Alleged Trayvon Martin Pundits will set Zimmerman free.
There is one quote that has been bothering me since I read it, but I have not been feeling well lately so it did not take till a while ago talking to the wife. Warning: This is all a huge speculation on my part mixed with very limited knowledge of legal procedures.
The quote is the original statement by Sandford Police Chief Bill Lee about the Trayvon Martin shooting:
“Until we can establish probable cause to dispute that, we don’t have the grounds to arrest him,”
And it hits me: That does not mean that he will not be arrested in the future if evidence, witnesses or even a confession can be obtained. Zimmerman is not scott free as people think.
I am gonna wing it here so, legal eagles, correct and enhance as you see fit. Cases can be re-opened, we know that. But once a “person of interest” becomes a suspect, certain basic legalities MUST be observed. And if he is arrested, a legal clock and a whole ‘nother load of legalities come into play such as the right to a speedy trial.
Going to trial with weak evidence is a crapshot of the highest magnitude. And I do mean the legal evidence, not what gets selectively published by the Media and regurgitated by Pundits. Whomever is the judge in a high profile case like this will see that every comma is followed in this regard so many of the crap floating around or suddenly “discovered” by certain media hungry lawyers probably will not be admitted. The prosecution must prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt and the defense will do its best to create such doubt which will be easy if witnesses (there are so far no eye witnesses) inject their prejudices to the case and the evidence is weak.
With a case weak in evidence, there are three probable outcomes: Guilty (doubtful), Mistrial (Probably) and Not Guilty (fair chance.) A guilty decision on a badly presented case will have a good chance to be killed on appeal necessitating a new trial. Same goes for a mistrial if the prosecution feels it can win the new trial or if it doesn’t, Zimmerman lives with the fear of another trial but not behind bars. The not-guilty immediately triggers the protection of Double Jeopardy and Zimmerman walks a free man.
By now Zimmerman is probably so lawyered up not even Eric Holder with a SWAT team of DOJ lawyers can get close to him. I am doubtful that we will hear another word from Zimmerman unless is through his lawyer and only to say he is innocent. And even if the Department of Justices decides to play Kangaroo Kourt and charge Zimmerman, they are facing the same problems the locals have plus the fact that the conduct of the DOJ under this administration has been less than stellar and borderline criminal.
So, whatever incriminating remarks that he could have made in the future are pretty much gone and buried inside him. And whatever investigation on the sly that the Sandford Police might have going has gone to the crapper because somebody decided than rather than wait, the case should be tried in the Court of TV presided by the Honorable Nancy Grace and prosecuted by the Rev. Al Sharpton.
And true injustice in this case is that we will never know the truth of what happened.