Southcom Hurricane Survival Kit

I still think this is the best compilation out there.

  • Bottled water ( 1 gallon per day per person) for 14 days
  • Manual can opener*
  • Non-perishable foods:*
  • Canned meat, fish, fruit and vegetables
  • Bread in moisture proof packaging
  • Cookies, candy, dried fruit
  • Canned soups, & milk
  • Powdered or single serve drinks
  • Cereal bars
  • Package condiments
  • Peanut butter and jelly
  • Instant coffee & tea
  • Flashlight (1 per person) *
  • Portable battery powered lanterns
  • Glass enclosed candles
  • Battery powered radio or TV
  • Battery operated alarm clock
  • Extra batteries, including hearing aids
  • Ice chest and ice
  • First Aid Kit-including aspirin, antibiotic cream, and antacids
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Sun screen (45 SPF recommended)
  • Waterproof matches/butane lighter
  • Money (At least $200 in cash, small bills)
  • Plain bleach or water purification tablets
  • Disposable plates, glasses, and Utensils
  • Maps of the area with landmarks on it
  • Sterno
  • Portable camp stove or grill
  • Stove fuel or charcoal, lighter fluid
  • Disposable eating utensils, plates & cups
  • Napkins & paper towels
  • Aluminum foil
  • Oven mitts
  • Lighters, matches, BBQ Lighters (long reach so you do not get burned)
  • Prescriptions ( 1month supply)*
  • Photo copies of prescriptions*
  • Toilet paper
  • Entertainment: books, magazines, card games etc*
  • Soap and detergent
  • Toiletries*
  • Bedding: pillows, sleeping bag*
  • Clothing for a few days*
  • Rain ponchos, and work gloves
  • Extra glasses or contact lenses


  • Babies  Disposable diapers*
  • Babies Formula, food and medication*
  • Photo copies of prescriptions
  • Photo identification*
  • Proof of occupancy of residence (utility bills)
  • Medical history or information
  • Waterproof container for document storage
  • Back-up disks of your home computer files
  • Camera & film

Pet Supplies

  • Dry & canned food for two weeks
  • Water (1/2 gallon per day)
  • Litter box supplies
  • Traveling Cage

Other Necessities:

  • Tools: hammer, wrenches, screw drivers, nails, saw
  • Trash bags (lots of them)
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Plastic drop cloth
  • Mosquito netting
  • ABC rated fire extinguisher
  • Masking or duct tape
  • Outdoor extension cords
  • Spray paint to identify your home if necessary
  • One of your home phones (many people lost theirs during Andrew, even though their phone service still worked)

And, of course, weapons and ammunition!

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A Day Of Range

Yesterday I took SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed) to the range for some deserved and overdue practice. Her first shot ended up being a perfect hole in the Brain Housing and you could not ask for more. It is amazing what a little serious training will do and how many myths will be shattered. Her Highness’ gun is a Kahr CW9, a small gun and with a less than stellar trigger by all expert accounts, but experts I have come to realize that more and more “experts” talk out of their rear ends. The Kahr, being a small gun, will have more of a perceived recoil than a big Beretta M9 or a 1911, but SWMBO was properly trained on how to hold a gun and you may notice that there is a piece of brass flying from her last trigger pull and the gun is already back down and sights properly aligned and about to shoot once again. She has shot what should be a total nasty experience which is a snubbie 357 Mag with full loads with the same results and again that is the result of proper training.

Of course, you cannot properly trained if you yourself have absorbed your knowledge via internet forums, TV shows and the latest video game. I saw several women accompanying their better but brainless halves at the range and I had to cringe at what I saw. Guys, please, a gun range is not the place to demonstrate your inner macho. Do Not Drag your significant other to a place she does not want to be. If  she is with her arms crossed, shoulders hunched and a royally pissed off face on display, she was expecting the a soothing quite location like the Cheesecake Factory and not a noisy dirty place. Another big hint: Wardrobe. If she is dressed in flimsy top, dashing makeup, $200 hairdo and cute sandals, the range is probably not the place for her at that time.

