CSGV: Because we say so.

We already know that the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence has a natural disdain for The Bill of Rights. Now please add to that either absolute ignorance or absolute lies about Stand Your Ground. The following is an exchange between whatever intern CSGV had working last night and Sebastian from Shall Not Be Questioned:

CSGV state without any reservation that Duty to Retreat has been the law of the land and that Stand Your Ground is a brand new evil legal concoction created by the NRA. This flies off the face of long standing legal evidence and the case of Beard v. United States  from 1895 (yes, that was 107 117 years ago.)

The defendant was where he had the right to be, when the deceased advanced upon him in a threatening manner and with a deadly weapon, and if the accused did not provoke the assault, and had at the time reasonable grounds to believe, and in good faith believed, that the deceased intended to take his life, or do him great bodily harm, he was not obliged to retreat nor to consider whether he could safely retreat, but was entitled to stand his ground and meet any attack made upon him with a deadly weapon in such way and with such force as, under all the circumstances, he at the moment, honestly believed, and had reasonable grounds to believe, were necessary to save his own life or to protect himself from great bodily injury.

So Stand Your Ground has been in the legal books for over a century and it was not a single solitary case but reinforced by Brown v. United States in 1921:

if a man reasonably believes that he is in immediate danger of death or grievous bodily harm from his assailant he may stand his ground and that if he kills him he has not succeeded the bounds of lawful self defence. That has been the decision of this Court.

So, we have standing legal precedent and recognition of Stand Your Ground for well over a century, yet CSGV has no qualms in lying (Yes, lying. I cannot believe that they are that stupid) to forward their cause. And they have to do so because exposing the truth would nullify what they are trying to do.

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Wait one second. Stand Your Ground in California?

Register-Pajaronian Police chief: Man who killed Gil acted in self-defense.

Watsonville Police Chief Manny Solano said Thursday that investigators determined that on March 31, after words were exchanged, Gil and another man, Ricardo Flores, attacked Frank Garcia first, outside El Miramar Restaurant and Bar on Main Street. Gil allegedly stabbed Frank Garcia in the upper body, and Garcia defended himself.

Unimpossible! He was not at home, he was in an argument, he should be in jail waiting prosecution and the Death Penalty!

OK, maybe because no gun was used, he gets special treatment. [snicker]

Even in one of the most anti rights state of the Union, Stand Your Ground not only applies but apparently they know when to apply it.

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For they sow the wind.

Last night I had an interesting but sad exchange with somebody whom even though I did not ask, I am guessing was a Black lady. I am keeping her name a secret because she was a lady in all senses and I don’t want any visiting trolls to harass her.
The issue discussed was the evidence released about the Trevor Martin case. As usual, I butted in the conversation she was having with another fellow Gunnie Tweeter as she mentioned that Trayvon had no defensive wounds. I admit that my first couple of replies were on the snarky side:

HER:GZ has pics & med reports & such about his injuries, but Tray has very little defensive wounds, or defensive wounds

ME:Maybe because he was attacking?

HER:if u don’t have defensive wounds that means u were doing very little attacking or defending.
ME:I bet you don’t miss an episode of CSI.
Her: yes actually I do 🙂 It’s not a show I watch often.

At this point I realize she is not a foaming-at-the-mouth Sharpton follower but just a regular person, so I toned down the snark and went on.

ME:You can hit somebody and not show injuries to your hands and arms
HER:I believe defensive wounds would show up if they were really fighting & b/c of the intensity of the fight if they were
ME:So the witnesses are making it up?
HER:not sure

In case you have not heard, witnesses said that they saw Trayvon on top of Zimmerman hitting him. Trayvon did have a small wound on his left hand that can or cannot be interpreted as from the fight. Detecting doubt I pressed on with the questions:

ME:zimmerman injuries?
HER:Do u really believe he had those injuries ?
ME:you know that he did not? (post chat note:as in have them at the time of the event)

Right there I thought “Uh oh. Has the case now gone into conspiracy mode?” And then she came back.

HER:I get the impression u are a GZ supporter trying to feel me out & I don’t think I want to have this conversation. Good night 🙂
ME:I am trying to see if you actually believe that there was a conspiracy and why
ME:I just want to make sure: You do not care what the evidence says or what a Jury may decide? GZ is guilty?
ME:Now, if you are a steadfast believer that TM was murdered & evidence won’t matter and yes, we can end the conversation
HER:I am
HER:but to me evidence does matter but i know that evidence can also be manipulated.

Oh hell. This is not good.

ME:I just want to make sure: You do not care what the evidence says or what a Jury may decide? GZ is guilty?
HER:I do care very much about evidence, but it has to be real evidence. I do care very much about what the jury decides.
HER:my position is one of fairness, if GZ is innocent let it be proven by real evidence & not manipulations. That is my position

“Real evidence.” So she already thinks that the evidence has been manipulated because what was released does not fit the initial and well advertised narrative? I had to ask the question begged to be asked.

ME:you do not trust the evidence or witnesses because it does not support your belief in the case?
HER:no that’s not what i said 🙂 I do not trust the evidence true, but for other reasons. Y is it important to u to pick my brain ?
ME:what reasons are that?
HER:lol again y is it so interesting to u? It seems his supporters have everything covered. He has money for his defense etc.

This reminded me of the Inquisition trials were people were put on a pyre or dumped in a vat of boiling oil in order to prove they were not witches or spawns of the Devil. If you survive when everything is set to kill you, then you were protected by God and innocent. That there are people believing in Zimmerman’s side of the story and willing to put money up for his defense is proof positive that he is guilty and that there is a conspiracy to set him free.

ME:one last question and I’ll stop abusing your kindness. If he is found Not Guilty (preponderance of ALL evidence) U accpet?
HER:he won’t be
(Conversation ends)

I still do not believe that she is a fanatic member of the New Black Panther Party ready to set her town on fire if Zimmerman is found Not Guilty, but she does represent what happens when somebody emotionally invests him or herself in a cause without the anchor of logic or the internal caveat that you are getting your information from people that are interested not in the truth but to make money or gain status.

The Martin/Zimmerman case got taken over by Snake Oil Salespeople, there is no doubt about it. It is my opinion that the lawyer for the Martin Family, Benjamin Crump is the first of them and responsible in great measure for what has happened in the Media. Sybrina Fulton, Trayvon’s mother complained about the release of the autopsy report because it indicated that Trayvon had traces of THC in his system which begs the question, How come her lawyer did not warn her that non-beneficial information might appear in the reports?

The narrative that Zimmerman was guilty of murder was hammered so much and people believed it so hard that what we have now is people with a firm expectation of what the conclusion must be that any other than a guilty verdict is unpalatable and unacceptable. Any help or protection that an accused is entitled to have as per our laws is considered unfair help or advantage or even downright conspiracy.

Those who latched on the Martin case for purposes others than actually see Justice served, sowed enough wind to create a category 5 hurricane of unintended consequences. If these were to happen, let us not forget who created them and make sure they pay for the damages.

UPDATE: It is now official. It is a conspiracy. OK, so she is a nutcase.

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