Australia Awash in Guns…Unimpossible!
It was supposed to be perfect and gun free, but reality bites back and hard.
SYDNEY woke up Tuesday morning to the news of five more shootings overnight. In one incident, bullets sprayed upstairs bedroom windows near where five small children and two adults were sleeping.
That was the eighth shooting in four days and the 19th this month. This is intolerable
Apparently, both Gun Control and Border security a joke is not quite working so well in Australia. And if the Government Officials are in on it, the whole thing is nothing but a bad joke.
I have an Aussie I follow on Twitter that goes under the name of @ShooterGuru. If he is a faithful representation of Australian Shooters, they are as dedicated and loyal as their counterparts in this side of the puddle. But they are fighting a nasty battle trying to recoup the basic right of self-defense against both criminals and the government.
I’ve been listening to the speeches from the last NRA Annual Meeting and I am glad that our efforts now will start including spreading the God Given Right of Keep and Bear Arms to outside our borders. In this era of instant global communications, we can lend our expertise to brother and sisters worldwide. We are winning the battle at home, it bis time to expand our battlefront all over the world. We are an oasis right now but we must aim to recede the desert and cover the world with freedom once again.
Power to the people is not the image of a fashionable hippie lifting his left hand in a fist but of a citizen safe and secure in his life because he has the tools to confront and overcome the evil that attacks him.