to adopt policies that promote women’s political participation and help mitigate violence against women in politics in the United States and abroad.

“I’m proud to join Representative Tlaib in introducing this resolution to acknowledge what so many of us know all too well: violence against women is a systemic problem that also uniquely harms women in politics, especially women of color,” said Congresswoman Cori Bush. “Since coming to Congress, I have received countless death threats, endured endless microaggressions and frequent veiled attacks — even by my own colleagues. All of those have only strengthened my resolve. I am more committed than ever to ensure that women — Black women in particular — are not only empowered to join civic life, but are also protected when they do make the courageous decision to actively participate in political life.”

“Women in politics are all too familiar with the constant barrage of hate and vitriol we receive. And this is an unfortunate truth for women globally, at all levels of government. But even in the face of constant misogyny and racism, we hope to create a more welcoming and safe space for women in politics,” said Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez. “I’m proud to join Congresswoman Tlaib in introducing this resolution to protect women in politics and encourage their participation.”

“Women are subject to fear, intimidation, threats and, in some cases, violence, to deter them from participating in politics,” said Congresswoman Omar. “It is true here in the United States and around the world, and this phenomenon is especially acute for women from marginalized communities. The United States should be leading a global effort to increase women’s participation in political life, and hold opponents of women’s political rights accountable. I am proud to join my colleague Rep. Rashida Tlaib in doing just that.”

“As women in politics—and women of color—we are all too familiar with the vitriol and constant threats of violence that come with claiming our rightful place in the world and a seat at the table of our democracy,” said Congresswoman Pressley. “But the relentless and misogynistic attempts to intimidate, debase and silence us because of our gender only strengthen our resolve in pursuit of equality and justice. We must never accept this violence as simply the cost of women’s participation in civic and political life and must continue to raise awareness and root out these sexist attacks wherever they take place. I am proud to join Representative Tlaib in introducing this resolution, which recognizes violence against women in politics as the global crises that it is and affirms the rights of women everywhere to serve our communities in halls of power.”

These are literally the worst people in politics, advocating for the most extreme and racist, quasi-communist policies imaginable.

Of course they are going to catch shit for it.

They speak of black windb mayors.

Look at what Lightfoot did to Chicago, Bass to LA, Jones to St Louis, Janey to Boston.

I’m not saying it’s because they are black woman but because they are ridiculous Woke Leftists and that ridiculous Woke Leftist destroy cities.

But now with this resolution, you can’t call them out because they are black woman and that is violence.

They want to hide behind their skirts while lobbing grenades.

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NRA v. Bondi Florida ban on 18-20 yo buying firearms

B.L.U.F. The Eleventh Circuit Court covering Florida had a three judge panel decided that 18-20 year olds couldn’t buy firearms. The opinion is a hot take.

Emotional Blackmail Works

The three judge panel’s opinion was written by Circuit Judge Rosenbaum. She starts the opinion with some emotional blackmail, telling us that young adults have been shooting people for a very long time using newspaper reports from the 1870’s. She is using this to get the following statements into the opinion:

These stories are ripped from the headlines—the Reconstruction Era headlines, that is. But they could have been taken from today’s news. Unfortunately, they illustrate a persistent societal problem. Even though 18-to-20-year-olds now account for less than 4% of the population, they are responsible for more than 15% of homicide and manslaughter arrests.
Opinion of the Court — NRA v. Bondi

Double emphasis added.

In Bruen quoting Heller the Supreme Court established that when talking about the history and tradition of firearm regulation that the date to look at is 1791, the ratification of the Second Amendment. The founding period extends, at the latest, to 1826 when the last of the founding fathers died. Laws from the Reconstruction Era can be used to reinforce those traditions but can not be used if not supported by a tradition dating back to 1791.

Age Bans are Legal If You Use Reconstruction Era Laws

Judge Rosenbaum wants to use Reconstruction Era laws to justify the current law.
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Friday Feedback

There was a small snow storm up here this week. Everything is back to normal.

Later today there is going to be oral arguments in Koons v. Reynolds. Finding the transcripts has proven difficult and listening to oral arguments drives me bonkers.

