The hysterics over Tucker’s coverage of J6 is the swansong of the system’s grip

The end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023 is an era that will go down in history.

In the last few months, what exactly has been confirmed as fact that we were told were conspiracy theories in 2019 through the 2022 election cycle.

Social media did in fact collude with the FBI to control the flow of negative Biden information.

The FBI did collude with social media and the legacy media to fabricate bad Trump information.

Hunter Biden was even more corrupt than anyone could possibly imagine and is inexorably tied to his father.

COVID did come from a Chinese bio lab.  It was created with the help of Dr. Fauci and funding from the US government.  It was probably a bioweapon.

Natural immunity was better than the vaccine for almost everyone.

The vaccine was at best ineffective, and at most dangerous for all but the most compromised people with multiple co-morbidities.

Kids are not resilient and closing schools devastated children permanently.

And now, everything that we were told about January 6th was a lie by the uni party to destroy the legacy of Trump and his supporters.

Tucker Carlson has been releasing the video of that every night this week.

Every single narrative of the last three years is crashing down.

The J6 narrative is the most salient because we have the video.  People can see that what they were told for 26 months was a lie.

The credibility of the system is gone.  It’s worse than gone.  They are Captain Worngway Peachfuzz, everything they say is diametrically the opposite of the truth.

There is no reason to listen to these people at all, everything they say is a lie to gain and preserve their power.

That is 100% transparent to everyone.

They are hysterical because it’s undeniable and unassailable that the emperor’s cock and balls are hanging out in the breeze and we refuse to believe them that he’s a woman in a beautiful dress.

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Link Dump

In my state they call 10’s of thousands of rounds “a good start”

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Old News: Putting Gun Control Talking Points to shame in one event.

From 1986

And the insert:

Colombia had and still has a very strict gun control, so either the elite, the military or police are the ones running around legally with guns. Criminals like the Cartels and assorted honchos and the common street thug does not bother with the niceties of laws.

And, of course, long semi-automatic rifles with detachable magazines are only for the groups mentioned above. At most you may be able to get, through a lot of paperwork and bribes is a plain old six-shooter. That means everybody else is “safer” by not having a gun and those who have, cannot engage in mass murder.

And reality then struck hard and bloody.

The shooter reloaded some 66 times. No need for “high capacity” magazines when you are in front of a disarmed crowd, ready to be taken because they cannot defend themselves.

Oh yes, I almost forgot. Even back then they liked to say mass shootings only happen in the United States.


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Rupp v. Bonta — Part 3 – Revised

This article is a revision of Rupp v. Bonta — Part 3 – UPDATED

I got Duncan v. Bonta mixed up with Rupp v. Bonta and wrote about magazine bans in this case when in fact this case is about semi-auto rifle bans.

You can follow the link to read the original. The only changes made were the announcement at the top. Hopefully this is a little easier to read and has fewer errors in it.

B.L.U.F. Final article analyzing the Rupp v. Bonta case currently before Judge Josephine L. Staton, U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. If this case is appealed, it will go up to the Ninth Circuit court, again.

Status of Case

This case was opened, argued in district court, the district court found for the defendants under intermediate scrutiny, the case was then appealed to the Ninth Circuit. The Appellants(good guys) asked that the case be held pending the outcome of Duncan v. Bonta before the en banc Ninth Circuit court. The Ninth Circuit court then told the parties that they felt this case would be impacted by NYSR&PA v. Bruen and “requested” either of the parties to submit a letter asking the case be held pending Bruen. Both parties responded and the case was held until Bruen was decided.

On 2022-06-28 the Ninth Circuit court vacated and remanded the case back to the district. Judge J Bumatay dissenting: For over a decade, our court has improperly interest-balanced our way around the Second Amendment. The Supreme Court has had enough of it. With a clear legal standard now in hand, we should have ordered supplemental briefing to further this case along. … Order Vacating and Remanding P.2 Internal citations omitted.

The case is expected to be heard some time after 2023-05-26. This is not set in stone. The date might move due to other reasons or either party might coincide.

The state is going to have to run a serious calculus on whether to appeal this case. If the district court rules for the plaintiffs then the “assault weapon” ban for the state of California, as currently written into law, is over but the opinion would have no real weight outside of California.

The state could then pass a different “assault weapon” ban and that ban would have to be challenged. This could go on for an extend period of time. As those cases were heard in district courts, those courts that were anti-gun would cite back to this case and then rule the same way.

If the state thinks the Ninth Circuit will rule for them, they know that the plaintiffs will appeal to the Supreme Court and if the Supreme Court grants cert. they will lose and all “assault weapon” bans around the country are gone. If the Supreme Court does not grant cert. then the California “assault weapons” ban will stay in place and the opinion of the Ninth Circuit court regarding the constitutionality of “assault weapon” bans will apply to 15 different districts across 11 states and territories.

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Do not compound his mistake…

… by adding one of your own.

Once perimeter is broken and your home invaded, you do not have the luxury of doubting or second guessing. Camera guy was just plain lucky…this time.

I like Sean Sorrentino’s reply to this event.


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