Another reason why I do not respect journalists.

Scott Smith, Ohio dad, arrested after bringing bag of weapons into Crocker Park theater, cops say.

At face value, It is illegal in Ohio to have a gun at a theater. So I checked the Ohio Laws pertaining Concealed Carry and I could not find anything about not being permitted to carry in a theater.

I went on to read the article and way at the bottom you actually find out why he was arrested:

Smith was charged Monday with four counts of carrying various weapons for each of the knives, one count of carrying a concealed weapon with no permit for the glock and one count of carrying a weapon while having a disability.

OK, now that makes more sense. But of course telling the truth and saying that Smith was arrested for violating Ohio’s Gun Laws does not sizzle enough.But if the good editorial department add exaggeration with a pinch of remembering fear, we have ourselves a bonafide News item!

“But Miguel! After what happened in Aurora you must understand how sensitive people are at the fact that somebody can carry a gun in a theater!” says Mr. Whinny Persons. Sorry, if my carrying a weapon makes you uneasy, deal with it. I am very allergic to spilled blood, specially mine.
Then again, I am carrying concealed: Out of sight, out of your little mind.

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“Real Men Do Not Need Guns”

This is making the rounds in the Tweeterverse lately:

Unless you are the reincarnation of Bruce Lee or have been infused with 2 CCs of Chuck Norris’ blood, this has to be one of the dumbest statements ever made and proof positive the person that utters such load of bovine excrement has never been in front of a life and death situation.

Let me see if I can make this clear to those who are poetically intoxicated by notions of Hollywood Chivalry: Self-Defense is not a Competition Sport. If your life is at stake right there and then, you use whatever tools are necessary to WIN. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck as one wise werewolf once said.

To think otherwise demonstrates a total lack of intelligence.

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Gun Control Activist kills 6 in Wisconsin.

Now you say that is just exaggerating and making a mockery of the good folks in favor of gun control comparing them with that bad evil White Supremacist.

Well, both Gun Control Activists and White Supremacists think too many people have guns. That only certain selected superior folks should own guns and if you are not in the selected group of people and own a gun, you should pay dearly with loss of liberty or even life.

They sound pretty much the same to me.


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The Stupid: They walk amongst us.

Heard at work:

“So this asshole cuts me off in traffic and takes off. I decided to after him, cut him off myself and force him to stop.”

“And then what?”

“I’d pull my badge (fake) and give him a bad time for being an asshole.”

“So, what happened?”

“A cop got behind me and pulled me over for doing 70 in a 35 and gave me a ticket the mother******. That’s not right.”

A passel of scenarios, all bad flashed in my mind. Juggling with Darwin is never a wise choice.

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Guns flowing to Mexico: United States is at fault but we do not have evidence.

This is an interesting video. Take it to the 17:00 marker and watch Sylvia Longmire explaining the trace of US weapons into the Mexican Cartel’s hands. The tired slogan of the 70%-80%-90% of weapons used by the Cartels-blah-blah gets destroyed by her own words.

Ms. Longmire admits that the Mexican Authorities do not know how many guns have been confiscated, that guns have been rendered untraceable by removing the serial numbers and that guns have been obtained via the Mexican stocks. But that ain’t the problem, no sire, we are the problem because guns is a highly politicized issue in the United States.  At least she was straight enough to say that:

“We will never know with any certainty exactly what proportion of firearms and explosives and military grade weapons come from what parts of the world”

Go read this 2009 article in MSNBC (of all places) and then compare with the numbers given by the administration and do the math. Weapons traced to US “points of sale” might come to be in the single digit percentile.

But the myth of the iron pipeline to Mexico is too juicy to let go.

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