A Gun Free Zone College is a Safe Place…….Right You Are!

One person was killed and four others injured in a shooting at the Southern Union State Community College in eastern Alabama Wednesday afternoon, the Opelika Police said.

I guess the shooter was not aware that guns were prohibited on campus. But do not worry, apparently he was not a student and we all know students are worse. Legally armed students are bad; nutjobs coming into campus and shooting old ladies are not so bad.
UPDATE: Apparently it is also a domestic situation gone bad. Thomas Franklin May III had a restraining order issued against him for domestic violence and it seems that the magical powers of legal papers did not do a damn thing to stop him from shooting the victims.
So, two for the price of one: Gun Free Zones and Restraining Orders: Deadly Sense of Security.
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Naturally Concealed.

As somebody whose wife is in the eternal search for gun concealment, Naturally Concealed got my attention. I cannot speak to the effectiveness or comfort of the system, but I do have to give kudos to the creator for ingenuity and to show us males that women can figure out how to do things for themselves.

DirtCrashr (who gets the hat tip for this) smartly says “hit upon a way to carry that takes advantage of the biological diversity afforded by being female.” To which I must add that it will depend on the size of the diversity what a woman will be able to carry. My wife is pretty much stuck with sub-compacts and derringers.

Anybody wants to get in touch with me, I’ll be sleeping in the back porch for the foreseeable future once my beloved reads this post 🙂

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“And now the captcha…..Huh?”

I make a comment over Eyes Never Closed and then go to type the Captcha to assure the gods of blogging I am a human and not a bot trying to sell a six pack of Romanian Cialis with a side of Thai hookers. And I get this:

I am all for fighting spammers, but this might be a tad too much. I did get a chuckle out of it. 🙂

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One Lucky Armed Robber.

This has to be a lucky armed robber. He he hit somebody raised in the People’s Republic of California is undoubtedly short in the proper firearm education. The video shows 2 glaring examples of that.

SAN DIEGO — An armed robber forced a donut shop clerk to drink liquid dish soap in an unsuccessful effort to get the combination to the store’s safe, police said.

And the robber does the threatening with the weapon’s slide locked open. I imagine that the average reader of this block would go on to “convince” the robber into inserting the gun (properly wrapped in the hoodie) in a selected orifice south and rear of the waist and then call 911 for trash pick up.

Full video here.

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When armed people gather in gun ranges, we go nuts and kill each other!

Via Of Arms and the Law we get the oral arguments in Ezell v. Chicago regarding the banning of Gun Ranges in the city of Chicago but imposing a training requirement as part of getting a gun license. I do no know the name of the lawyer for the city, but he got creamed by the judges.

If anything serves to give you an idea of what Chicago Anti Gunners (or most anti-gunner for that matter) think about gun owners, the following transcript (made by me so my apologies for inadequacies) shows it all.

-Chicago Lawyer: “If people gather with guns as they are likely to do around firing ranges……”
-Judge: “Have you been at a firing range? An indoor firing range?”
-Chicago Lawyer: “I haven’t personally, no.”
-Judge: “And my guess is by the reading of these briefs, a lot of people who prepared this have never been to a firing range.”

-Chicago Lawyer: “Sargent Bartolly (sp?) who was the former range master of the Chicago Police Department, testified and what he said was that people inevitably congregate with guns and one of the risks is that when people congregate with guns, things that just might be casual disagreements or fights can end up causing injury…”
-Judge (interrupting):”(inaudible) in police ranges casual disagreements or fights?”
-Chicago Lawyer: “No. The Police Ranges are very strictly governed by the City of Chicago…”
-Judge: “Exactly!.”
-Chicago Lawyer: “…itself. They have completely (inaudible) and they are not open to the public and they are not open to anybody that just comes in but only to police officers. And in addition to having a firing range open to the public where people are known to gather with guns, could be attractive to criminals…”

Specially the last part is mongo stupid. That would be like saying that cows and pigs are attracted to slaughterhouses.  I get the feeling that the male Judge knows a bit about guns and almost fell insulted by the barrage of BS coming out of the City of Chicago Lawyer which, in my very limited legal experience, is a bad thing to do for your case.

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Concealed Carry Killed Martin Luther King jr.

That is according to Mayor Richard Daley:

Chicago Mayor Richard Daley is criticizing state legislation that would allow gun owners to conceal and carry their weapons. Lawmakers in Springfield are considering a bill that would permit gun owners over the age of 21 to apply for a concealed carry permit.

Speaking out against the legislation, Daley invoked the assassination of Martin Luther King, Junior.

“We have learned nothing from that assassination. We have learned nothing that guns are killing another generation of young people

And all these years we were led to believe that James Earl Ray murdered Rev. King with a Remington Gamemaster Model 760 rifle from a motel across the street.

Live and Learn!

OK seriously, is Daley just delusional? Or since he is on his way out, he really does not care about what he says, specially since Gun Control Laws in Illinois, something he fought hard for, are going down the drain?

Truth be told, I love when anti-gunners get this stupid. We are living in an era where fact-checking is a search engine away from the comfort of your smart-phone and the debunked lie gets published to millions of people in a matter of seconds.  The more they screw up and lie, the more we win.

UPDATE: Perhaps Daley’s outburst was because the City of Chicago was taken behind the woodshed during oral arguments on Ezell v. Chicago.

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