Quick Thought: On Prosecutors against Stand Your ground.

One must remember that the same Prosecutors that decry Stand Your ground because it curtails their ability to send Law Abiding Citizens to prison for thirty years to Life because they were forced to defend themselves are the same Prosecutors that have no problem reducing charges and/or pleading out violent Felons with multiple convictions.


Just saying….

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Bronies: Now it is ON!

I got in trouble last week for posting a link to a less than positive article about Bronies by Kurt Schlichter and posting what I think it was an amusing cartoon of a decapitated My Little Pony in the Wall of a former Facebook Friend.

Since In only got called a “dick” and a “bigot” I decided to let things cool and ignore the quasi cult members of the Equine Rainbow Farting. That was till I saw this:

If you think about it, the concepts expressed in the above abomination explain themselves: They are based in an irrational fantasy, have a basic inability to mature as adults, feed themselves with rainbow farts and go after those who dare criticize them.

Now, before I get assaulted once again by Bronies, I warn you that I have retained legal representation with a character that does not take Cartoon BS kindly. Any problems, feel free to contact him and only him.

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Scott refuses to ban guns during RNC convention , CSGV Flips.

Scott refuses to ban guns during RNC convention  and the CSGV calls it “idiotic” and a “radical Interpretation of the Second Amendment”.

Normal people call it legal.

Plus, it is damn clear that the request from Mayor Bob Buckhorn (Democrat) is just political B.S. trying score points: Governor Scott says no ban and he is an uncaring bastard who has no regard for the possibility of people getting killed during a hot & contested political event like…Democratic Conventions? Oh yes, wrong party. If Scott had caved, then they could have said that even the Republican Governor of the GunSunshine State understands that banning guns in certain circumstances is not only OK but necessary, that Republicans are scared of their base and whatever other associated crap they can come up with.

UPDATE: Via The Buzz

Part of the response by Gov. Scott to Mayor Buckhorn:

“it is unclear how disarming law-abiding citizens would better protect them from the dangers and threats posed by those who would flout the law.” “It is at just such times that the constitutional right to self-defense is most precious and must be protected from government overreach,”


H/T to fellow shooter Michael M.

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Stand Your Ground Conference at the Cato Institute.

Last night I had the chance to listen to this panel and I have to say it was an eye opener.

The first speaker was Clayton Cramer who was followed by Massad Ayoob, both were on the side of Stand Your Ground Laws and on lending the opposite view was Steven Jansen.

If you have read this blog in the past, you already figured out that I am all for STG so yes, I am going to be a bit biased, but I have to say I was first embarrased and then ticked off by Mr. Jansen’s motives why STG should be either eliminated or re-examined.

Clayton Cramer did a superb job in bringing the historic facts of STG all the way from the England of the 16th Century to modern days. Massad Ayoob, among other things touched in the sensitive (for prosecutors) subject of prosecutorial over-zealousness, the outright unfairness of it and he closed with the case of Jay Rodney Lewis, plenty mentioned in this blog.

Mr. Jansen appears to have an amazing set of merit badges, but here it came across like a spoiled child who has been told he cannot play with scissors anymore because he has been destroying the drapes and cut the cat’s whiskers. If you read the Florida Law, it is pretty obvious what the intention is, yet and according to Mr. Jansen, police officers, prosecutors and judges are having a tough time interpreting it and coming to a common ground about it so it wants it rescinded. So basically the excuse is “We are too damn stupid, don’t make out jobs harder, let us have the power to screw with your life.”

Now these people are itching for a Self defense case to come that way and nail the shooter wit no record, good family man and taxpayer with all the weight of the law;while having no qualms in making deals and reducing charges against career criminals in order to lower their case load. That an officer of the law in the same breath will give a hardcore offender thy benefit of presumption of innocence but deny it to a good citizen is makes my blood boil.

If the panel that Gov. Walker created has people like Mr. Jensen in the side against STG, we can rest assured that our law is safe and sound.

Just in case, let’s keep an eye on them.

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The new trend in the Progressive field is to activate automatic bans to Twitter accounts held by Conservatives or Libertarians by using the “Report Spam” button. Last night the account of Chris Loesch was attacked and suspended by massive attacks  when he dared to call to the carpet those progressives that wanted his wife to be raped and murdered. An immediate protest was launched and his account was re-instated twice only to be banned again by the same crowd twice again and they are not even shy about calling it.

I wish I knew who came up with #TwitterGulag, but it is a very fitting name to this campaign of forced silence. So far there has been no retaliation from the conservative side, although I am sure they are desperately wanting something like that to happen so they can start crying and get their 15 minutes on MSNBC demanding reparation for the violations of their First Amendment Rights.

So far Twitter has neither made a statement not penalized the crew doing this nasty deed.

I am sure we will see more like this and worst the closer we get to November.


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