Am I the only one seeing this? The Alexander/Martin Fauxrage

Marissa Alexander gets 20 years because it was decided by a prosecutor that she was not covered under Stand Your Ground Law. Her case is now the darling of the Anti SYG crowd because it demonstrates that the law is applied unjustly with the usual “Wink wink You Be Black, You Be Screwed” and therefore it has to be repealed. George Zimmerman was not initially charged but after the Media Frenzy, a special prosecutor was brought in and viola! He is now on his way to court where many hope he will be executed by drawn and quartering.

The special prosecutor brought in to nail Zimmerman and the prosecutor that sent Alexander to prison for 20 years? The same Angela Corey.

Maybe we have a prosecutor that does not know how (or politically hates) to apply Stand Your Ground laws?


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El Cheapo Files: Modifying a Fobus Holster.

Inspired by a chat with Walt in Pa. You should follow him, he even does video casts!

Years ago when the FNP-9 was brand new in the market, I happened to land one in a raffle. Of course being new, nobody made holsters for the damned things and I was desperate to shoot the gun in IDPA matches.

The solution was to take the gun to the local gun shop and run it through a lot of holster till a match was found. The closest thing they had on stock was a Fobus holster for the newfangled Springfield XD. But close it is not perfect or even in the same neighborhood: You had to shove it in to make it fit and be ready to squeeze the family lemons to draw it. I was about to give up when it hit me: modify the damn thing and you can shoot at the match tomorrow! And by golly I shed my $20 and went back home to play with my power tools.

After a bit of observation and proper use of a drill I removed the two rivets located at the bottom of the holster. I then substituted them with post screws and I placed two small rubber rings (of what, don’t ask me, I found them in my tool box) separating both halves but also made it easy to adjust tension.

After a couple of adjustments and testing under the IDPA Holster Gun Retention Protocol of inserting gun in holster, turn upside down and shake the whole contraption a couple of times and see if the gun falls, I concluded the experiment and declared it successful. It went on to participate in several matches till I got my custom pancake holster from a Texas holster maker who is no longer in the Biz.

I did the same thing for my Wife’s Kahr CW9 Fobus holster when she went to a class that required a OWB holster to participate. This one required only one post screw and rubber ring and she had a secure holster without having to give herself a wedgie. Did you know that if you rotate the rotating thing of a Fobus Roto Holster 180, it gives enough cant so it adapts somewhat decently to a woman’s curvature? Yup… you’ll save some money that way.

Oh hell, you guys know I am a cheap SOB.

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CSGV or I Feel Fear In the Farce.

The Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence finally got around to block me from its Twitter feed but there are always ways to bypass their futile attempts. I just caught the following exchange which gives us a nice deuce of what’s transpiring at  Stalin HQ.

I am not surprised to see that CSGV’s distaste for our Justice system unless it goes their Gulag ways. They already favor concentration camps and the rounding up of civilians as long as there is some sort of legal trickery or thuggery that makes it “all right.”

But it is the last entry that called my attention today. Could it be that the information coming out from the Martin/Zimmerman case is suddenly not looking well for their cause? Just today details of the Martin autopsy were released showing that he had “injuries to his knuckles” that could be interpreted as using his fists which may prove beneficial to Zimmerman’s claim of Self Defense. Pairing that with court records released earlier indicating that Zimmerman “had a pair of black eyes, a fractured nose and two cuts to the back of his head” and the narrative of Zimmerman all dressed in KKK regalia chasing and mowing down a black pre-schooler who just wanted a tea and candy is starting to crumble and bad.

CSGV and other Anti Gun organizations know well that the American Public hates to be lied to and that they usually respond by doing exactly the opposite of what the expected outcome desired by those who lied to them. If the Zimmerman case is determined to be legitimate self-defense by a jury, any chance they had to make to make inroads against Self-Defense laws not only will vanish but we can expect strengthening of what’s on the books now and even more gains for Law Abiding citizens who do not depend on 911 to keep themselves safe. And it also mean that any little faith left on Anti Gun and Anti Second Amendment  will decrease even more or (hopefully) disappear altogether.

Basically they are fighting for their political survival and the forecast is not good.


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CSGV: Trapped in its own contradictions.

Social Media is not kind to the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence. We in the Pro Second Amendment side make jokes we burn their Joyce Foundation paid interns with awesome regularity because they end up saying the wrong thing and giving us more ammunition.

During a Twitter fight yesterday between Sebastian and the Intern-in-Turn, CSGV officially announced one of its classic lies:

Today however and latching on a tragic incident, they posted in their Facebook page the following:

This sad Murder Suicide happened inside the house so why is CSGV worrying about it? They don’t care if a house has guns or not, right? They should act like when somebody is murdered by a baseball bat, knife, machete or a woman is raped and strangled: they don’t say a peep. Ever.

The next one is one more entry on the “Gun Nuts are Nazis and hate Jeeeeews!” meme. In their blog we find a post from yesterday titled Pro-Gun Activist Warns of “Zionist Instigators”. Go read and have a double laugh since this is the same CSGV who on May 4, tweeted  the following:

It is Bizarro world: CSGV who has no problem with concentration camps are the good guys and those of us who would take up arms to avoid a new genocide are called Nazis.

But that is the kind of stuff that happens when you HAVE to lie to hide your true agenda. Control.

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Stupid Hurts & Almost Kills.

Man shot by friend when prank goes wrong.

You have to be some serious professional idiot to pull this kind of stuff on a friend with a 9 year old in the house. Here is the money quote:

The victim went to his friends home early that morning to pull a prank on him, just to show him how unsafe his home was.

Joke was on the idiot. The home was much safer that he initially thought.

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