On the wardrobe issue, I saw one young lady wearing flip flops, sweat pants and a very tight t-shirt cut at the neck in a way that would exhibit her well developed chest. I might be getting old or it might have been that SWMBO was armed and next to me, but the thought that crossed my mind was “What a perfect Hot Brass Landing Area she has!” Please, make sure that you are safely dressed with clothing and shoes that will avoid that nasty hot brass/skin interaction that sends people dancing silly with a loaded gun.

To the Testosterone-Ravaged Lane Neighbor we had at the range: Rapid Fire that hits outside the target is just unmitigated noise making and annoys the hell out of me. My annoyance went double when you realized that the petite woman with the tiny gun in the lane over was 100 times more accurate than you and you gave her a dirty look. Yes, the fat bastard watching you was the husband; the same one who was also more accurate than you shooting weak hand drills. PS: Ammunition makers love you though.

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Sweet Sweet Irony

A teen was expelled out of an Atlanta school for wearing a t-shirt depicting a gun. That the gun had a knot in the barrel and it had the word CEASEFIRE on top did not enter in consideration. Extra irony points for this phrase also printed in the t-shirt.

“we want freedom, we want it now.”

Dear Kid: You are not supposed to think on your own.

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Don’t be afraid of registering guns… yeah right.

From the Land Down Under Herald Sun:

POLICE have vowed to “dry up the supply” of guns and ammunition in the northwestern suburbs after the past week’s triple shooting that left two men dead and another in hospital.

Raids yesterday morning by detectives working in Taskforce Acer 17 netted firearms police feared could be passed to criminals.

The weapons were held legally by registered gun owners, but police intelligence revealed 20 had “connections to family or associates who were persons of interest to the Acer Taskforce team”.

Officers simultaneously hit 21 properties at 8am to ensure the licence holders were complying with all conditions.

A total of 21 guns – including 15 shotguns and ammunition for an AK47 rife – were seized.

So, if you happen to know a criminal in your neighborhood, the police can come and take away your guns? Ain’t Social Engineering wonderful?

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CSGV Wholesale News

I have remiss on my coverage of CSGV’s Facebook page, my apologies and here we go.

Radical as in successfully gone twice to the Supreme Court, argue Second Amendment cases and beat both the Federal Government and the Chicago Political Machine? It might be a radical concept for you guys that the Second Amendment of the Constitution should be as respected as the others, but that is far from being treasonous. For that, you may want to check your nearest mirror.


And what would be the CSGV-approved distance to defend onself? Just for the hell of it and as a way of example, you may want to learn about Tuller’s research about knife attacks. And not for nothing, Self Defense is not a sporting discipline where both parties agree to a set of rules and a referee is present to make sure everybody plays nice. When my life is on the line, I plan to cheat and win.


And if there was any doubt that CSGV is nothing more than a Left Wing front, this quote should dispel such thoughts. I found this quote from Miss Burbick:

Instead of addressing the root causes of the inequalities in our society, such as the limits of access to education, jobs, housing, the legal system etc., we invent or come up with crime scenarios. The gun becomes the substitute way to solve conflict in the United States, and the biggest conflict of all is crime.

Well, if I happen to bump into an armed criminal intent on redistribute my wealth and life, I find that defending myself with a gun is a very efficient way to de-conflict. It also teches the misguided soul about the problems of poor victim selection and its consequences. If he is lucky, he may get to re-evaluate his career path and maybe become a useful member of society. And I also get to keep my life which allows me to work and pay the taxes to fund the bullshit Social Engineering programs that Miss Burbick and her kind are so fond of supporting.


If anything, this is a great example of the distorted thinking that populates CSGV. Use a gun and that makes you a criminal; life is not sacred for this bunch, at least not our lives. “If you carry a gun, people will call you paranoid. That’s ridiculous. If I have a gun, what in the hell do I have to be paranoid about?” Clint Smith.

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