We are waiting on a number of cases as well. There is the case down in the Eleventh Circuit Court where the three judge panel decided that Bruen be damned, they were going to find laws justifying today’s infringements. There are the CCIA cases in New York that will be heard by the Second Circuit court soon.

All in all there are a lot of moving parts.

One of our readers asked “Why do you spend all this time on legal cases?” to paraphrase. I had to think on that a bit.

Just before I headed off to University I was thinking about buying a gun. I didn’t really have the money but I was thinking about it. I really wanted to buy an M-16. They weren’t that expensive and they were cool.

At University I spent my money on music (CD Collection) and stereo equipment, books and education. I collected knives but couldn’t justify buying a gun because I couldn’t carry it. Heck, most of the knives I carried on campus were illegal but…

I graduated, had a kid, thought about that M-16 and suddenly that was gone. In the blink of an eye the cost of an M-16 went through the window with the Hughes Amendment. For those that don’t know, the Hughes Amendment was a poison pill added to the Firearm Owners Protection Act. The FOPA was designed to reign in the ATF and to allow citizens to transport weapons through gun unfriendly states without being harassed or charged.

The Hughes Amendment closed the NFA list to new machine guns.

In that blink of an eye my options changed. I slowly started to see and understand how stupid gun control laws were. When my mentor died his father took ownership of his AR-15. I had to explain to him that he had to unload all the magazines to meet Maryland law regarding “unloaded firearms”

Before my mentor died we had testified in the state legislature against gun infringements. We found that our rights were being eroded.

When I started writing for GFZ I was finding articles and writing opinion pieces based on what those articles said. I tried to find primary sources but most of the time they were missing. As I wrote more I got better at finding the references and reading the references.

At this point I have an acceptable grasp of how to get case documents, not always, but most of the time.

My goal when I write about these cases is for you to see how the fight is fought in court. How the state twists things to get the infringements they want. I also want you to be able to get to the primary sources quickly and easily. That’s why I attempt to cite everything I quote.

I hope my efforts are successful.

One of my biggest thrills on the blog to date was when some lawyer group liked one of my legal analysis articles. I wish that they would fire off an email or start commenting in general. I’d love to have actual lawyer feedback on some of the things I’ve written, I have no real feedback if I’m getting this stuff “right”.

Question of the week, if you are interested in gun rights, how did you get there?

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Sig Sauer gets into robotics.

NEWINGTON, N.H., (March 16, 2023) – SIG SAUER is extremely excited to announce the acquisition of General Robotics, one of the world’s premier manufacturers of lightweight remote weapon stations and tactical robotics for manned and unmanned platforms and anti-drone applications.

Ron Cohen, President and CEO, SIG SAUER, Inc. began, “This acquisition will greatly enhance SIG SAUER’s growing portfolio of advanced weapon systems. The team at General Robotics is leading the way in the development of intuitive, lightweight remote weapon stations with their battle-proven solution.”

SIG SAUER Acquires General Robotics

And, of course, the memes must flourish.

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Tennessee Gun Bill advancing: You win by attrition.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — A bill that would significantly expand access to guns in Tennessee is one step closer to becoming law.

This week House Bill 1005 by Rep. Rusty Grills (R—Newbern) would allow Tennesseans with an enhanced or a concealed carry permit to carry long guns, including AR-15 rifles or shotguns. Currently, state law prohibits people with those permits from carrying anything more than handguns. The proposed bill would replace all instances of “handguns” in the code to “firearms.”

The bill would also recognize the carry permits, including “handgun permit, firearms permit, weapons permit, or license” from another state as valid “as if it is a firearm carry permit issued in this state.”

During a House committee meeting Wednesday, the bill was further amended to also lower the permissive age from 21 to 18.

Tennessee gun bill that allows for long gun carrying, lowers permit age to 18 passes House committee (wkrn.com)


Here is the bill: Tennessee General Assembly Legislation HB 1005 (tn.gov). And even though a minor is still prohibited from carrying, it lists a long list of exceptions including being in a competition, protecting livestock, carrying with a guardian and carrying on private property with the permission of the parent or guardian.

No time-wasting Chest-Thumping theatrics, but getting shit done one piece at the time. Amazing how that works!

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Strawmen and theft

Where do the guns used in violent crime come from? It’s mostly one of two ways, ATF says

President Joe Biden signed an executive order Tuesday to strengthen gun background checks in the United States.

