I caught this tweet by Alan Gura yesterday and I am a bit surprised about the childish tone of it.

The whole bad blood started because one (1) article in NRA’s First Freedom where apparently not enough laurels were tossed to Alan Gura for the Heller decision. Apparently Gura’s ego could not take it and things escalated after that to the point it is open season (again) on the NRA and people on the side of the Second Amendment are sounding like the Brady bunch .
The NRA has played it cool and stayed away from the antics. Unfortunately this has only encouraged Gura and others to actually say stupid stuff like that tweet. Alan, you did great with SCOTUS, but you did not do all the work and neither did SAF. The NRA laid the field for you and had been working on that field for many years. It was the NRA that got people to vote for Pro-Gun members of the Senate under a Pro-Gun president who gave you Justice Roberts and Justice Alito ensuring a Supreme Court that would rule in your favor.
Because I do not care how good you are, you wouldn’t had a chance in hell with President Gore, a Democrat-majority Senate and Liberal Supreme Court Justices.
If I wanna see prima donas throwing temper tantrums there is always Bridezilla on TV. All of us are working towards the same goal, if we cannot be nice to each other, let’s be mute.
We must, indeed, all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.
Benjamin Franklin
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