Tomorrow no blogging in support of the First Amendment.
If you haven’t heard about the saga of Aaron Walker and other conservative bloggers, start by reading here and here.
After you recover from that shock, find out about the silencing technique called SWATing that has been used against several conservative bloggers.
So tomorrow we are holding a National Day of Blogger Silence. I won’t write about anything at all and only a music notation will appear as support for fellow bloggers attacked by unknown left wing parties.
See you guys on Saturday.
The Squirrel Report again.
Tomorrow night The Squirrel Report attacks once more.The guest blogger is announced to be yours truly even though I was not told by the “producers”. OK guys here it is: First contact the prospective guest for availability & topic purpose and then announce it. Saves on cluster flocks. You know Weer is the one that screwed up.
So I’ll be on sometime between 9 pm and 10:30 pm EST. Check the Chat room for precisely when I am going in and disconnect before you ears bleed. The rest of the sure will be great as usual. 🙂
The stupid…it hurts. (The Gloria Allred Version)
The whole quote is stupid, but Gloria Allred doubles down at the very end.
“Jokes are being made about this issue on late-night television,” said Allred, “… but cannibalism is a serious issue and is very dangerous to the health and well-being of both the cannibal and the victim.”
No shit? For the victim too? I would have never guessed.
Gloria Allred and the “grill”-friend of Rudy Eugene, the Miami Zombie.
The Alpo Pipeline
I am sure you heard of the infamous “Iron Pipeline” that sends guns to Mexico, right? We in Florida have the Alpo Pipeline
Florida man accused of using dog food to smuggle guns to Haiti.
According to published reports, prosecutor Michael Walleisa said Jean-Baptiste told investigators that Haitians needed protection and he was starting a security firm in Haiti.
There be zombies in Haiti! You know that! Somebody call Security!
Explain this to me….
I speak two languages and am pretty decent with a third one. I can read three books concurrently without getting lost. I have traipsed The Andes and the Amazon Jungle both on foot and on jeep. I have helped build & rebuild houses for myself and those less fortunate. I have handled a ceremonial flute made out of a human femur. I have planted enough trees to eliminate Global Warming. I have trained total putzes on how to safely handle a firearm and shoot only what was shootable. I have trained dogs for home defense and cats to walk on a leash. I can transition from cars with automatic transmission to stick shift without even having to pause. I can cook, sew, grow vegetables, prune grape vines and perform life saving first aid……
So how come I am (according to my wife) incapable to master the mysteries of washing whites?
I mean, make ONE mistake with a gallon of bleach and you are banned from the wash room for life.
I ask you, is that fair?