The order requires more background checks before you can buy guns. It also bolsters “Red-Flag Laws,” addresses the loss or theft of guns during shipping, asks the federal trade commission to analyze gun marketing and increases federal support for gun violence survivors.

So where are the people who pull the trigger getting their weapons? Will background checks really stop criminals?

Daryl McCormick, an agent with the Ohio Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, traces the origins of guns used in crimes and he said it happens in two ways.

“Number one, through a licensed dealer,” McCormick said. “And number two, from a theft. Which, right away, that’s illegal.”

Let me take a moment to remind you to lock up your gun.

Get a safe orva strong box and anchor it to the wall or floor.

Oceans 11 are not coming for your precious gun collection.

It’s Sucko, Fucko, and Doc breaking into your house to steal shit to sell for drug money. Guns have a high street resale value.  You need to secure your guns against a couple of well motivated junkies who want to make a quick buck.

According to the ATF, between 2017 to 2021, nearly 79,000 firearms were recovered from crimes across the state.

Around 1,100 of them had been stolen from a homeowner or gun store, but McCormick said what’s troubling is that the vast majority were legally purchased and then given to a criminal.

“Most of the time it’s going to be where a criminal obtains a firearm from someone they know,” he said. “Maybe a family member or somebody like that, who pretty much knows it’s unlawful and pretty much knows they shouldn’t have a firearm, but for some reason does it anyway.”

McCormick said around 2,000 guns were seized in the greater Toledo area in 2022 and about 200 of them were used in a crime within 90 days or less of purchase.

“So that’s a strong indicator to us that almost all of those firearms were purchased just for the sole purchase of providing them to criminals,” McCormick said.

Those are straw purchases.

That’s easy to fix.

Prosecute the fuck out of straw purchasers.

That almost never happens.  Do it.  Send those people to prison.

And I will admit there are a few dealers who are known as bad dealers who knowingly sell to straw purchasers because of the money.  Send them to prison too.

Theft and strawman.

Lock up your guns and prosecute criminals, it’s not that hard.


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NJ AG and Rand are full of shit


This is dishonest bullshit.

Camden, New Jersey, is notorious for being a murder capital of thr US.

Newark, fucking Newark, is were people go to get shot.

None of the people doing the killing in Camden, Newark, or Trenton are licensed permit holders.

New Jersey has some of the most violent cities in America, but this fuck can say with a straight face that New Jersey has low rates of gun crime.

New Jersey politicians hate guns and will hold any position that allows them to continue to ban them.

AG Foreskin mentioned a Rand study.

I looked it up.

Effects of Concealed-Carry Laws on Violent Crime

Summary: There is supportive evidence that shall-issue concealed-carry laws may increase total and firearm homicides. Evidence for the effect of permitless-carry laws on total homicides is inconclusive. Evidence that shall-issue concealed-carry laws may increase violent crime is limited.

I read the study.

It’s runny dog shit, and I will probably go into greater detail of just how much of a runny, carpet staining, dog shit study it is in a later post.

But suffice it to say, it’s a meta study that shows no correlation between permit holders and shootings.

That is the key takeaway that gets ignored.

Many states have gone shall issue in the last 20 years.

Millions of guns have been sold over the last 20 years.  It’s obvious some of those guns have ended up in the hands of criminals.

A state going shall issue doesn’t increase crime. It’s not an effect.  It’s not as though people get carry permits so they can rib liquor stores with licensed guns.

It’s that crime is going up and concealed carry doesn’t much tamp it down.

Considering that violent crime is spiking I’m major urban areas that are becoming more and more concentrated Blue, and people that vote Blue are less likely to carry permits, you can end up with this correlating.

Think of Illinois.  Illinois went shall issue.

Gun crime is going up in Chicago because the mayor and prosecutor refuse to punish gang and gun crimes.

The Red counties of the rest of the state are where most of the carry permits are possessed.

So you can simultaneously have an increase in shall issue permits and crime that have nothing to do with one another.

But that level of analysis doesn’t matter to the lying political shit-stains who hate guns.

I hope SCOTUS comes back around and fucking hammers these states for not complying with the intention of the Bruen decision.

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