It came as a surprise to me: those of us who started on Gun Rights via the Internet back on the day of BBS and Usenet are now the Keepers of the Knowledge. How the hell did that happen? Oh yes.. we got old.
The second iteration of the Gun Rights movement was initiated back in the day when you paid for Internet access by the hour, AOL was the coolest kid in the block and this sound was the first thing you heard when you tried to connect to the new electronic frontier. Rec.Guns was the battlefield without the Hague or Geneva Convention rules (basically no rules) and where gun and anti-gun people gathered to fight. It was also the first great accumulation of information available to anybody with a computer and where myths were dispelled and truths brought out.The Silent Majority was not silent anymore and if the Left then would have figured out the amount of damage the Internet would cause to their causes, it would have aborted this baby faster than you could say RU 486.
The problem now is that a new younger generation of gun advocates is coming to the frontlines and although the information is available, it is so much and so all over the place it is hard to track. Enter us, Old Farts With Guns Who Actually Were There, Wrote That and Know What a Bolean Search Means. We were there, we know what to look for and we can share it with them.
It is our responsibility to give what we know to the next generation of fighters. I know it gets old and boring to repeat over and over what we know, but we cannot allow the other side to repeat the wins they had. We do have the advantage that the New Gen is willing, hungry and eager to learn to what we experienced and what we have to say. They understand that history is fundamental in our fight and that they do not know everything about guns, gun rights and the class of adversary we face. What do they have is better weapons: Our fight was to destroy the Old Media monopoly on information and we did so with our Emails and post in Usenet; it was the equivalent of pitting the Mauser versus the M1 Garand and the horse versus the Jeep. Social Networks, podcast (audio and video) and Smartphones with lightning speed texting are the new things, the Shock & Awe, JDAMs and M4s with advanced optics. But all those weapons require ammunition and that is the knowledge we acquired over the years. Our job then is to crank up the mental progressive loader and supply them cartridges on demand and even when they do not want it.
And no, I do not see myself a Yoda. More like Master Po if you ask me. 😉

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