Today’s “Why We Win.”
Another round of Twitter warfare. Again related to the Aurora Theater shooting but this time a gun control advocate saying that even if there was a citizen with a concealed gun, things would have worse because people might have died! That they fail to grasp the fact that people were indeed dying already astounds me and I made that point to him and that an armed civilian might have made the difference. Apparently this did not fit his narrative and hilarity ensued.
I know of a rare bird called the AR-17 shotgun made by Armalite in the 1960s, but my GoogleFu did not return a rifle under that denomination. Nevertheless, being qualified by the Navy in any small arm is not confidence inspiring as they suck so bad with small arms, they have a great chance to shoot each other or the boat and that is the reason for US Marines aboard their ships… or at least that the way Marines tell it 🙂
Do I even have to explain this one?
The old “I am from NY, I am expert on everything and a tough guy.” <sigh>
Here I had pointed out that not only a citizen with a gun could have made the difference but that it had already happened and in Colorado proper. I mentioned the case of the shooting at the New Life Church and Jeanne Assam’s intervention with a handgun that probably saved many lives. Apparently if it did not happen in a theater while the Dark Batman Whatever movie was playing at the wee hours of the night, it does not count.
I responded here that I was a firearms instructor, a shooter and that I have shot with LEOs from different departments and all of them said the same thing: You better carry ’cause they can’t be there. Suddenly the brave New Yorker changed his tune.
You cannot convince such level of idiocy, but it can be used as teaching tool for others that might have not made a decision or actually have enough gray matter to rethink their position.
At least I got enough material for a post!
And Once Again, We Win.
If the Aurora shooting had happened 10 years ago, we’d be engaging in heavy battle to keep our turf. But things have changed to my pleasant surprise.
Young couple I know and recently became parents, informed they will be getting their Florida’s Concealed Weapons Permit and their guns.
Sweet! Apparently I must eat my old fart words and admit there is hope with the newer generations. Welcome humble pie.
M.H.I. Team Miami: Not perfect but great musical taste.
So what happens when you have a long 4th of July weekend after finishing a job & access to beer and spirits from many countries ? You get creative and forget to lock the front gate.
Apparently several team members with somewhat elevated alcohol levels decided that the roads in the compound needed signs. A quick trip to the nearest Home depot for the necessary supplies, more beer and access to a well know online music provider and the roads ended up with names.
That would have been fine and dandy, but somebody forgot to re-lock the front gate and apparently one of the Google Cars snuck in and copied the names to their database. Luck has it, camouflage was done right and no pics of the compound were taken.

So, how do you fix a sign screw up? With more signs! Posted several like this:
And lots of this:
And they promise to keep the gate locked at all times from now on.
Aurora Police Chief may want to recheck his statement for math.
From Fox News:
The suspect in a shooting spree at an Aurora, Colo., movie theater was packing as many as 6,000 rounds with the ability to shoot up to 50 a minute, the police chief said Friday evening.
I blinked several time to make sure I was reading right. 6,000 rounds? I pulled a round of .223 out of my ammo box (sign of a true gun nut? Has ammo for guns he does not own) and weighed it: 11.55 grams. That times 6,000 is 69,300 grams or 69.3 kilos which gives us 152.4 Lbs or the weight of a medium built 5’7″ male.
I am guessing the police chief misspoke or this Shooting Idiot is stronger than he appears. I will give him that he has not had the chance to rest one bit since this whole unfortunate event started.
PS: I was raised in the Metric System so I default to it when calculations are needed. My measuring tapes are in both systems! Therefore no complaining.
The Miller: President Obama Quote
It is official, the President is a certified disconnected from reality asshole.
“My daughters go to the movies,” he said. “What if Malia and Sasha had been at the theater, as so many of our kids do every day?”
I don’t know, maybe the taxpayer-funded the Secret Service Protective Detail could have taken a couple of potshots at the nutjob? A Protective Detail that regular folks do not have and that is the reason we carry?