One who did not hide under a desk: Mordecai Anielewicz

Today we commemorate the 63rd anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. They knew they had no chance, they knew they would be killed but they died standing up, with pride and facing the insurmountable odds.

Twenty three year old Mordecai Anielewicz said enough to the wholesale killing, got a weapon and with others faced the Nazi Extermination Machine. Yes they died, but long after the sheep were already sacrificed at the camps.
Then again I guess there were few desks left in Warsaw to hide under.

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Deception is their only way.

I turn on the news just now and I see that Illegal Mayors Against Guns is touring Miami. I am ticked because I wanted to drop by and have my pic taken next to the truck sporting my NRA cap and an appropriate Second Amendment T-Shirt and I lost that shot. I check their website and I find that they say they are in Orlando.

Let’s not jump to conclusions, maybe the webmaster forgot to update. But let’s check the Twitter feed, shall we?

If you click on the pic, you will see that a somewhat mention of Miami was made almost 11 minutes before 5:00 PM EST. The site on the right is the US Official Time website

So, when did this shindig happen? According to Channel 7 New’s website, sometimes before their Noon broadcast.

Maybe I did not where to look in their website, but I couldn’t find a schedule of cities they are planning on visiting. Apparently they do not like to be unchallenged, I wonder why?

And they wonder why we keep winning.

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