The Almighty .45 ACP (Caution: Graphic Content)

We’ve been told that the .45 ACP is the stop-everything round. It is basically a portable nuke that will annihilate a small town with one round.

Somebody forgot to tell this boar about it.

Pistol went into slide lock. Now imagine if it were two hogs out there.

At the end of the day, it comes to the equal combination of two things: enough gun placing shots where they count.

And carry spare mags too.

Hat Tip to Legion’s Fate.

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So I am thinking about buying a bolt action rifle….

…and me being the weather vane type, I was thinking to go into higher caliber that the original poodle shooter rounds. So now I am wondering: .308 or .30 06?

I am not recoil sensitive so there is no issue there. My questions relate to two things: availability/variety/quality of the caliber and which one has the wider spectrum of usage. I might start doing some hunting this year (finally) and I want a gun in a caliber that could be used with an ample variety of game. You can pretty much forgo caribou as they are hard to find in the Everglades but if a gator gets too close being too stupid, I wanna make sure he can be persuaded fast to roll over and play dead for real A.S.A.P.

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Florida stands up for “Stand Your Ground”

Florida stands up for “Stand Your Ground”

61% of white voters support the law, while 31% oppose it. 53% of Hispanic voters support the law, while 36% oppose it. 56% of black voters support the law, while 30% oppose it.

After all the effort made by Anti Guns groups and supported by a complicit media, you’d expect better results for their “cause.” Instead they got their asses kicked to the curb and waiting to be disposed of.

This was going to be their great comeback, the pendulum was sure to swing to their side and regain lost ground. They didn’t.

We Stood Our Ground. They get to Retreat…again.



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If I could bottle it……

Cat boxes are not located in the most centric of household locations for a reason: they stink no matter what. Even so, cat owners develop a tolerance for the faint smell cat urine and we also have some sort of olfactory barrier to protect visitors from the nose assault… or simply have no visitors.

We keep our cat’s box in the wash room by the water heater surrounded by 70 of those cute pine fresheners you hang in rear view mirrors, an extraction fan and a New Age flame-less candle that is guaranteed to eliminate the smells of mass graves in Africa during the summer. Still, you can get a whiff of cat pee if the dryer kicks in. You can say I am well prepared and almost immune to what a cat has to offer.

But when I walked in the wash room yesterday, I was not ready for the attack. Lord, the smell! I felt my beard, eyebrows and eyelashes curl as if subjected to a flamethrower but interesting enough, the hair in my nose petrified and fell like cheap stalactites. My eyes did not just water but flooded like a glacier run off hitting the Amazon river in the middle of tropical rainy season. My throat constricted as if I managed to royally piss Darth Vader off calling his Mom an old Coke machine and my lungs felt like they were being raped by a band of cossacks.

I admit I lost all balance and if it wasn’t for the washer, I would have dropped to the ground and assume fetal position. My stomach rebelled at the assault and I could feel bile and the half-digested black bean chili dogs rising up the esophagus with astonishing speed. Still blind I somehow managed to open the washer lid (Thank God for top loaders) and avoided abstract art all over the floor.

I tried to move, but my legs refused to respond as they were checking the internet for a vacation spot somewhere in the Gobi desert. I pawed around with desperation trying to locate the can of Fabreeze for Septic Tanks we keep nearby the box but instead I grabbed the Starch In A Can which I used to cover the inside of my nose. This did diminish the smell and recovered enough vision to start the burners and finally activate the aforementioned Fabreeze and allowing me a crawling retreat to a safer location in my abode.

About 45 minutes later I recovered enough to don my British NBC survival suit and find out what in the name of Mustard gas attacked me. I approached the cat box carefully constantly checking the integrity of my suit for early disintegration and, when I finally reached the smelly epicenter I saw that it was cat poo that our dear Missy had decided not to cover up.

I don’t know what was in that poo or why it stank so bad, but I had to do something about it. Using two bags of quick setting cement, I covered the offending solid waste and very carefully loaded it in my truck. Thankfully I do not live too far from the Everglades so after a quick 30 minute drive, I found what I deemed to be a spot far enough from civilization and dumped the refuse into the swamp where it belongs. It had to be a tad strong still because this morning, Florida Fish and Wildlife is reporting an unusual migration of alligators toward populated centers where Perfumania locations can be found.

That’s the culprit right there. Amazing to think such a pretty face can create such a Bio Chem weapon.

UPDATE: I know you guys are not gonna believe it but…..the water heater is leaking. I swear on my Mom’s bible.

Damned cat poo.

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