“The Stupid It Hurts!” of the month: National Gun Victims Action Council.
However, the reality is that we would have a far safer society if “Only The Criminals Had Guns.”
Read the article. I’ll have the Excedrin Migraine ready when you are done.
Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
However, the reality is that we would have a far safer society if “Only The Criminals Had Guns.”
Read the article. I’ll have the Excedrin Migraine ready when you are done.
Right after the conference dinner there will be several activities for those bloggers and podcasters interested in participating.
8:00 PM. Meeting at McCoy’s Bar & Grill for drinks & Jägermeister shots downing competition. Whomever passes out first, pays the bill.
9:30 PM. Counter Carjacking Tactics. This will be taught if we can stea..ahem..borrow one of those electric service carts. Bring your own Nerf Gun. LOCATION: Jet Blue counter.
10:25 PM. Make improvised explosives with items found at Taco Bell. Redundant but still an interesting class. LOCATION: Food Court.
11:35 PM. Can you make a Backscatter X-Ray machine go into critical mass? Hands-on seminar. Location: Secured entrance for gates 30-59.
00:35 AM. Evasion techniques from both Local and Federal LEOs. LOCATION: All over the place.
01:40 AM. The Miranda Warning: what works and what you should know. LOCATION: TBD
03:50. AM. Making Bail: Selecting an understanding bail bondsman. LOCATION: Unknown.
05:00. Vegan hangover recovery techniques. LOCATION: Starbucks at Food Court.
I will update as needed.
Found in the YouPipes:
Quote: An Israeli traffic police volunteer was documenting an arab traffic offender after he spotted him driving recklessly and crossing over a white line.
Realizing he’s being filmed, this punk pulls out an iron pipe with the intention of beating him up, but the volunteer brings him back to his senses by pulling out a gun.
Watch the video. Around 00:46, you’ll see the young hoodie-clad idiot retrieving a long possibly metallic impact weapon from his car and being all jumpy-happy that is gonna show some old fart some respect. All of the sudden his body language changes to one of surrender and meekness when the realization hits that the lamb had suddenly developed fangs and they are ready to take a chunk of his butt.
A successful use a of a firearm recorded for posterity. Other than soiled undies, no other bodily fluids were spilled. So much for the “Blood on the Streets” mantra.
For a President that “forgets” to place his hand over his heart while the National Anthem was being played…
It gives me the downright chills when I saw this ad being paraded around in Facebook:
But like in any good infomercial, that is not all. You may remember that earlier this year, the Lake County (FL) Democratic Party headquarters was flying an Obama flag at its headquarters which got shut down by Veterans and exposure in Fox News:
We now have the new and improved Obama Hipster Flag.
And the cherry on top award today goes to (drum roll please):
This long past political preferences, this is has become a cult to a personality. For those of my generation, it brings back the images of Mao, Stalin, Chavez, et all.
Sad to say but all of the sudden I feel we are reprising the Cold War, only this time Checkpoint Charlie is at your local DNC headquarters and the enemies of Freedom carry the same passport I do.
PS: Drinking the Kool-Aid nowadays is a tongue-in-cheek expression to denote fanatical behavior. I shall remind you that the original serving of that Cult Of Personality flavored Kool-Aid was not very tasty.
Caveat Civis.
From a pictorial in an article by the HuffPo about ranges selling alcohol. That poor defaced AK was taken from a Mexican Drug Lord by Mexican Military in 2009. The AK in question is a full auto version that was not affected by the Clinton AWB since it only covered semi autos with ugly features. But since lately we had certain convention displaying Russian Ships and Turkish planes as US hardware, you can expect that accuracy or even truthfulness is not required by some people.