Limbo Time! How low can you go?


The Obama event registry. You have to be frigging kidding me.I am sure brides everywhere will be happy to forego the china setting for buying golf balls so the Prez can have another round at the local club before the $35,000 per plate dinners.

What’s next? Going school yards and steal the lunch money from kids?

UPDATE: Barron Barnett offers a pithy commentary:

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GPS for the urban driver?

I would say that 99% of the drivers in an urban area use the same routes every single day. Barring the very occasional incident, they do not deviate from the accustomed roads. So can you please tell me why those who have GPS in their cars (pre-installed or after-market) use the damn thing at all?

I mean, you cannot be that mentally deficient or damaged that you forget your usual route every damn day so you must rely on this digital wonder. No, the reason people use GPS every day to go back and forth from home to work and back is one and only one: They played Super Mario Kart as kids.

Scary thought that the road is filling with people who chased and ran over giant mushrooms, huh?

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I am done trying to educate pigs.

Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and it annoys the pig.
Robert Heinlein

Seriously, I am done. This morning at work, right before we were done for the day a co-worker went into quasi-religious spams as he preached the awesomeness of the .45 ACP round and other gun related fantasies.

From “It is much better than a .357 Magnum and barely just under a .44 Magnum” to “It will stop anybody if you just hit him” this guy would not shut up with the cheap Gun Forum BS. I decided to put on my instructor hat and  point out some of the fallacies coming out of his rumen, but whenever I was able to tactically & politely insert a comment he dismissed me as if I did not know a thing. He was all-knowing!

Then he suddenly jumped to shotguns. He owns a Mossberg but unclear on the model. He then went on a rampage against double ought buckshot and how tactical teams used triple ball (wtf is that?) to both breach doors and take on bad guys. He finally stopped for a second so I jumped in:

Me: So, what do have in your shotgun now?
Genius: Right now double ought buckshot.
Me: What’s the pattern of your shotgun with buckshot?
Genius: Huh?
Me: You know, how much they spread as they go out the barrel & according to distance?
Genius: Oh yeah! You know, the thing about shotguns…
Me (thinking): Dear God… don’t.
Genius: … is that with buckshot…
Me (thinking): Get ready, here it comes.
Genius: you really don’t need to aim…
Me (thinking): Ladies and Gentlemen…
Genius: … just point in the general direction and it will hit everything in front of it.
Me (thinking): WE HAVE BINGO!

Eventually I was able to extricate myself from the conversation by explaining to him that shotgun breaching rounds were not made of C4 but sintered metal or other inert materials. Last time I saw him, he was googling sintered, but I think he spelled it “sincered” and was rolling through the 347,000 results.

It may sound selfish, but I am gonna reserve my few tidbits of knowledge to those who are actually thirsty for it. I’ll leave the morons to their false ideas for one single reason: Darwinism. Nature finds balance eventually.

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